
"You don't have babies, civilization collapses"?! Musk, shut up!

"You don't have babies, civilization collapses"?! Musk, shut up!


Columnist for spicy pen small spikes

Do you know what the refined and egoistic "elite class" loves to do this year?

A: Pointing out other people's lives.

Criticize the way others live with a lofty posture and a stubborn and self-interested logic. If you don't listen to them, they will think that you are extremely stupid, uneducated, and unreasonable!

The words of righteousness are actually the fundamental purpose, or to maintain their own interests.

Take Musk, for example.

On the 6th, at the Wall Street Journal's annual CEO Council forum, Musk, who has already given birth to 6 children, said: "Have a baby!" If people don't have more children born, civilization will collapse, remember me. ”

Civilization will collapse! What a serious argument.

Just like many of the uncles and aunts I met always liked to rattle me, "You don't have children, and after all the human races will be extinct", I suddenly felt that I had become a sinner of the times.

But so what? I quickly reconciled with myself.

This difficult and great task is entrusted to you elites!

Financial strength wang IQ high good health, 6 children how enough, give me birth! Give me a picture of life and death! Let's say 6, 60, 600 are also raised! The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, shouldn't you contribute more to civilization?

What the? No way?

Oh I see.

Because the vast majority of "elites" in the world now can become elites because of the help of a large number of "grass people". If the grass people are gone, who else will the elite group cut the leeks?

So, what ordinary people will really collapse if they don't have children may not be civilization, but capital, right?

In fact, I don't know if you have found that since the past two years, the contradiction between the capitalist elite and ordinary people has become bigger and bigger.

I think the essence is that the elite is anxious, because the leeks lie down and don't listen to their PUA.

Musk is like many elite groups who are keen to instruct sentient beings - they have sucked up most of the social dividends, and then morally condemn ordinary people and are unwilling to assume social responsibility!

To sum it up in one sentence: the reacher no longer helps the world, but blames the poor for being alone.

Capital itself has no humanity, but it knows best how to stir up human nature.

I think that not having children is not a social problem at all, but an economic problem.

To put it bluntly, raising children is not just raising children, there are all kinds of unaffordable costs.

You see right now, there are only two types of people who are willing to keep having children.

That's the person who can't roll up.

One is the elite group that lacks nothing. They can afford it, so it doesn't matter.

One is the bottom group with closed minds. They think that raising children is more than a pair of chopsticks, not chicken babies, nor buying school district houses, they can live, so it is easy to raise a baby.

But the one in the middle is crazy.

I saw the elite education of others, and I saw my own empty wallet. They don't give birth, more often than they feel that they are "unworthy".

"You don't have babies, civilization collapses"?! Musk, shut up!

In fact, it is quite strange, you will find that there is less and less young labor force now, but it seems that the inner volume is more serious.

I thought about it carefully.

Assuming that the overall wealth remains unchanged, it should be because the wealth is more concentrated - the elite group that Musk represents controls most of the wealth, which allows more people to grab fewer resources.

So new users are busy rolling themselves up, where is the time and energy to think about that little fart in bed?

You see, foreign countries have long been fully liberalized, but the fertility rate is still a new low every year.

Not having children is just one of the manifestations, just like Japan's low-desire society, after not having children, there may be no marriage, no love, no socialization, no spending money...

Therefore, it is not a problem of children at all, but the narrowing of the upward passage, and the gap between people is getting bigger and bigger, and the hope is gradually slim.

But what is the tragedy?

It is that everyone's life is seriously overdrawn by work, the volume is getting more and more serious, and it has been tortured enough, but the elites who are high above, and those who feel that they are climbing up with their bare hands, are not working hard enough.

Elite groups like Bai Yansong look at everyone lying down tiredly, never reflecting on who they are squeezing, but only criticizing everyone: no effort, no instrument

"You don't have babies, civilization collapses"?! Musk, shut up!

Not trying hard enough? How hard do you have to work?

I really want to respond to him: Yes, I want this "unearned" life.

But as someone said: "We really didn't expect that house prices would be low and life would be easy, but you can't rationalize high house prices and can't rationalize squeezing!" This is the arrogance of vested interests! ”

Yes, this may be another "generation gap".

You can never expect vested interests to empathize with ordinary people.

Because the starting point is different, there is no empathy at all.

I think that sentence that Zheng Yuanjie said is the most favorable response:

We can lie, we can stand, we can rush, but we just don't want to kneel. But now some people, think that not kneeling, are wrong!

"You don't have babies, civilization collapses"?! Musk, shut up!
"You don't have babies, civilization collapses"?! Musk, shut up!

In fact, I don't want to talk about having babies at all, because I don't even have a boyfriend, and I can't think of that step.

But it is precisely because I put my energy back on myself that the more I feel that kidnapping others is meaningless.

How should people live, and what are the standard answers?

Big city or small city, elite or ordinary, single or married, Dink or a football team...

As long as it does not violate the law and morality, then isn't it true that no matter which way of living? As long as you are happy and don't regret it, won't you?

I think many people now have a crazy fascination and admiration for the elite, and feel that the ordinary is a sin.

From the chicken doll to the inner roll, and finally not letting others lie flat... After self-torture, you have to force others to torture yourself. Isn't that creating extreme anxiety?

But the vast majority of people in this world are ordinary people!

There is no great achievement, nor can it be left in history, everyone wants to be happy.

But now living comfortably and happily has become a sin, and it is to be nailed to the pillar of shame!

Whether to lie down or stand or kneel is a personal choice, and people who want to fly will naturally wave their wings desperately.

As long as desires and choices are aligned, isn't that enough?

Let go of others, right?

I'm tired enough to be alive!

Take care of yourself!

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