
The 8th National Mass Ice and Snow Season was held in Hubei at the same time

The 8th National Mass Ice and Snow Season was held in Hubei at the same time

The scene of the press conference Is provided by the Hubei Provincial Sports Bureau

Wuhan, December 14 (Xinhua) -- The 8th National Popular Ice and Snow Season will open on December 19 in Wuhan, Enshi Prefecture and Shennongjia Forest District in Hubei Province. The reporter learned from the press conference held by the Information Office of the Hubei Provincial Government on the 14th that this ice and snow season will fully display the development results of ice and snow sports since the success of China's bid for the Winter Olympics.

With the theme of "Realizing the Winter Olympics and Sharing the Future", the 8th National Mass Ice and Snow Season highlighted "ice" and "snow" to showcase the unique ice and snow resources and regional charm of Hubei Province. Among them, the Wuhan venue is located in the Wuhan Sports Center of Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, the Enshi Prefecture venue is located in the Enshi Prefecture Luliang slope international ski resort, and the Shennongjia venue is located in the Shennongjia Forest District International Ski Resort.

Zheng Lihui, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Sports Bureau, introduced that during the event, the three places will carry out the exhibition of ice and snow sports achievements, as well as competitive sports events such as the National Youth Ice Hockey Invitational Tournament and the National Curling Invitational Tournament, and combine the rich tourism resources of Wuhan, Enshi and Shennongjia to organize ice and snow tourism festivals, ice and snow photography competitions, ice and snow culture live broadcasts, snow carnivals, New Year ice and snow garden fairs and other ice and snow theme series of cultural and sports tourism activities.

It is reported that the launching ceremony of this ice and snow season will be held on the evening of December 19 at the Wuhan Sports Center Gymnasium. In addition to interacting with other sub-venues, the ice and snow cultural and sports exhibition will be carried out with "chasing dreams forward, building dreams of ice and snow, and realizing dreams of the Winter Olympics" as the main line. The Exhibition of China Ice and Snow Sports Achievements is located in the Wind and Rain Basketball Court of Wuhan Sports Center, with an exhibition area of 1800 square meters, covering the history of China's ice and snow development, ice and snow sports in Hubei, etc. The scene will also set up ice and snow experience areas, ice and snow caravans, game interaction and other links.

In addition, the Enshi venue has snowboard parallel slalom, alpine ski slalom competition, as well as snow dragon boat, snow relay, snow tug-of-war, snow circle relay, snow biathlon and other fun competitions; Shennongjia venue has "Savage Pentathlon" ski open competition, high-level ski skill display, secret Shennongjia immersive repertoire performance, Shennongjia ice and snow concert and other activities, through sports + art to show the shennongjia ice and snow industry achievements in an all-round way.

"As an emerging area for ice and snow sports, hubei ice and snow sports have shown a vigorous development trend." He Hongyu, second-level inspector of the Department of Mass Sports of the State General Administration of Sports, said that in recent years, Hubei has actively promoted the popularization and development of ice and snow sports, and the construction of ice and snow venues and facilities in the province has been accelerating, which is of exemplary significance for promoting the "south exhibition and westward expansion and eastward expansion" of ice and snow sports. (End)

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