
The eight flags were originally equal, but why were they later divided into three banners and five flags? Mainly for this reason

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We know that the Qing Dynasty was able to unify the heavens, in addition to the Jianzhou Jurchens, who later fought bravely on the battlefield, it also had a lot to do with his "Eight Flags System", which refers to the eight flags of yellow, yellow, blue, blue, red, red, white, and white.

The eight flags were originally equal, but why were they later divided into three banners and five flags? Mainly for this reason

Of course, Manchuria has the Eight Flags system, similarly, the Qing Dynasty became the Great Khan of Mongolia, and after ruling the Central Plains, there were also Mongolian Eight Banners and Han Eight Banners, but these two eight banners are outside the power, the core is still the Manchurian Eight Banners. At the beginning, Nurhaci established the eight flags system, and each flag owner of the eight flags was equal.

Today we go to see the Imperial Palace of Shenyang established by the Later Jin Dynasty, which has a scenic spot, called the "Ten King Pavilion", which is the place where the Eight Flags are the main government, and the pavilions of the Eight Flags are fan-shaped according to the Han Yin and Yang Five Elements Theory, with two yellows in the north, two blues in the south, two reds in the west, and two whites in the east. That is, they are equal.

The eight flags were originally equal, but why were they later divided into three banners and five flags? Mainly for this reason

So why did the Eight Banners begin to differ in rank during the Shunzhi period? That is to say, the upper three flags and the lower five flags are divided. In this issue, Taitaijun may wish to briefly discuss with you. This began after Nurhaci established the Eight Flags system, when the power structure was not the sole power structure of the Nurhaci family.

It is a situation of co-governance in the form of a family clan, that is to say, the Eight Banner Lords and Nurhaci jointly discussed and decided the national policy, and when Nurhachi died, the heir was not designated, and it was the Emperor Taiji elected by these people to be the Great Khan, but when the Emperor Taiji came, he began to think of centralized power.

The eight flags were originally equal, but why were they later divided into three banners and five flags? Mainly for this reason

Therefore, there were originally three other people who were originally listed with Huang Taiji, one of whom was Amin, who was permanently imprisoned by Huang Taiji for abandoning the city and fleeing. A Mang Gultai died again in 1632, and the remaining one was difficult to support, and at this time, the Emperor Taiji had begun to receive the three banners of Zhenghuang, Huang and Zhenglan from the Great Khan who only led one banner, and the power was dominant.

By the seventh year of Shunzhi (1650), the regent Dorgon died, Shunzhi pro-government, at this time Shunzhi once again in order to strengthen the imperial power, personally commanded the most powerful Dorgon Zhengbai banner, coupled with the emperor Taiji's earliest foundation, that is, the original emperor's yellow flag and zhenghuang flag, since then the emperor's yellow, yellow, and white officially became the first three periods.

The eight flags were originally equal, but why were they later divided into three banners and five flags? Mainly for this reason

The emperor's hukou is in the yellow flag, called "

The first staff leader of the yellow flag is the first leader of the imperial name

Therefore, the yellow flag is also the highest-ranking flag, and the five flags controlled by the royal family are red, white, red, blue, and blue, which are called the lower five flags. The birth of this order also gives the flag people another reward.

It is to make military merits or royal gifts and other reasons, so that they from the lower five banners to re-subordinate to the upper three banners, it is called "raising the flag", of course, the conversion of the same level of hukou is called "changing the flag", this way of strengthening the imperial power to make the system change is indeed touching.

The eight flags were originally equal, but why were they later divided into three banners and five flags? Mainly for this reason

Tai Taijun said:

From today's point of view, the Eight Flags system seems to be a master-slave system that is outside the system of the feudal dynasty, but it is the emergence of this system that has helped the Qing Dynasty to quickly unify Mongolia, Tibet, the Central Plains and other places, and the eunuch chaos and party disputes that appeared in the Ming Dynasty have almost disappeared in the Qing Dynasty. Because whether it is the emperor or the prince, they all have their own flags and their own slaves, so why trust a eunuch? Do you think so?

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