
He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

Heroes have their own opinions, why ask the source - Yuan Yangji's "Feelings"

"The Spoils of the Long March"

In November 1915, in a bookish home in Wei County, Hebei Province, a boy fell to the ground, nicknamed "Little Four". At the age of 16, he got married and named, and the boy had his first official name in life: Choi Il-fat. At the age of 19, Cui Rifa went out to earn a living, and on the way encountered three deserters of the cavalry division of the Northeast Army, so the four of them went south together to find work in the big city of Hankou at that time.

Finding a job in Hankou is not as easy as expected, and there is no result in looking around. At this time, it happened to be the conscription of the 109th Division of the Northeast Army, and in desperation, Cui Rifa enlisted with the three of them. At that time, "eating military food" was also a relatively good "way to make a living." Not long after enlisting, the 109th Division was sent to northern Shaanxi to fight against the Red Army, which had just completed its Long March.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

At that time, youzi, a veteran of the Northeast Army, had some such "mantras": "As soon as the gun is fired, it surrenders." "The Red Army gave preferential treatment to prisoners, willing to return to their hometown, and each person sent three present oceans." Cui Rifa silently remembered it in his heart after hearing it. In September 1935, the 109th Division was defeated by the Red Army in the Battle of Zhiluo Town, and the commander Niu Yuanfeng was killed, and Cui Rifa, according to the veterans, just fired a shot into the sky, honestly became a prisoner of the Red Army, and then became a member of the Red Army.

It is said that "no pole Tai Lai", the day Cui Rifa became a prisoner, that is, the day he embarked on the right path of life.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

In his later years, he did not deny that he was a prisoner of the Red Army, and every time he said that he was "the spoils of the Long March" and "I was a red army warmly welcomed with heavy machine guns."

From "Cui Rifa" to "Cui Jiangong"

After Cui Rifa became a Member of the Red Army, there was a person who had a great influence on him, he was the later founding lieutenant general, Tang Tianji, who was then the director of the Destruction Department of the Red 15th Army. In order to help Cui Rifa complete his ideological transformation, Minister Tang sent him two books, one is "Introduction to Dialectical Materialism" and the other is "Popular Philosophy". Cui Rifa was full of poetry and books when he was a child, good at learning and thinking, and made rapid progress, and two years later, he grew from a soldier to an instructor in the 2nd Battalion of the Independent Regiment.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

After becoming an instructor, Cui Rifa felt more and more that the name "Rifa" was too old-fashioned and feudal, and the goal of the Eighth Route Army was to defeat the Japanese devils and establish a workers' and peasants' regime. Thinking about it, he changed his name to "Cui Jiangong".

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Cui Jiangong was promoted from battalion instructor to deputy director and director of the regimental political office, and then to the regimental political commissar, and participated in the Battle of Pingxingguan, the anti-"Nine-Way Siege" campaign, Xiangchenggu, Linnan and other battles. In the Liberation War, Cui Jiangong went from deputy brigade commander to division commander, from the Pinghan Campaign and the Western Henan Campaign to the Huaihai Campaign and the Guangxi Campaign, from the north to the south, from the east to the west.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

In 1948, after Liu Deng's army crossed the Yellow River, it was blocked by the enemy of West Zhao Fort, and Cui Jiangong led a newly formed brigade to easily capture it, and even the great people were attracted by the place name of West Zhao Fort. During the Battle of Huaihai, when our Central Plains troops were blocked from encircling and annihilating the Huang Wei Corps, Cui Jiangong led his troops to invent trench warfare methods and first attacked the core positions of the Huang Wei Corps, which was commended by Chief Liu Deng.

Shangganling became famous in the First World War

"A big river has wide waves, and the wind blows on both sides of the river with the fragrance of rice and flowers..." Whenever I hear the theme song of the movie "Shangganling", it always reminds people of the fierce and ruthless Battle of Shangganling. Many people may not know that in this film, the prototype character of the commander of the Cui Division who commanded the battle is Cui Jiangong, the eighth company known as the "Iron Army", which is a unit of his 45th Division.

In 1951, cui Jiangong, under the leadership of General Qin Jiwei, commander of the 15th Army, led the 45th Division to fight in Korea. On October 14, 1952, the Battle of Shangganling broke out. The US and ROK invading forces attacked fiercely, and countless shells of all kinds exploded on Shangganling, and the blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the degree of brutality was unprecedented.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

In the Battle of Shangganling, the tunnel battle was extremely fierce. There were often incidents of soldiers in the entire tunnel being killed by the thunder bombardment, but the volunteer soldiers still braved their bodies, regarded death as a homecoming, and swore to defend the main position with their flesh and blood. At the time of heavy casualties and the most difficult battle, Qin Jiwei called and ordered the 45th Division to hold its position. Cui Jiangong made up his mind and said, "There is another company, I will be the company commander, and there is another squad, I will be the squad leader." ”

In ancient warfare, one-tenth of the casualties of a soldier on one side would cause the collapse of the troops, while the vast majority of the current troops would be considered incapacitated at half of the casualties, would be out of battle or stop attacking. U.S. military law also stipulates that more than one-third of the casualties of troops can surrender on the spot. In the Battle of Shangganling, the 8th Company of the 134th Regiment of the 45th Division, which had the highest casualty rate, retreated from beginning to end. The original fighters were less than 200 people, and they were repeatedly exhausted and rebuilt, with a cumulative casualty of nearly 1,000 people and a casualty rate of nearly 500%, but they always persevered and continued to replenish their troops and fought tenaciously and unyieldingly.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

The battle lasted for 43 days, with the two sides repeatedly fighting for the main position 59 times, and the volunteer army with the 45th Division as the main force repelled more than 900 enemy attacks. In the Battle of Shangganling, the 45th Division played a role in the national prestige and showed the world the heroic, fearless, tenacious and indomitable combat style of the volunteer army.

As the commander of the 45th Division, Cui Jiangong became famous in world war I.

When the movie "Shangganling" was released, he turned his head and left

In his later years, Cui Jiangong recalled that in the Battle of Shangganling, the 45th Division had more than 10,000 people and more than 6,000 casualties. In the Battle of Shangganling, heroes of the 45th Division abounded.

There is Huang Jiguang, a special hero and hero who shields the enemy's gun hole and clears the way for the attacking troops; there is a special meritorious man, the first-class hero platoon leader Sun Zhanyuan, whose legs are broken and still insists on commanding the battle, and when he only has his last breath left, he pulls the last grenade and rolls into the enemy group, and dies with the enemy...

The new soldier Hu Xiudao, one man, held the position, killed and wounded more than 280 enemy comrades in the squad under the heavy casualties of other comrades-in-arms, bravely and astutely repelled more than 40 enemy attacks, swore to defend the main position to the death, made special merits, and won the honorary title of first-class combat hero.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

When the warrior Niu Baocai was repairing the telephone line that had been blown up on the ground of Highland 597.9, his left leg was unfortunately cut off by the metal shrapnel of the enemy's shells, and the blood flowed like blood, he endured great pain, crawled to the broken line with all his might, bit into one thread with his mouth, pulled the other thread with one hand, let the current pass through the body, and won precious 3 minutes of communication contact time for the troops, until the glorious sacrifice...

In the Battle of Shangganling, like Huang Jiguang, the soldiers who sacrificed their lives and forgot their deaths and died with the enemy, there were more than 30 soldiers in the 45th Division.

After returning to China, Cui Jiangong served as chief of staff of the Headquarters of the Kunming Military Region, and when the movie "Shangganling" was released in the military sub-district, Cui Jiangong's eyes were red, he turned his head and left, and everyone asked him why he didn't watch it, he said: "Our division has suffered so many casualties, do you think I can bear to watch it?" ”

In the Battle of Shangganling, the blood of tens of millions of heroes of the 45th Division dyed the battle flag even brighter red...

From "Cui Jiangong" to "Cui Jiangong"

In 1954, Choe returned triumphantly from the Korean battlefield.

He was originally a prisoner of the Red Army, and after 17 years, he became a famous general in Shangganling, but he did not watch "Shangganling"

This famous volunteer general, who was transformed from a prisoner of the Northeast Army, was named a deputy to the First National People's Congress for his outstanding performance in commanding the 45th Division in the Battle of Shangganling. In order to better reward Cui Jiangong for his outstanding military merits in the Battle of Shangganling, the conference secretariat changed his original name to "Cui Jiangong", and since then, this name has been widely circulated.

In 1955, Cui Jiangong was awarded the rank of major general, and later, he successively served as deputy commander, chief of staff of the Headquarters of the Kunming Military Region, and adviser to the military region. In 2004, Cui Jiangong, a famous general in Shangganling, died at the age of 89.

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