
Can deal with the Omiljun strain! Eli Lilly COVID-19 Therapeutic Injection is authorized for emergency use in the United States

On February 11, local time, the bebtelovimab developed by Eli Lilly was authorized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be used urgently for the treatment of mild to moderate illness of adults and adolescents with certain conditions of the new crown patients, and can not be used for new crown patients who have been hospitalized or need oxygen therapy.

Can deal with the Omiljun strain! Eli Lilly COVID-19 Therapeutic Injection is authorized for emergency use in the United States

It is reported that the drug is a monoclonal antibody drug that can be used to treat the infection of the mutated new coronavirus Omiljung strain.

The monoclonal antibody drug requires intravenous injection and can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death caused by the new crown virus infection by binding to the spike protein on the surface of the new crown virus, the communique said. Experiments showed that the drug showed neutralizing activity against the Amicoreon strain and its subtype variant strain BA.2. Side effects that may occur after injection of this drug include itching, rash, infusion-related reactions, nausea, and vomiting.

The FDA stressed that this new antiviral drug is not a substitute for vaccination, and people who meet the vaccination conditions should also be vaccinated against COVID-19.

In addition, according to an agreement signed by Eli Lilly with the U.S. government, Eli Lilly will supply up to 600,000 doses of Bebtelovimab antibodies for at least $720 million. Eli Lilly must deliver 600,000 doses no later than March 31 this year, with the option of supplying an additional 500,000 doses no later than July 31, 2022.

Editor: Qiu Yue

Can deal with the Omiljun strain! Eli Lilly COVID-19 Therapeutic Injection is authorized for emergency use in the United States

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