
The initial training course for deputies to the 16th People's Congress of Xiangtan City was held

author:Xiangtan online

Xiangtan Online December 11 news (Xiangtan Daily all-media reporter Fu Dingchen) On December 10, the first training class for the deputies of the 16th People's Congress of Xiangtan City was held. More than 300 deputies to the 16th Municipal People's Congress gathered together to learn relevant knowledge of performing their duties, enhance their awareness of performing their duties, and enhance their ability to perform their duties. Municipal leaders Li Jiangnan, He Jian, Liu Yongzhen, Xiang Min, Zhou Xiaoli, Yang Jianmin, Xu Yajian, Xiao Shuren, Jiang Lijun and others attended.

The first class of this training was taught by Li Jiangnan, vice chairman of the Provincial People's Congress Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee, secretary of the party leading group and acting director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and the main content was to learn the spirit of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, as well as the theory of the people's congress system and other related knowledge. Li Jiangnan pointed out that it is necessary to take the spirit of the Central People's Congress Work Conference as the guide to promote the high-quality development of the work of the Xiangtan Municipal People's Congress. It is necessary to profoundly understand the great significance of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, accurately grasp the spiritual essence of the People's Congress Work Conference, and earnestly undertake the mission and task of the work of the People's Congress in the new era.

Subsequently, Chen Qiguo, executive deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and deputy director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, gave special counseling on the relevant contents of the Supervision Law for the deputies of the Municipal People's Congress. Fu Qiaoyin, former first-level inspector of the General Office of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and former deputy director of the Liaison Committee for Election, Appointment, and Removal, interpreted the "Representation Law" and elaborated on how people's congress deputies can improve the level of performing their duties according to law.

The meeting demanded that the new municipal people's congress deputies should strengthen their awareness of performing their duties, conscientiously perform their duties according to law, and live up to the people's great trust. It is necessary to strengthen the study of performing duties, continuously improve the quality and level of political theory, enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution; familiarize themselves with the "Representation Law," the "Election Law," the "Organization Law," and other laws closely related to the work of the people's congresses, and properly exercise various functions and powers on behalf of the people in accordance with laws and regulations; conscientiously study the theory of the people's congress system and strive to become an expert in the work of the people's congresses. It is necessary to give full play to their role, give play to the characteristics and advantages of coming from the people and taking root in the people, and solve practical problems for the masses; in the spirit of being highly responsible to the people, we must focus our performance of our duties on solving hot and difficult problems that the people of the whole city are concerned about, and actively offer suggestions and suggestions; while conscientiously performing the duties of deputies, we must also shoulder our responsibilities and make meritorious contributions at various posts, so as to make contributions to the efforts to build a new Xiangtan of socialist modernization.

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