
When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

Introduction: After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it did not embark on the path of peaceful development as envisaged, and although fascism was defeated, imperialism still existed, and hegemonism was still rampant.

In 1950, the Chinese Volunteer Army entered the Korean War, which was supposed to be an intra-Korean war, which was mixed up by the United States and became the war of the century between the two great powers of China and the United States. Although China won this war, our victory was not easy, and it can even be said that it was tragic.

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, the DPRK's statement deeply touched our country, and no other country could compare

The war made China's already bad national situation even worse. It was not until the official end of the Korean War that our motherland was on the right track of development, and before the war, our economy and in all aspects were not even as good as before the War of Liberation. This war has brought peace for decades, but it has also destroyed too many things in New China.

In the course of its development in the past few decades, China has not forgotten to aid Vietnam. After the founding of China in 1949, Vietnam was still colonized by the French. Because Chinese knew the pain of colonization, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, China vigorously supported the Vietnamese people in resisting aggression and colonization at the expense of their own interests. It also helped Vietnam to establish an industrial base and gave weapons and ammunition free of charge.

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

During the U.S. attack on Vietnam, we gave both moral and political encouragement, and we encouraged the Vietnamese people to fight against U.S. imperialism and speak out for them internationally. In 1965, China also renamed "Zhennanguan", which had been named since the Ming Dynasty, "Friendship Pass", symbolizing the revolutionary friendship between the two countries.

It can be said that in addition to not helping Vietnam fight like we did with North Korea, we have given the ultimate in the assistance we can give. However, Vietnam is still not satisfied, they want more than we give.

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

"Two hundred billion have raised a wolf cub." In the 1970s, Sino-US relations were eased, especially after Nixon's visit to China, when China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations. At that time, however, The relations between China and its predecessor, the Soviet Union, the big brother, were gradually at odds, and the Soviet Union wanted to shock the United States by teaching us a lesson, and on the other hand, it was jealous of our strength, after all, the facts of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea were there.

Therefore, at this time, the Soviet Union urgently needed a little brother who was willing to help him do bad things, after all, he could not get his hands dirty. After Le Sung came to power, Vietnam became one of the soviet brothers' training objects.

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

The Soviet Union constantly sent people to Vietnam to carry out ideological infiltration, spread hegemonic ideas to the Vietnamese, and unconditionally assisted Vietnam with a large number of military weapons and equipment. Send someone to inform the Vietnamese government that the Soviet Union is Vietnam's best friend and that Vietnam, with the help of the Soviet Union, will surely become the third most powerful country in the world. So Vietnam foolishly believed it.

With the dream of being the world's third power, Vietnam began its own war road of invading Southeast Asian countries and occupying friendly territories. Control of Laos, invasion of Cambodia, harassment of Thailand. The situation became more and more serious, and later it continued to provoke China and create military-civilian friction on the Sino-Vietnamese border. More and more clashes began to unfold at the border, and the friendship between China and Vietnam was exhausted in Vietnam's unilateral and endless provocations.

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

China has been a very tough country on the issue of sovereignty and territorial integrity since ancient times, and we can't bear it in the face of Vietnam's sighting, so the Chinese government decided to send troops to teach a lesson to this small country that does not know the height of the sky.

So in less than a month, hundreds of thousands of troops from the Chinese People's Liberation Army rushed to the Vietnamese border, unlike before, when China already had a lot of artillery equipment. In a short time, the Vietnamese defenders broke up and fled, and China occupied more than twenty industrial towns in northern Vietnam with extremely rapid warfare and blew up the equipment when it withdrew.

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

Vietnam suddenly woke up from the dream of being a great power, while the Soviet Union, which had been encouraging Vietnam to engage in aggression, had long since disappeared without a trace, like an outsider. When China fought Vietnam, it caused an uproar in the international community. The major imperialist countries, which were already not very friendly to China, were criticizing China one after another.

To say that China is engaged in hegemonism and that China is invading the territory of other countries is an immoral act. In short, it is a kind of meaning, that is, China's intelligence is passively beaten, that is, it cannot send troops.

When fighting back against Vietnam's self-defense, North Korea's statement touched our country deeply, and other countries did not speak out

Conclusion: Now that I think about it, their remarks are indeed infuriating and ridiculous. But even though the mainstream of the international community is crusading against China, North Korea, the country we once helped, is still supporting us, in stark contrast to Vietnam. North Korea publicly stated that China's war against Vietnam is a just battle, and Vietnam will eventually lose. North Korea's statement made China feel good, and China exchanged its sincerity for a friend worthy of trust.

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