
Yulin Jingbian gave a briefing on 5 typical cases of rectifying the work style of cadres

author:China Network Shaanxi

1. Wu Weicheng, former secretary of the party branch of Theodonghe Village in Hongdunjie Town, Jingbian County, incorrectly performed his duties. In December 2018, Wu Weicheng illegally applied for a temporary relief fund of 1,500 yuan for Shao Mouliang, a villager who did not meet the conditions, and 3,900 yuan for a low insurance payment for a prisoner Dang Mouping, which caused adverse effects. In February 2021, Wu Weicheng was punished with an internal party warning.

2. Li Yingqiang, head of the Shitailiang Village Group in Songjiawa Village, Yangmijian Town, Jingbian County, and Li Shiping, the accountant of the village group, illegally operated the distribution of land requisition funds. From 2011 to 2013, Li Yingqiang and Li Shiping operated in violation of the law, resulting in the reporting of each household's occupation of land and land compensation, and the details of each household's poverty alleviation fee, which was inconsistent with the actual land compensation paid to the household in proportion to the household and the details of the poverty alleviation fee from person to household, violating relevant regulations, and the two people had a weak sense of discipline and incorrectly performed their duties, causing adverse effects. In August 2021, Li Yingqiang was punished by the administrative secretary for major transgressions, and Li Shiping was punished with a warning from within the party.

3. Zhang Zitao, a government worker in Hongdunjie Town, Jingbian County, used the fine for sealing off mountains and banning grazing for personal expenses. In September 2019, Zhang Zitao collected a fine of 1500 yuan from Shi Moumou when he carried out the work of sealing the mountain and banning grazing in the United Village of Hongdunjie Town, but did not issue a fine bill, and used the fine of 1500 yuan for personal daily expenses, and his sense of discipline was weak and violated work discipline. In April 2021, Zhang Zitao received a severe warning from the party and confiscated the funds involved in the case.

4. Liu Jingjiang, former deputy mayor of Dongkeng Town, Jingbian County, did not know the responsibility for forging meeting minutes. In July 2020, Liu Jingjiang took advantage of his position to falsify the minutes of the meeting of the agricultural demonstration park funds lent to a private company in the 2012 Dongkeng Town Party Committee meeting, and the comrade had a weak sense of discipline and violated political discipline. In October 2021, Liu Jingjiang received a severe warning from the party.

5. Feng Guangliang, former member of the party group and deputy director of the Jingbian County Bureau of Industry and Commerce, drunk driving. In June 2020, Feng Guangliang was seized by the traffic police brigade of the Jingbian County Public Security Bureau while drinking and driving. In July 2020, the Jingbian County Procuratorate made a decision not to prosecute Feng Guangliang. In October 2021, Feng Guangliang was dismissed from his party post and dismissed from government affairs.

Source: Jingbian County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission

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