
Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

Beginning with the September 18 incident, the sons and daughters of China resisted the Japanese invasion for more than a decade, and although they finally achieved a comprehensive victory, they also paid great sacrifices for it. Throughout the entire period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, our Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army were the main forces in the battlefield behind enemy lines, and due to the disparity in the strength of the enemy and ourselves, they often encountered fierce blows from the Japanese army and suffered huge losses. The person we want to talk about today is the highest-ranking general who died in the New Fourth Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: Peng Xuefeng.

Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

Both civilian and military

Peng Xuefeng was born in September 1907 in Zhenping County, Henan Province. Although the family was not rich, from his grandfather to his father was a private school, so Peng Xuefeng received a systematic education when he was a child and was admitted to the famous Nankai Middle School at the age of 14. After graduation, he stayed in school to teach, and studied and accepted a large number of advanced ideas on the job, and germinated the idea of joining the revolution. In June 1925, he joined the party and became a revolutionary fighter. Although he was a teacher, it did not affect his future military talent on the battlefield.

Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

After the Battle of Leyi, there was an unstable mood within the 2nd Division of the Red 3rd Army at that time, and Peng Xuefeng had a timely insight and found that the key person was Guo Bingsheng, so he made preparations in advance. Sure enough, Guo Bingsheng and others rebelled, and Peng Xuefeng not only adhered to the principle, but also brought back the 5th Regiment and retained the living strength of our army, so it was highly praised by the central government of the Soviet District.

Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

Because peng Xuefeng had firm faith, bravery in battle, and repeated military achievements, by 1936, before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he was already the political commissar of the 4th Division of the 1st Red Army.

Dare to pat the table with the chairman

As for the fact that Peng Xuefeng and the chairman patted the table to be more truthful, it occurred during the Yanchuan Cadre Conference held in May 1936.

Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

At that time, after the end of the conference, the chairman took the initiative to find Peng Xuefeng to talk alone. When confronted with the leader's questioning, Peng Xuefeng first carried out self-criticism and then pondered the current problem. Suddenly, he spoke of the question of unity among comrades. This topic is not big or small, but it is a matter of great concern to the chairman.

Originally, after the Long March, the Red 3rd Army was changed to the Red 4th Division, and the central authorities also sent new cadres, which led to many of the original cadres having opinions. After listening, the chairman denounced this as a typical "hilltop doctrine.".

Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

Who knew that Peng Xuefeng immediately patted the table after hearing it and said: "There are only mountains, no 'isms'"!

Peng Xuefeng pointed out: Since the chairman opened the first base area in Jinggangshan, the revolutionary situation has undergone tremendous changes, and even if Jinggangshan is the first "mountaintop," hundreds of base areas and armed uprisings have appeared throughout the country. It is precisely because of the existence of these "hills" that all the revolutionaries have united together. There are no so-called "isms" among them, they are all part of the revolutionary ranks.

Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

Later, the chairman calmed down and carefully considered Peng Xuefeng's words, and suddenly realized, so he changed his strategy to deal with the Northeast Army and the Northwest Bureau, and perfectly persuaded Zhang Xueliang, Yan Xishan and other warlords to form an anti-Japanese united front.

The stars will fall

In September 1944, Peng Xuefeng, then the commander of the Fourth Division of the New Fourth Army, was ordered to arrive at Balizhuang, and encountered the Japanese puppet army on the way, because the enemy fortifications here were strong and there were a large number of bunkers, Peng Xuefeng, who was scouting the enemy on the front line, was shot by a secret gun and unfortunately died, and a generation of generals fell to the stars, at the age of 37!

The other division commanders of the New Fourth Army, as long as they were given ranks, were all generals: Su Yu, Huang Kecheng, and Zhang Yunyi. If Peng Xuefeng did not sacrifice, he would be a proper general.

The news of Peng Xuefeng's sacrifice reached the chairman, and the grieving chairman sighed: "Little Balizhuang, I have even folded a tiger general!" ”

Who was the highest-ranking general of the New Fourth Army who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan?

It is worth mentioning that the chairman also wrote a bangle for Peng Xuefeng, which is also the longest written by the chairman in his life:

Twenty years of arduous undertakings are about to be completely completed, and we cannot bear to see the brilliant achievements, the wisdom and eternal life, the loyalty of the first generation, and the good example of the Communists; tens of thousands of miles of broken rivers and mountains are waiting to be cleaned up from scratch, and the blood is splashing, sacrificing for the country, full of sorrow and indignation, and mourning the heroes for the Chinese nation.

Bang Lian fully affirmed Peng Xuefeng's tremendous contributions to our party and our army, and at the same time deeply expressed his condolences and regret for his sacrifice.

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