
An intelligence liaison officer of our army was wrongly sentenced to ten years, so why did he still take the initiative to ask to continue to go to prison after he was released from prison?

After the victory of the War of Liberation in 1949, the enemy army was defeated and eventually fled to Taiwan, and the intelligence personnel who had been following Chiang Kai-shek also went to Taiwan, but one person insisted on staying, and then he was arrested and imprisoned by our army.

What's more worth mentioning is that after ten years in prison, he found that he had been wrongly convicted, and he never complained, who is this person? What is the unknown past? What was the end of his life afterwards?

Yang Huan, a native of Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Guanghua University in Shanghai in 1933, and since childhood he was gifted and intelligent in mathematics, he can be said to be a mathematical genius, and after graduation, he entered the Department of Mathematics of Guangxi University to teach.

An intelligence liaison officer of our army was wrongly sentenced to ten years, so why did he still take the initiative to ask to continue to go to prison after he was released from prison?

During this period, he further deepened his research on mathematics, especially the arrangement of numbers, he could easily decipher many codes without comparing the codebook, and then under the introduction of his cousin Wang Weijun, he entered the enemy's Ministry of Communications Code Inspection and Translation Institute.

After Yang Hao took office, with his diligence and wisdom, he quickly deciphered the important codes of the Japanese embassies and consulates, and the instructions and some actions of Japan's Diplomacy in China were deciphered and mastered by Yang Hao, in addition, he also stepped up the training of a group of excellent telegraph operators to monitor the secret radio stations of the Japanese army.

In 1936, the machinery and equipment of Yang Hao's deciphering office were also improved, and the intelligence of the enemy army could always be successfully cracked at the first time, and a secret telegram for detecting The Japanese Diplomatic Radio station was specially set up, and was praised by Chiang Kai-shek and others.

In addition, Yang Hao also organized and set up a deciphering group, a research group, and a reconnaissance radio station together with Huo Shi, and soon Yang Hao's outstanding talent spread quickly in the army, and his reputation rose for a while, and Dai Hao also wanted to dig Up Yang Hao for his own use after hearing about it, but Yang Hao was always unmoved by Dai Kasa's invitation.

An intelligence liaison officer of our army was wrongly sentenced to ten years, so why did he still take the initiative to ask to continue to go to prison after he was released from prison?

By chance, Yang Shu met his cousin Yang Shu, who graduated from Tsinghua University and was an underground worker in our army, and every time Yang Shu saw his brother Yang Shu, he began to introduce him to the idea of resisting Japan and saving the dead.

After the outbreak of the July 7 Incident, the cryptographic translation office under the Ministry of Communications was withdrawn to Hankou, and Yang Hao had become an expert in deciphering.

Once, Yang Huan received a secret telegram containing a list of Chiang Kai-shek's men secretly dealing with the Japanese army, including Huo Shi, who had formed a code house together, which could not help but amaze Yang Huan.

In a hurry, Yang Huan immediately told Wang Weijun the situation, but only saw Wang Weijun's surprised face, but there was no movement, Yang Hao was disappointed in the situation, and Yang Hao, who had been extremely disappointed in them, turned to his cousin Yang Shu again to say his appeal.

An intelligence liaison officer of our army was wrongly sentenced to ten years, so why did he still take the initiative to ask to continue to go to prison after he was released from prison?

At the recommendation of his cousin, Yang Huan met Li Kenong, the leader of the Wuhan office of our army, and when he first met Li Kenong, Yang Huan unreservedly told him the organization of the Japanese army's code without concealment, and at the same time handed over a report summarized by the reconnaissance radio, which contained all the top-secret information such as the liaison between the Japanese troops on the front line in China.

After Li Kenong saw it, he quickly clapped his hands and praised: "This is very useful to us, know ourselves and know each other, in order to be able to fight a hundred battles." ”

Before leaving, Li Kenong also deliberately stressed that we must pay attention to secrecy and concealment, after which Yang Hao began to maintain close contact with our army and secretly delivered all the information he knew to our army, but soon after the fall of Wuhan, the cipher institute could only choose another address.

An intelligence liaison officer of our army was wrongly sentenced to ten years, so why did he still take the initiative to ask to continue to go to prison after he was released from prison?

In 1939, after several twists and turns, the Cidian Institute moved to Chongqing and became neighbors with Dai Kasa, which allowed Dai Kasa to seize the opportunity again and wanted to swallow the Cipher Institute and the outstanding talents inside.

He tried every means to send Yang Huan to his office and earnestly asked them for help in providing technical guidance, and immediately after our army learned of this, it sent Yang Shu to do Yang Huan's ideological work and wanted him to break into Dai Kasa's side.

At first, Yang Hao was very puzzled, until Li Kenong met with him secretly, and after some detailed conversation, Yang Hao was persuaded to break into Dai Kasa's side to carry out a secret mission, which was just as Dai Kasa wished, and then arranged for Yang Hao to be responsible for the research of Japanese diplomatic deciphering.

During this period, Yang Huan still insisted on risking his life to secretly send the deciphered intelligence to our army.

In 1940, Yang Hao secretly joined our party and made a single-line contact with Zhou Yi of our army's chongqing office.

In 1943, he was promoted by Dai Kasa to the post of major general of the Technical Research Division.

An intelligence liaison officer of our army was wrongly sentenced to ten years, so why did he still take the initiative to ask to continue to go to prison after he was released from prison?

During this period, Yang Hao successfully deciphered 12 kinds of secret electricity of Japanese Pacific warships and 17 kinds of secret electricity of the Kwantung Army, and almost mastered the secret intelligence of almost all japanese armies such as the navy, land and air force, and made great contributions to the final perfect victory of our army in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In the Liberation War, he even provided great help to our army, until after the founding of New China, our army conducted a thorough inventory of the people who had worked inside the enemy army, yang hao, in order to solve his identity problem, ran to Beijing to find zhou Yi, a superior who had worked secretly, but at this time, Zhou Yi was ill and died, there was really no way, Yang Hao had to ask to see Li Kenong.

Li Kenong arranged a job for him in the investigation department, but because Yang Huan had served as a major general in the Nationalist army, he had no choice but to be imprisoned in the Xuzhou War Criminals Management Center for ten years.

Ten years later, after being released from prison, he directly encountered a special period, and after careful consideration, he felt that he knew too much about the past, and out of the reason of secrecy of historical secrets, he took the initiative to come to the public security department to ask for imprisonment.

It was not until the 1980s that he was rehabilitated, and the old revolutionary, who had endured many vicissitudes, finally waited for the belated justice in his twilight years.

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