
Old watches, is old watches! There is no need to write a table!

Old watches, is old watches! There is no need to write an old watch!!

Old watches, is old watches! There is no need to write a table!
Old watches, is old watches! There is no need to write a table!
Old watches, is old watches! There is no need to write a table!

Jiangxi old watch, that is, Jiangxi people.

The old watch, also written as "Laobiao", is the Jiangxi people's name for the hometown of the same province, with a certain degree of intimacy. I once saw that there are network texts saying that the old watch is the old watch, and it cannot be written as "Lao table".

Jiangxi old watch has also become a more affectionate name for Jiangxi people from other provinces.

In addition, some immigrants from Jiangxi to other provinces since the Ming and Qing dynasties to modern times have also maintained the title of "old watch", such as Hunan, northern Fujian, southwest Anhui and other places, and there are two theories about the origin of "Jiangxi old watch". One theory is that Hunan people believe that their ancestors are cousins with Jiangxi people, so they call Jiangxi people "Jiangxi old watches". There is also a saying that the ancestors of Gandi were very similar to feng shui, and it was also convenient to grasp the direction on the way of migration, and always loved to carry a watch (the compass in ancient times), so the people of other provinces called jiangxi people "old watches".

Marshal Chen Yi, who is well-known at home and abroad, when he first insisted on guerrilla warfare in the Gansu-Guangdong Border Region, he also relied on the old cousin of Gannan in life and death, and forged an unforgettable deep friendship. After the national victory, Chen Yi became a marshal and vice premier, and Zhu Zanzhen, a guerrilla who had eaten wild dew and slept in the same bed with him in the Ganyue Mountains, went to Beijing to visit Mr. Chen. The staff member who called in would not be informed of the identity of the unknown person. Zhu Zanzhen's temper came, and he shouted angrily, "How can this be! Just say that I am Xinfeng's Zhu Lao watch! Chen Yi listened and quickly ordered his secretary to send a special car to greet him.

Of course, there are many versions of the origin of the old watch in Jiangxi. Here, you may wish to list them one by one for your entertainment.

1, Jiangxi since ancient times prevailed in Taoism and feng shui art, people in nearby provinces like to see feng shui like to ask Mr. Feng Shui in Jiangxi, as a feng shui warlock, the dial "compass" is a must-have, people from other provinces will call these Jiangxi feng shui masters with old watches. Over time, it is also used to call all Jiangxi people.

2. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, many areas in Xiangdong, Hunan Province were deserted due to war, and a large number of Jiangxi people moved into Hunan. Later, at the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, a large number of Jiangxi people moved in, and even in some places, eight or nine out of ten households came from Jiangxi. When the descendants of these Jiangxi people who moved into Hunan returned to Jiangxi to worship the ancestral tombs, they liked to call the local Jiangxi people with old watches, which means cousins and cousins. This is the legend related to the filling of the lake in Jiangxi, and it is also the most popular saying about the origin of the word old table.

3. Originating from the Hakka region of Gannan Province, the Guangdong people who moved from eastern Guangdong called the locals "Lao Biao" (because the people of the two places were both Hakka), and later spread to the whole territory of Jiangxi and became another name for "Laoxiang".

4. Zhu Yuanzhang was rescued when he was not emperor, in order to repay the kindness of the Jiangxi people at that time, he promised that if he won the world, the Jiangxi people could directly find him in the name of the old cousin.

In addition, now in Jiangxi Province, the use of the word old watch has become less and less, almost rarely used in the city, but in some of the following townships, rural areas, the frequency of use of this word is still high, because of this "old watch" and contains "peasant", "very earthy" meaning, Jiangxi people have time to scold people, will say that the person is the same as the old watch, which means that it is very earthy, has not seen any big world people. People from other provinces sometimes like to use this term to ridicule Jiangxi's backwardness and poverty.

As for the earlier mentioned "old watch" can not be written "Lao table", it can be understood from the literal meaning. Old means old; Old, means adult man; and Grandmother, the name of grandmother, grandmother. Therefore, it is indeed a bit inappropriate to write the old watch as "Lao watch". However, everyone is used to writing this way, and it is customary.

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