
This is the love that Libra wants

This is the love that Libra wants

Love cannot be demanded, and I have always understood this truth.

You like me, and I happen to like you, and nothing could be more thrilling than this coincidence.

I know that many people will feel that I always do only superficial work, can not see my seriousness, nor can I see my affection.

Only I know that trying to maintain balance in the relationship costs almost all my energy, where is the boundary between love and non-love?

I always try to sober myself up, do not dare to rush into action, afraid that if I lose my balance, I will fall in the relationship and break the blood.

So my inability to be brave, my indecision, forced me to hide my inner panic with a superficial cloud breeze — I need time.

Liking may be the surprise of seeing each other for the first time every day, while love is a long day of rough tea and light rice.

The love I want is a sense of ease and pleasure, a tacit understanding without words, and a companionship of thin water and long streams.

In fact, if you think about it, I have never had too many requirements for love, whether this person should be rich or not, whether this person should be good-looking, whether this person is not enough to love me, and this person is humorous enough.

Turning around, the last choice may be the one who has the most patience and the most mental fit for me.

He can take care of my timidity when my heart is weak, and maintain my face to reassure me.

He will accept my Buddhahood and laziness, willing to let go and let me be my truest self.

He may not like the pretty but useless gadgets, but he will remember to buy them for me when he sees them.

He would tell me it was a long way to go, but whenever I turned around he would accompany me behind me.

What is the essence of love? For me, it may be at wonderful times, meeting people who are not similar.

But it doesn't matter, we're on the same path.

The feeling I want is respect, balance, reciprocity between giving and demanding.

I actually don't like the game of you coming and going in love, and the feeling of being able to land is not good.

So I always watch the other person's response to me.

I'm not indifferent, but sometimes your retreat makes me have to restrain my mind.

So all I want is your constant patience with my output.

You will respect that sometimes I don't have clear goals and plans, and accompany me to slowly sort out my emotions.

You will learn about my lifestyle habits and personality and slowly draw closer to me.

You'll let me know that you support and understand my decision and aren't afraid to be brave enough to be yourself.

I have a lot of gentleness and patience, but only by making sure that you are serious and that you are the right person can I bravely step out of the siege.

True love is a luxury, so being loved can easily become a luxury.

I was still slowly waiting for the man who was willing to wait for me, the mountains and rivers, looking for me.

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