
Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

From 1995 to the present, Southeast Automobile has gone through 26 years, with a cumulative production and sales of 1.6 million vehicles; in 2017, production and sales once exceeded 150,000 units; but in recent years, sales have been weak, from "Huanran" to "Huanyi", whether Southeast Automobile can burst out of vigor, spread its wings and soar, and create the glory of the past.

Author | Blue-shirted brother

Edit | Chris

To say that the hottest time of Southeast Automobile is the sponsorship of the urban love TV series "Naked Marriage Era" ten years ago, when Southeast Automobile earned enough eyeballs in this popular drama, yao Di played the heroine Tong Jiaqian to work is a Southeast Automobile 4S shop, in the play Liu Yiyang and Tong Jiaqian to welcome the team is Southeast V3 Lingyue. With the popularity of the TV series, southeast V3 Lingyue, southeast Xiwang and other models have been frequently exposed in the drama, and they have achieved excellent results of 10,055 units per month in November 2011! This is also the most direct and successful marketing of Southeast Automobile.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win
Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win


Sales continue to be sluggish, and we have the courage to change and seek innovation

As early as March 2018, Southeast Automobile held a brand renewal night in Fuzhou and launched the design concept of Southeast Automobile at that time - "wing" (wing cube). The design concept of "Wing" is the result of Southeast Automobile's 23 years of adhering to original design, continuous accumulation and precipitation, and natural progress, and "Wing" also contains the original power and original aesthetics of Southeast Automobile's continuous iteration and upward.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win
Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

Zhang Xuelong and Yu Fengmiao, who were also Southeast Motors, took the stage to cooperate in interpretation, from the three dimensions of "Wing of Type", "Wing of Grid" and "Wing of Wisdom" to explain in an all-round way, and the subsequent DX3, DX5, DX7, and A5 Wing Dance were designed based on this concept.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win
Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

In the year from October 2020 to November 2021, the sales decline of Southeast Automobile was more obvious. Southeast Motor's main sales model compact SUV - Southeast DX5 in the three months after 2020 monthly sales of about 700 units, with this year's epidemic and the lack of core reasons, from February to November this year, Southeast DX5 sales only hovered around 110 units, DX7 sales of only a few dozen units of sales, the performance is indeed unsatisfactory.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

This year, Southeast Automobile is even more absent from the last automobile exhibition of this year, the 2021 Guangzhou International Auto Show, so the sales performance is really unbearable for the major shareholders of Southeast Automobile. In the face of today's situation, Southeast Automobile either seeks new changes or withdraws from the market; and shareholders such as Fuqi Group, Fuzhou Transportation Construction Investment Group, Minhou County Construction Investment Group and Taiwan Zhonghua Automobile have not flinched, but have boldly explored, actively sought innovation, taken the initiative to respond, and worked together to continue to support Southeast Automobile.

In order to help Southeast Automobile achieve transformation and upgrading and take off again, the Fuzhou Municipal Government and Fuqi Group have led the launch of the reform of the shareholding structure of Southeast Automobile; at present, the shareholders of Southeast Automobile have been changed to Fujian Automobile Industry Group, Fuzhou Transportation Construction Investment Group, Minhou County Construction Investment Group and Taiwan Zhonghua Automobile. The tripartite shareholders of provinces, cities and counties simultaneously increased the capital of Southeast Automobile, the first round of capital increase of 2 billion yuan, and the investment in follow-up resources and funds continued to increase. This is not only conducive to southeast automobile integration of territorial resources, to strive for territorial support, in the face of the future southeast automobile to form a development consensus, enhance strategic coordination, better integration of resources, has positive significance.


The new wingspan has been extended and the take-off is about to come out

On December 9, Southeast Automobile launched a new LOGO in Fuzhou, and brought a new flagship seven-seat SUV - Southeast DX9, and announced two new cars with a new LOGO: the A-class SUV CROSS Southeast N7 and pure electric coupe A7.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

Old LOGO (left) and new LOGO (right)

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

On December 9th, Southeast Auto's "HuanYi" Renewal Meeting was successfully held in Fuzhou, which focused on the four levels of "new development, new products, new signs, and new atmosphere", comprehensively interpreted the development strategy after the new transformation of the enterprise, and for the first time announced three products based on the new scenario-based design concept of multi-functional family cars, future science and technology sense vehicles and new pure electric platforms, showing the achievements and determination of Southeast Automobile to comprehensively transform and upgrade to the "new four modernizations".

From a series of rich contents of the renewal meeting, it is not difficult to find that Southeast Automobile is ready to develop in terms of strategic upgrades, product upgrades, marketing service upgrades and other aspects, and the "product + brand" dual-drive development strategy is accelerating in an all-round way.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

In addition to the top-level reform and resource blessing, Southeast Automobile's take-off this round is more favorable at the right time and place. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will focus on building a southeast Automobile City in China, and is committed to building an internationally leading and domestic top-notch automobile city in the whole industry chain.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

As the two "leading" enterprises of China's Southeast Automobile City, Southeast Automobile and Fujian Benz will also embark on the policy of "Building a Modern Automobile Town of 100 Billion Yuan in Five Years in Southeast China Motor City". Taking this as an opportunity, Southeast Automobile will base itself on the new stage of development, promote high-quality development, help the "Electric Fujian" development strategy, and help the construction of Southeast Automobile City in China!


Keep up with market demand, products are more perfect

At the press conference, the new Southeast Automobile B-class SMV (SUV + MPV) Southeast DX9 was very eye-catching. Different from other models, the DX9 based on the scene design concept can switch to multi-purpose scenarios such as family travel, business office, and RV at will, further balancing the two "contradictory" needs of high-end and practical.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

This new car with the new LOGO in the shape of the domineering, and both with the MPV of the spacious space, three rows can be comfortable at the same time 180cm occupants; the layout is reasonable, easy to use, such as the second row of seats equipped with 400mm ultra-long adjustable rails, flattened two or three rows of seats, there is more than two meters long "motorhome" space. Move the second row backwards, and the second row has the feeling of "Business Class".

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

In addition to the new Southeast DX9 car, two other new cars are also expected. A-class SUV CROSS Southeast N7 focuses on smart tide play scenes, the dynamic shape of the new era, the convenience of traditional space, taking into account personality and performance.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

The pure electric coupe A7 focuses on the new pure electric platform scene, rich in layered technology cockpit structure, reflecting the comfort of light, thin and simple, and also showing the core technical solutions such as mileage, low temperature electricity consumption, and safety.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

From the introduction of the new generation of products, it can be found that Southeast Automobile is more through quality improvement and practicality in the field of new four modernizations. In the field of intelligent driving, the use of AVP autonomous parking technology can solve the problems of unmanned parking and pick-up in the last kilometer, making parking easier. Equipped with S-Pilot intelligent driving system, it can intelligently identify faces, voiceprints, movements, etc., perfectly interpreting "know me, welcome me, understand me".

In the field of networking, the smart housekeeper Xiaonan has built a full-scenario intelligent ecosystem, so that "people drive" to "cars help people". In the field of electrification, the main "0 anxiety" pure electric products, aiming at the user's use of the crux of the precise force... From these "black technology" full of products, it is not difficult to see that as a car company with 26 years of R & D and manufacturing experience, Southeast Automobile is actively following the market demand, embracing changes, enriching its own product lines, and achieving a balance between rigor and subversion.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win


Sincere marketing to meet market challenges

In addition to continuously improving the quality of products and improving the product line, in the transmission of corporate value marketing services, Southeast Automobile also seeks a breakthrough in change. Southeast Motor announced its own marketing service initiatives, which will be committed to creating a consistent, circled and scenario-based car purchase and service experience in the whole life cycle of consumers. Through CRM customer information collection system and big data mining technology, Southeast Automobile creates a personalized service experience of "thousands of people and thousands of faces" and "thousands of faces" for millions of car owners, and creates the ecosystem of Southeast FAMILY through differentiated and diversified cross-border marketing methods.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

At the same time, open up the "customer-shop-factory" ecosystem, so that service value-added, interesting value-added, intimate value-added, so that every consumer saves money, trouble, worry and effort. As Mr. Chen Wenhao, chairman of Southeast Automobile, said at the meeting: The road is obstructive and long, and the line is coming; the future can be expected.

Depth | From "Huanran" to "Huanyi", love to fight will win

▓Editor's own comment

In the past two years, due to the great environmental impact, the automotive industry around the world has been seriously affected, and the Chinese auto market is no exception. At present, Southeast Automotive's product line has covered many fields such as cars, SUVs, commercial vehicles, etc., and has successfully entered the field of new energy vehicles. In the face of difficulties and dare to change, Southeast Automobile will usher in a new life, this conference let us see the enterprising spirit that Southeast Automobile has always insisted on, and we have reason to believe that after the expansion of Southeast Automobile, it will burst out of vigor, spread its wings and soar, and create the best achievements of the past.


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