
The chief of the Russian general staff warned the United States nato of frequent military activities on Russia's borders

author:China News Network

Moscow, 9 Dec (China News Service) -- Gerasimov, chief of the general staff of the Russian armed forces, said on 9 December that the United States and NATO have recently significantly increased their military activities near the Russian border. He warned that the Russian military will closely follow up and monitor and take corresponding measures to guarantee the inviolability of the territory.

On the same day, Gerasimov said in a briefing with military attaches in Russia that tensions in eastern Ukraine are escalating. The supply of helicopters, drones and aircraft by relevant countries to the Ukrainian side is pushing the Ukrainian side to take "fierce and dangerous" moves, but the military operations carried out by the Ukrainian side in the area will be countered.

He also pointed out that the information about Russia's imminent invasion of Ukraine is completely a lie, "NATO countries are overly concerned about the movement of Russian troops on Russian territory." The redeployment of troops during combat training is a regular practice in the armed forces of any country. Russia's military activities on its own territory do not need to be notified. ”

Gerasimov said that NATO's military activities near the Russian border have increased significantly in recent years, and NATO has about 40 major military exercises held near the Russian border every year. During the exercise, a large number of troops will be redeployed near the Russian border, and some of their military equipment will remain there after the exercise.

At the same time, the U.S. military's strategic aviation forces began to appear more frequently near Russia's eastern border and simulated training to launch cruise missiles at targets in Russia. "In any case, air defense means the timely detection of such targets and the taking of measures to prevent incidents," he warned. ”

Gerasimov also pointed out that the establishment of the "U.S.-Britain-Australia Trilateral Security Partnership (AUKUS)" group is a destabilizing factor in the Asia-Pacific region, and the United States and Britain helping Australia build nuclear submarines will lead to the risk of nuclear technology proliferation. The establishment of australia's nuclear submarine fleet may lead to an escalation of struggles in the Asia-Pacific region and even other parts of the world.

Gerasimov said that keeping the Russian Trinity nuclear strike force in a state of high combat readiness is one of the main tasks to improve the combat capability of the Russian armed forces, and 95% of the launchers of the Russian army's land-based strategic nuclear forces are on combat duty. According to him, the Russian Strategic Missile Force is continuing to be equipped with the Yars ICBM and the Vanguard hypersonic missile as planned, and will soon receive a nuclear submarine that can launch the Brava ICBM.

In addition, Gerasimov said that the test of the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile is being successfully completed, and the ability to launch hypersonic missiles from surface ships and from underwater nuclear submarines has been confirmed. By equipping modern submarines and surface ships, the Russian Navy's coastal and far-sea combat capabilities have been further enhanced. (End)

Source: China News Network

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