
Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

author:Food dancing


川菜,集麻、辣、鲜、香为一体,烹饪手法更是纳天地之精华、集百家之所‬长为一身,口味‬多元化‬,‬号称‬百菜百味‬,是‬美食届中最令吃货们欲罢不能的存在,就像‬川妹子‬一样,麻辣火热‬,勤劳‬勇敢,又可爱‬‬善良。 Sichuan cuisine also belongs to the popular cuisine, which is delicious and easy to make. 这不是快过元旦了吗,就‬离过年‬也就‬越近‬了‬,今天教大家12道经典川菜的做法,不管是春节还是平时,学会在家就能当大厨,待客家宴都不用我们发愁了,建议大家收藏好哦......

The first one, the spit chicken

Ingredients: Chicken thighs, green onions, ginger, ground peanuts, sautéed white sesame seeds, star anise, peppercorns, 1 slice of fragrant leaves, paprika, salt, cooking wine, sesame oil, chili oil, balsamic vinegar, chicken essence, sugar.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

Production process:

1. Prepare all the ingredients, wash them, apply salt and cooking wine to the chicken thighs and marinate for 20 minutes, then pour water into the pot, add peppercorns, green onions, ginger, boil over high heat, then add chicken thighs and salt, star anise, fragrant leaves, cook for 30 minutes on medium heat, fish out the cooked chicken legs, soak in ice water, so that the chicken taste is crisp and tender;

2. Put the appropriate amount of salt, balsamic vinegar, chili oil, soy sauce, chicken essence, sugar, sesame oil, mix into the sauce, pour oil in the pot, add peppercorns, star anise, fragrant leaves, slowly fry the incense, fish out the head, pour into the paprika, cut the chicken legs into pieces, neatly placed on the plate, pour in the sauce and fried chili powder, and then sprinkle in the peanut crumbles, white sesame seeds, green onions for decoration.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

The second course, spicy crab

Ingredients: crab, corn starch, dried red pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, onion, celery, white wine, Pixian bean paste, salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce.

1. First soak the crab with white wine, wash it clean, remove the crab shell, cut it in half, mix well with salt and corn starch, pour oil into the pot to burn to 70% heat, put in the crab, fry the golden brown fish out the oil control, about 2-3 minutes;

2. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put the onion, ginger, garlic, onion, dried pepper, peppercorns, Pixian watercress, simmer over medium heat, put in the fried crab and stir-fry evenly, pour in the appropriate amount of white wine and hot water from the side of the pot, add soy sauce, sugar, salt, soy sauce, simmer for a while;

3. When out of the pot, sprinkle celery segments, monosodium glutamate, green onion strips and stir-fry evenly, you can get out of the pot.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

The third course, boiling water cabbage


Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

1. Boil the broth with water, clean the old hen, scallops, ham and ribs, blanch the water first, then put it into the pot, add hot water, green onion and ginger, cooking wine, boil on high heat, and then simmer slowly for about 2-3 hours over low heat;

2. Chop the chicken breast and lean pork, mix it into a paste with water and set aside; put the boiled soup, filter out the ingredients inside, and then put it into the pot to boil, then put in the minced pork first, change the heat, wait for the minced pork to slowly float out of the soup noodles, and then treat the minced chicken in the same way until the soup is clear and add salt to taste;

3. Divide the hanging clear soup into two parts, one part is used to blanch the cabbage heart, and when the cabbage heart is blanched, put it into the porcelain and put in the other part of the hanging clear soup.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

Fourth course, boiled slices of meat


Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

1. Prepare all the ingredients, wash them, cut the tenderloin into thin slices into the basin, add the appropriate amount of pepper, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, stir well, and then add egg whites and corn starch to stir well, marinate for 10 minutes and set aside;


3. Then adjust to a medium-low heat, filter out the ingredients inside, put the meat into the pot piece by piece, after setting, then stir with a spoon, wait for the meat slices to mature and pour into the bean sprout pot, and then sprinkle with peppercorns, vine peppercorns, dried peppers, minced garlic, and cook in hot oil.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

The fifth way, Mao Blood Wang


1. Handle all the ingredients, wash them, change the knife; put the hairy belly in the basin, rub it with vinegar and starch, and leave it for 10 minutes to remove the fish. Then wash it, put the pig's blood into the basin, add the right amount of salt, soak for 10 minutes, also to remove the fish. Slice the meat, add salt, cooking wine, starch, oil, sizing, marinate preparation;

2. Hot pan cold oil, put in the green onion, ginger, hot pot base stir-fry incense, out of the red oil, pour boiling water, season according to their own taste, first put in the vegetarian dish, blanched, fished out into the basin, then put in the marinated pork, pig blood, ham, and then put in the hair belly, the ingredients are blanched, poured into the side dish basin together;

3. Put the peppercorns, dried pepper segments, and chives together on top of Mao Blood Wang, and then drizzle with piping hot oil, and this delicious Mao Blood Wang will be ready.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

Sixth course, sauerkraut fish

Ingredients: grass carp, sauerkraut, green onion, ginger, garlic, dried red pepper, peppercorns, wild pepper, salt, egg white, starch, pepper, cooking wine.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

1. After the fish is processed, the oblique blade becomes a thin and uniform fillet, wash it again with salt water, remove the fishy, dry the water, put in salt, egg white, starch, marinate for about 20 minutes, and wash the fish head, tail and fish bones with salt for later;

2. Pour oil in the pot, heat it, put in chili pepper, green onion, ginger, peppercorns, wild peppers and slowly sauté to make fragrant, add sauerkraut, fry until the water of sauerkraut is reduced, then add fish head, fish tail, fish bone, stir-fry for a while, then pour boiling water, add the appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper to taste;

3. After the pot boils, the fish head, fish tail, fish bone are cooked, fished out together with sauerkraut, put into the pot, turn off the low heat, put the fish slices into the pot, after the shape is cooked, even the soup is poured into the fish head pot, sprinkled with dried pepper segments, peppercorns, vine peppers, and then poured into hot oil.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

Seventh course, fish-scented eggplant

Ingredients: Eggplant, green pepper, garlic, green onion, ginger, Pixian hot sauce, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, starch, salt, chicken essence.

1. Peel and cut the eggplant into strips, add salt, kill the water, then set aside the oil, use a small bowl, add sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, chicken essence, starch to mix into a sauce;

2. Start the pot to burn the oil, add the shallots, garlic, ginger, Pixian bean paste, fry the red oil, pour the eggplant, stir-fry, and then pour in the prepared sauce, sprinkle the minced garlic when out of the pot, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

The eighth way, steamed river tuan

Ingredients: river dumplings, lard, salt, rice wine, ginger, green onion, clear soup, monosodium glutamate, pepper.

1. Treat the river balls cleanly, smear the surface with salt, marinate for a few minutes, clean and remove fishy, and then use salt, rice wine, pepper, onion, ginger, and marinate;

2. Put the marinated river balls, dry the surface water, put them on a plate, pour lard, add green onion, ginger, clear soup, and rice wine, and steam for 20 minutes;

3. Slide the steamed dumplings into another dish, heat them with the original soup, add salt, monosodium glutamate and pepper, and pour them on the dumplings.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

The ninth way, the meat of the eastern slope of Meishan Mountain


1. Wash the pork first, put the pot in cold water, blanch the water, and then cut into pieces.

2. Put a layer of green onion and ginger at the bottom of the casserole, put the cut pork belly skin down, put it neatly into the casserole, pour in rice wine, rock sugar, soy sauce, bring to a boil on high heat, and simmer slowly for about 2 hours.

3. Then take the meat out of the casserole dish, place it neatly on the plate, pour in the broth of the stew, and continue steaming on the steamer for about 30 minutes.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

Tenth course, sweet and sour ribs

Ingredients: pork ribs, ginger, rice wine, star anise, fragrant leaves, salt, rock sugar, salt, vinegar.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

1. Wash the ribs, blanch in cold water for 20 minutes, remove and set aside;

2. Put oil in the pot, add rock sugar, stir-fry over low heat until it becomes a jujube red, pour in the ribs, stir-fry non-stop, let the ribs evenly color, then pour hot water over the ribs, put in the star anise, fragrant leaves, go fishy to increase the fragrance, after the high heat boils, turn the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes;

3. Then collect the juice on high heat, add the appropriate amount of salt and vinegar to get out of the pot.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

The eleventh course, burn white sweet

Ingredients: pork belly, glutinous rice, lard, soy sauce, bean paste, sugar, brown sugar, white wine.

1. Soak the glutinous rice one night in advance, boil the pork belly in boiling water, coat the surface of the meat skin with soy sauce, put it into a 30% hot oil pot, slowly fry until the surface is golden brown, fish out and soak in cold water for 2 hours;

2. Cook the glutinous rice, stir with sugar, brown sugar, lard and set aside, cut the tiger skin meat into thin slices, two groups, add bean paste in the middle, neatly stack it at the bottom of the bowl, put glutinous rice on top, compact;

3. Then put it in the steamer, add enough water, steam on high heat for 20 minutes, turn the heat to low and continue to steam slowly for 2 hours, when eating, upside down on the plate and sprinkle with sugar.

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

Twelfth course, hibiscus chicken slices

Chicken breast, peas, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, ginger, green onion, clear broth, egg white, water starch.

1. Cut the chicken breast into thin slices, soak in water for 10 minutes, wipe the water dry, and continue to marinate with salt, onion and ginger water and cooking wine for 20 minutes;

2. Whisk the egg whites, add starch into an egg foam paste, burn the oil in the pot, when it is 40% hot, wrap the marinated chicken with egg foam paste, put a slice into the pot with lubricating oil, and then fish out the oil control;

3.再用‬高汤、盐、胡椒粉、料酒、鸡精、少许淀粉调成料汁‬备用‬。 锅中‬倒入适量的油,烧热‬放入‬葱蒜米‬、豌豆‬、煸香‬,倒入‬调好‬的料‬汁‬,烧开‬后‬,再倒入‬鸡肉‬,不能‬搅动‬,保证‬鸡片‬形状‬完好‬,稍微‬晃动‬炒锅‬,即可‬慢慢‬倒入‬盘中‬。

Learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, and you don't have to worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect

The above is what Light Dance shared with you today [learn these 12 Sichuan dishes, you can be a chef at home in the New Year, don't worry about hakka banquets, it is recommended to collect]. If you like it, please like it, collect it, and pay attention to me.

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