
Sedentary people, beware of this disease

Sedentary people, beware of this disease

Changsha Evening News Palm Changsha December 12 news (all media reporter Xu Yunyuan correspondent Xu Ying) Resident Fan, who lives in Yangtian Lake, recently suffered from sudden low back pain when bending down at home to pick up things, bed rest and external plasters after the pain symptoms did not improve significantly, came to changsha Third People's Hospital for treatment, after relevant examinations and symptom judgments, was diagnosed as lumbar small joint disorder. Manual reduction, physiotherapy, local block therapy combined with oral drug therapy, symptoms were significantly relieved and discharged. Xu Ying, director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of the hospital, reminded that the people who often have lumbar joint joint disorders are middle-aged and elderly people with muscle strain, who sit for a long time, stand for a long time or bend down for a long time to work, and usually pay attention to the movement of the waist to avoid "waist flash".

What is Lumbar Articular Joint Disorder? Xu Ying introduced that lumbar parietal articular disorder refers to the lumbar joint joint joint synovial incarceration, more commonly speaking, it is "slippage" or "caton". If the incarceration is not released in time, chronic severe low back pain and arthritis will occur. "The usual low back pain, many people mistakenly think that it is lumbar disc herniation, in fact, a large part of the lumbar spine joint disorder, acute onset, most of them have sprains."

Xu Ying introduced that the clinical manifestations of lumbar paroticular joint disorders include: history of acute waist sprains, which may only be bent over to pick up things, common in middle-aged women; low back pain radiates to the sacrumpiscence and buttocks; because of severe low back pain and maintain a fixed posture and dare not move; bending down is lighter than backward pain; pressing the waist is more painful; pain can be reduced during bed rest.

"Unlike lumbar disc herniation, lumbar articular joint disorders can be fully recovered through means such as reduction and physiotherapy." Xu Ying said that the occurrence of "lumbar flash" to determine whether it is a lumbar intervertebral disc herniation or a lumbar spinal joint disorder can be diagnosed by clinical manifestations and imaging examinations. These tests can detect degenerative changes in the lumbar spine and hyperplasia around small joints, and can also rule out other causes of low back pain, such as compression fractures of the lumbar spine, lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, bone tumors, etc.

Since lumbar parietal joint disorder can be fully recovered, what is the scientific treatment method? Xu Ying introduced that the preferred method of reduction is to reduce the pain of patients, such as diagonal back, lateral reclining waist method, sitting waist moving method. For patients with mild small joint disorders, some conservative treatment methods can be taken, such as hot compresses, massage, bed rest, etc.; when the muscle ligaments around the small joints are relaxed, the pain can be relieved. In addition, physiotherapy (subacute phase) and lumbar joint injections can be used.

"The people with lumbar joint disorders are mainly middle-aged and elderly people with chronic muscle strain, and this situation can also occur in the case of long-term muscle strain or long-term physical labor." Xu Ying reminded that in daily life, we should pay attention to protecting our waist and avoiding injury; avoid sitting, standing or bending over for a long time to work, and properly move the waist; at the same time, strengthen the lumbar abdominal muscle strength exercise to enhance the strength of the waist muscles.

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