
fantastic! New Zealand men are being investigated for 10 covid-19 vaccinations in a day, for reasons exposed

Source: World Wide Web

"10 injections of the new crown vaccine in one day", a man in New Zealand is under investigation for making this crazy move.

fantastic! New Zealand men are being investigated for 10 covid-19 vaccinations in a day, for reasons exposed

RT: A man was investigated for 10 doses of THE CORONAVIRUS vaccine in one day

Russia Today (RT) said the bizarre incident was exposed by the New Zealand "stuff" news website: a New Zealand man was vaccinated with COVID-19 10 times in a day, with the purpose of impersonating those who did not want to be vaccinated, vaccinating them and collecting money for them.

The unidentified man allegedly went to several vaccination centers in one day and received as many as 10 injections, while those who wanted to receive vaccination certificates but were reluctant to go for injections gave him money, RT said. After the incident was revealed, the man was under investigation.

In New Zealand, people don't need to show identification when they get vaccinated, which makes imposters take advantage of the loophole. The RT also said the New Zealand Ministry of Health had acknowledged the incident, with Astrid Kunniv, head of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Immunization Project team, confirming that the authorities were "aware of the problem", but the official did not disclose where the incident took place.

"We take this very seriously. We are very concerned about this type of situation and are working with the relevant agencies," Kunniv told the stuff news site, "If you know that someone has received a vaccine dose that exceeds the recommended dose, they should seek clinical advice as soon as possible." ”

A number of vaccine experts and immunologists denounced the man's audacity and warned that the scam could cause potential harm to himself. Helen Petus-Harris, a vaccinologist and associate professor at the University of Auckland, also slammed the behaviour as "incredibly selfish". Graham Le Gros, director of the Malaghan Institute in New Zealand, also called the plan "stupid and dangerous", both for the man and those who paid him to go for the injections, and the immunologist also said the reminder that while the man was unlikely to die as a result of 10 injections in a day, he would certainly feel "arm pain" from the injections, And injecting more than the recommended dose of the vaccine will not only not produce a stronger immune response, but may also make the vaccine ineffective.

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