
Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

During the period of the all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many patriotic and anti-Japanese benevolent men emerged in our country, but there were also many traitorous lackeys who aided and abetted abuse and mutilated compatriots, such as Wang Jingwei, who has always preached his own curve to save the country.

Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

Successfully ascended to the throne due to its sleekness and agility

Fu Xiao'an was not very well born, at the age of 15, he entered the shipyard opened by the British, and unlike ordinary people, he could speak a few words of English and knew how to please foreign capitalists, so in just three years he was in charge of the wages of all the factory workers.

Fu Xiao'an, who had long experienced social beatings, deducted the wages of many workers through a cruel way, and used this money to buy real estate in Shanghai, and then he began to intentionally make friends with real estate tycoons in Pudong, constantly wandering in Shanghai's high society, and by chance, Fu Xiao'an finally worshiped under Sheng Xuanhuai's door.

In the Republic of China period, Sheng Xuanhuai was a well-known figure, he was known as the father of Chinese industry, not only founded Tianjin University, and the first railway trunk line, even China's first trade bank was raised from him, from mining, education, banking, Sheng Xuanhuai almost monopolized the economic lifeline of Shanghai at that time.

Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

Fu Xiao'an was a quick-witted and sleek man, and under the cultivation of Sheng Xuanhuai, he directly jumped from an unknown person to a financial adviser to the Sheng family, and he was the main contact between the Sheng family and the outside world at that time.

After Sheng Xuanhuai's death, the Sheng family was torn apart and were busy fighting for the inheritance, Fu Xiao'an operated through the dark box, bought the Sheng industry at a low price and sold it at a high price, he made a lot of money, and since then he has become a powerful and powerful person in Shanghai Beach.

He defected to the Japanese and became a traitorous lackey

After the Battle of Songhu, Shanghai became an isolated island, and the Japanese began to establish a puppet regime, and fu Xiao'an, as the president of the Shanghai Municipal Chamber of Commerce, was the most appropriate way to let him come forward as the mayor of Shanghai.

Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

In October 1938, Fu Xiao'an officially became the mayor of the pseudo-Shanghai Special City, and he began to openly interfere in the Shanghai Concession, and personally visited the ambassadors of the Anglo-French Concession and ordered the removal of all the blue sky and white sun flags in the concession.

At the same time as removing the Qingtian White Sun Flag, Fu Xiao'an also had people change into the five-color flag of the puppet regime, and this kind of open opposition to the Republic of China government made Lao Jiang directly angry and ordered Dai Kasa to kill this big traitor at all costs.

He has evaded multiple assassinations in succession

As the person in charge of the military command, Dai Kasa has always been haunted; he had graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy and was deeply influenced by the old Chiang Kai-shek; after receiving the assassination mission, Dai Kasa immediately sent a telegram to inform Chen Gongshu, the district governor of the Shanghai Special Administrative Region, who was known as the first killer of military unification and had assassinated Wang Jingwei on the orders of old Chiang Kai-shek.

But it is not so simple to kill Fu Xiao'an, because Fu Xiao'an is extremely cautious, never showing his feet outside, even the residence is full of guards, he not only takes a bulletproof car when he goes out, but also has 23 bodyguards around him, and there are also many police cars in front and behind.

Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

Under this kind of full armament, Chen Gongshu was not easy to deal with, and he failed several times, and because of this, Fu Xiao'an became more cautious.

Plotted against Fu Xiao'an's confidants

Thinking that since the outside was difficult to conquer, it would attack its internal organs, Chen Gongshu, after careful consideration, began to attack the people that Fu Xiao'an trusted, and finally he locked in a person, that is, Fu Xiao'an's cook, this person's name was Zhu Shengyuan.

Zhu Sheng originated from the early death of his parents, it was Fu Xiao'an who took him in, it is said that when Fu Xiao'an lived in Dalian, one cold winter, Zhu Shengyuan fell in front of his door, and he took him in with compassion.

Don't look at Zhu Shengyuan's poor and sour appearance, but burn a hand of authentic Ningbo cuisine, which makes Fu Xiao'an, who is a Ningbo native, inevitably have a good feeling, so Zhu Shengyuan became Fu Xiao'an's cook, has been around him diligently for more than ten years, and is deeply trusted.

Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

But don't look at Zhu Shengyuan's obedience to Fu Xiao'an, in his heart, he deeply hates the Japanese, because long before he met Fu Xiao'an, Zhu Shengyuan worked as a child laborer in a factory opened by the Japanese, and suffered all kinds of abuse and shame.

After Fu Xiao'an became the pseudo-mayor, the Fu family often had Japanese people walking around, during which the person in charge of the banquet was Zhu Shengyuan, when Fu Xiao'an in order to do a good job of dog legs, but also specially provided special services in addition to meals, all of which was seen by Zhu Shengyuan, seeing the ugly face of the Japanese at the banquet, Zhu Shengyuan also began to have some dissatisfaction with the master Fu Xiao'an.

This kind of dissatisfaction soon attracted chen gongshu's attention, to say that Zhu Shengyuan has a relatively strong personality, and when he has dissatisfaction in his heart, he often likes to drink alcohol, and he often complains after drinking that he is a servant of the traitor family and has suffered grievances everywhere, which in Chen Gongshu's eyes, this person is an excellent candidate for rebellion.

Taking advantage of Zhu Shengyuan's small problem of drinking, the secret agents of the military command soon opened a hotel next to Fu Xiao'an's house, and soon, Zhu Shengyuan became a regular visitor to this hotel.

Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

Slowly, when the time was ripe, Chen Gongshu appeared, and he directly explained his intentions, hoping that Zhu Shengyuan would get rid of Fu Xiao'an.

Zhu Shengyuan hesitated, the military commander promised to arrange his future life, and said that he would find him a wife, thinking about the interests of more people, Zhu Shengyuan nodded and agreed.

Fu Xiao'an was hacked to death by his own henchmen

At 3:00 a.m. one day in October 1940, after attending a banquet of the Wang puppet regime, Fu Xiao'an returned home tired, and he also specially asked Zhu Shengyuan to make a bowl of silver ear soup for him, perhaps because he was too tired to fall asleep, Fu Xiao'an did not drink soup.

When it was late at night, everyone fell asleep, Zhu Shengyuan crept into Fu Xiao'an's bedroom, when Fu Xiao'an slept very deeply, without hesitation, Zhu Shengyuan went up to cut three days in a row, when Fu Xiao'an's eyeballs were going to stare out, and his neck was almost completely cut off, just like this, 68-year-old Fu Xiao'an was killed on the spot.

Traitor Fu Xiao'an: The bodyguard who went out to accompany the police car evaded many assassinations, but was hacked to death by his own cook

The next day, Zhu Shengyuan pretended to go to the vegetable market with a vegetable basket to buy vegetables, and even greeted the doorman kindly, and as soon as he went out, he hid in the French Concession for a period of time under Chen Gongshu's arrangement, and later returned to Chongqing to spend his life in silence in a cigarette factory.

Fu Xiao'an's death was a great blow to the Wang puppet regime, and no one knew who the murderer was at that time, and even if they wanted to break their brains, they could never guess that the murderer was Fu Xiao'an's most trusted cook.

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