
This small country has the best relations with Japan, the national flag is imitated by Japan, and it has not yet established diplomatic relations with China

After seventy years of vigorous development, our country has now become the world's premier power. Unlike the diplomatic dilemmas of the founding period, many countries are now proud to establish diplomatic relations with China. However, in this world, there are still some countries that have not established diplomatic relations with our country!

Of course, these countries are only a few weak countries with little international influence, and even their own countries can only be pointed out by others, and among them there is a strange country called "Palau", which even uses a flag similar to That of Japan and the use of Japanese.

This small country has the best relations with Japan, the national flag is imitated by Japan, and it has not yet established diplomatic relations with China

Palau is the full name of palau, so why is the country so seriously daily chemical? It turned out that this was because Palau had been colonized by Spain in the past, and as a colony, the Palauans had long lived a life of being driven into slavery. Then, as the Age of Discovery came to an end, the declining Spanish sold Palau to Germany, and Japan later took the opportunity to snatch Palau from Germany, and after the Paris Peace Conference, the hard-line Japanese officially made Palau their colony, and has been officially colonized by it ever since.

This small country has the best relations with Japan, the national flag is imitated by Japan, and it has not yet established diplomatic relations with China

During World War II, the war between the United States and Japan broke out in Palau, the fiercest war between the two countries. The war lasted two months, and palau Beriliu Island was in a bloody mess. The war ended in a U.S. victory, and Palau became a U.S. war protector.

Later, with the end of World War II, waves of national independence were set off around the world, and an independence movement arose in Palau. Independence from the mighty United States was not so easy, and although in 1947 the United States handed Palau under the authority of the United Nations at the behest of the United Nations, which later returned Palau to the United States. Then in 1969, palauans began formal negotiations with the United Nations, which lasted for 25 years, until 1994, when Palau officially ended its colonial rule and became an independent country.

This small country has the best relations with Japan, the national flag is imitated by Japan, and it has not yet established diplomatic relations with China

And because Palau has been colonized for hundreds of years, the local culture has been almost completely consumed. Japan has colonized Palau's education here, so much so that Japanese culture has pervaded the entire Palau. The irony of the birth is that even so, the later Palau even thanked Dade for Japan's former colonial rule, believing that Japan had brought them the spark of civilization. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, It used Japanese as the official language, imitating Japan everywhere, and the national flag was also similar to Japan, becoming a laughingstock in the world.

This small country has the best relations with Japan, the national flag is imitated by Japan, and it has not yet established diplomatic relations with China

By now, the status of the Japanese language in Palau has not been as important as it began, and now Palauan people use English and Palau more, but the japanese living customs left in Palau have been deeply imprinted in the minds of Palauans. Even today, their architectural style is still very similar to Japan, and they still have the mentality of recognizing thieves as fathers for Japan.

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