
Is cellphone phobia common?

Recently, some media have launched a discussion on the topic of "no mobile phone phobia" on social platforms, which has aroused widespread concern. On the practical level, on the one hand, people are anxious that in the era of the Internet of Everything, a little away from the Internet may be abandoned by new things, which is not only manifested in the daily communication between people, but also in the work closely related to the survival of individuals. On the other hand, the flooding and overload of information in mobile phones is also constantly breaking through people's physical and psychological boundaries. In order to cope with overloaded information, users need to pay more time and cost to pay attention, so the subconscious pressure will increase.

In addition, the personalized recommendation mechanism based on user experience and preferences makes the content recommended by platform enterprises more attractive to users' attention in a short period of time. Therefore, people are willing to immerse themselves in mobile phones because, relative to reality, the content in mobile phones can at least bring pleasure at the sensory level, which is better than directly facing work, which also creates a kind of "inseparable from mobile phones" appearance. Such phenomena are ultimately "sequelae" brought about by the process of technological progress, and the factors behind them have become problems that cannot be ignored in modern society. However, in response to such problems, it may be difficult to get rid of them in a short period of time, and what people can do is more than to appeal and guide. What kind of "disease" is no mobile phone phobia?

Is cellphone phobia common?

Source: Guangming Daily

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