
Coronavirus busters found? China's special drugs are highly recognized, and the United States and Europe urgently seek millions of doses

The COVID-19 pandemic has been around for a long time, and the ever-mutating strains of COVID-19 have also brought endless challenges to humanity's fight against the epidemic. The emergence of the "Omicron" mutant strain has once again sounded a global alarm, and many countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, and Italy have also suffered one after another, and many countries in the United States and Europe have also launched a new round of travel restrictions. At this critical point, China has spread good news - it has found the "nemesis" of the new crown virus.

Coronavirus busters found? China's special drugs are highly recognized, and the United States and Europe urgently seek millions of doses

According to Guangming Daily, just recently, JS016, a new drug for therapeutic antibodies of new crown pneumonia with independent intellectual property rights in China, has completed the international multi-center phase II clinical trial, and is currently actively promoting phase III clinical trials.

It is reported that Yan Jinghua, the main developer of JS016 and a researcher at the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that JS016 is an injection drug jointly developed by the institute and Shanghai Junshi, and its common name is "ettexvirumab".

Coronavirus busters found? China's special drugs are highly recognized, and the United States and Europe urgently seek millions of doses

According to Yan Jinghua, the new crown virus to invade human cells, need a protein on its surface and the protein of human cells to interact, these two proteins can be compared to "keys and locks", the invasion process is equivalent to "opening the door". The antibody in JS016 developed this time is equivalent to blocking the interaction of two proteins, which is equivalent to blinding the "key", so that the virus can no longer invade the cell.

Coronavirus busters found? China's special drugs are highly recognized, and the United States and Europe urgently seek millions of doses

According to reports, JS016 has received widespread attention from all over the world, and it is reported that Eli Lilly has been authorized to carry out commercial development in markets outside Greater China. In a recent study, Eli Lilly has combined the JS016 antibody with another monoclonal antibody of its own and conducted several Phase III clinical trials, and found that the combination therapy has significantly reduced the risk of hospitalization and all-cause death events for those mild to moderate COVID-19 patients with a high risk of severe illness, and the degree of protection against death cases can even reach 100%.

Coronavirus busters found? China's special drugs are highly recognized, and the United States and Europe urgently seek millions of doses

It is worth mentioning that 15 countries and regions such as the United States, the European Union, Brazil, and India have given the "green light" to this combination therapy, which has been urgently authorized by the above countries.

In addition, in order to further expand the use of this combination therapy, the US FDA has allowed it to be used for emergency prevention after COVID-19 exposure. So far, the United States and Europe have purchased more than a million doses, the United States has purchased more than 900,000 doses, and the European Union has purchased 220,000 doses.

Coronavirus busters found? China's special drugs are highly recognized, and the United States and Europe urgently seek millions of doses

As Zhang Wenhong said, after the emergence of the "Aomi Kerong" mutant strain, we should understand a truth, "Aomi Kerong" will not be the last mutated strain, the problem of fighting the epidemic, need to rely on the efforts of all countries in the world, not on China's efforts alone. Only when all countries in the world unite as one can we contribute to the global fight against the epidemic.

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