
In the counterattack against the Vietnamese self-defense, our army was tragically surrounded and annihilated, so the chief made such a mobilization

More than 40 years ago, China won a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. Although this war is a just battle for China to defend its sovereignty, it is inevitable that there will be sacrifices in fighting a war. In this battle, there are not a few people who have sacrificed their soldiers for the sake of the country and the people. At that time, in the Battle of Shuojiang, our army sacrificed many brothers. Shuo River is an important town on the Vietnamese front, and it will be very advantageous for our army if we can take this place.

In the counterattack against the Vietnamese self-defense, our army was tragically surrounded and annihilated, so the chief made such a mobilization

However, the Vietnamese army was not stupid, and also sent heavy troops to defend the town. At that time, only 1 battalion of our army attacked here first, and there were no reinforcements in the rear, and there was not enough supplies. But even under these difficult conditions, our army still heroically launched an attack on the enemy and inflicted heavy wounds on the enemy after sacrificing 122 soldiers. Objectively speaking, the fighting at that time was very fierce, and our army was almost surrounded and annihilated by the enemy, which is said to be related to the pre-war mobilization of a chief.

In the counterattack against the Vietnamese self-defense, our army was tragically surrounded and annihilated, so the chief made such a mobilization

It turned out that in the Battle of Shuojiang, our army's preparations were not sufficient, and the whole situation was not superior, so the Chinese side should not have taken the initiative to attack, but the superior issued an order to attack Shuojiang in 1 day. According to the recollection of Qi Jianjun, the surviving company commander at the time, just after receiving the order to take the target in 1 day, all their officers felt a little confused: this goal could not be completed.

In the counterattack against the Vietnamese self-defense, our army was tragically surrounded and annihilated, so the chief made such a mobilization

Because of the large number of Vietnamese troops, our army belonged to the lone army and went deep. One general also exaggerated the analogy: "Even if the Vietnamese army does not resist, it is impossible to occupy the entire Shuo River in 1 day." "Since the orders of the superiors seemed to be a little difficult to complete, the officers of our army held a discussion meeting. At the meeting, most of the officers said that it was unlikely that they would want to take Shuojiang in one day.

In the counterattack against the Vietnamese self-defense, our army was tragically surrounded and annihilated, so the chief made such a mobilization

However, a chief said: "The great war is imminent, and it is not yet possible to have no confidence in it, is it afraid of death?" "This chief used this method to arouse the fighting spirit of his soldiers before the war, and the soldiers of our army were all hardened warriors, and they listened to these words and did not speak as usual. Therefore, everyone chose to launch an attack on the Shuo River.

In the counterattack against the Vietnamese self-defense, our army was tragically surrounded and annihilated, so the chief made such a mobilization

Objectively speaking, at that time, the number of enemy troops was absolutely superior, and the terrain was also favorable to defend and unfavorable to attack, and at the same time, our army had no backup, and the conditions were very harsh. However, even under such unfavorable circumstances, the soldiers of our army still heroically killed the enemy, and the brothers showed great combat effectiveness one by one, and severely damaged the enemy army. However, because after all, our army has many unfavorable factors, so 122 people were sacrificed, including high-ranking cadres. The chief who initiated the mobilization disappeared during the battle, and no one knew his life, death and whereabouts.

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