
Enlightenment and destiny

author:The pursuit of truth
Enlightenment and destiny

People, there are ideas, there will be actions.

Only with the right thoughts can there be correct actions, and only then will there be success and happiness.

The practice of all religions in the world emphasizes the word "enlightenment." The cultivation of communists also speaks the word "enlightenment" and is called enlightenment. Of course, this "enlightenment" is not that "enlightenment." Communists are thoroughgoing materialists.

"Awareness" is human perception, intuition. "Enlightenment" means thinking, analyzing, awakening, and seeing through in order to form correct thinking and thinking.

What is felt is not necessarily able to understand it deeply; only by feeling its true meaning can we understand it more deeply.

Throughout the ages, why have people always been chattering about the word "enlightenment"?

There is only one purpose, that is, in order to survive, in order to transform the natural world and society, in the face of confusing and complicated phenomena, human beings must be able to see the essence of things through phenomena, grasp the objective regularity of the development and change of things, correct their position, reduce blindness, and enhance self-consciousness; make fewer mistakes and take fewer detours in order to achieve more success.

The overall ability and level of human beings to transform society and the natural world and "realize" determine the speed, depth and breadth of human social progress.

The level of the individual's "understanding" of the objective laws of society and nature determines the situation and level of the individual in social survival.

By understanding a "thing", you can develop and utilize it correctly.

By understanding a "thing", you can correctly look at and deal with the problem.

Understand life thoroughly, you can live a frank and calm, happy and happy, healthy and long life, less chaotic playing, no regrets in coming to the world, dashing away.

With a thorough understanding of society, you can put yourself in a correct position, truly embody the value of life, say the right words, do the right things, take the right road, consciously stand on the side of the broadest masses of the people, and be a promoter of historical progress.

Enlightenment, to put it bluntly, is the need for human or human survival, not the need to eat enough to think wildly. If you don't realize it, you will take a detour, do something wrong, or even break your head and bleed.

What is smart? A wise person is a good person with good understanding, everything, fast enlightenment, deep enlightenment, and being able to realize the essence of things. Therefore, you can receive the effect of doubling the results with half the effort and reap more success and happiness.

Stupid people are always not good at enlightenment, and they run into walls everywhere, and even when they hit the south wall, they don't know how to turn back. All day long, I was always like a complaining woman, complaining and complaining.

Enlightenment, Buddhism talks about the three realms of Zen Buddhism: looking at the mountain is the mountain, seeing the water is the water; seeing the mountain is not the mountain, seeing the water is not the water; seeing the mountain is still the mountain, seeing the water is still the water. That is to say, only through threefold enlightenment can people truly understand the essence of things and cultivate positive results.

Wang Guowei, a scholar at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, was even more absolute when talking about the three realms of life cultivation: "Last night the west wind withered the bi tree. Go up to the tall building alone, and look at the end of the world"; "The belt gradually widens and finally does not regret it, and the people are haggard for The people of Yi"; "The crowd looks for him for thousands of degrees, and suddenly looks back, but the man is there, and the lights are dimmed." That is to say, those who have become great things in ancient and modern times and university inquirers can only achieve the glory of life through the understanding and cultivation of these three realms.

Life is a kind of practice. More or less awakenings, late and early, in fact, most of them are "forced" out. Only when the mountains and rivers are exhausted and the pain is deep in the heart, it seems that we can suddenly realize, realize greatly, and wake up like a dream. Water to despair is a landscape, and man to despair is rebirth.

Only when people are poor and destitute can they realize that if people do not struggle, they have no way to live.

When people lose their ability to take care of themselves, they can realize who is the closest relative to them.

When people are in unbearable pain and bedridden, they even pass the first or second ghost door, in order to fully understand that the greatest happiness in life is no disease and no disaster, and good health.

When people are in difficulty, they can realize who is a true friend.

At the critical moment, people can truly see a person's true ability and true face.

Of course, in the transformation of society and nature, people demand correct cognition, and not all perceptions are correct. To judge whether enlightenment is correct or not, we must return to practice and accept the test of practice; generally speaking, the truth that has been enlightened is correct if it succeeds; if it fails, it may be wrong. In this cycle, people's understanding continues to rise to a higher level, closer to the essence and truth of things, thus guiding our practice and achieving more and greater success.

Literacy begins in life. It is in this kind of enlightenment that man grows and matures step by step from sensibility to reason, from necessity to freedom.

Life, all the problems encountered, must have understanding, all need to be enlightened. However, the basics are:

Feel life, understand gains and losses, know how to advance and retreat, know reverence, and realize how to behave.

Feel the society, know how to do things in the society; understand the laws of social development, not muddy, still less against the tide, consciously be the promoter of historical development.

Feel the natural world, recognize the objective laws of the development and change of the natural world, use nature, fear nature, and conform to nature. Predatory exploitation, exhaustion of fishing, destruction of the environment, human beings may be expelled from the "ball".

The great enlightenment is related to the fate of mankind.

A small understanding is a matter of personal future.

If you want to realize quickly, deeply, and correctly,

The best way to do this is to improve yourself. Marxist theory, especially Marxist philosophy, is our telescope and microscope for understanding the world. Without the improvement of epistemology, it is difficult to jump out of the wrong way and confusion of enlightenment by relying on "empiricism" alone. Standing on a high place, all you see is the scenery. Standing low, all you see is a field of chicken feathers. Only by studying the truth of Marxism well can we better understand society and the natural world, and gain more and greater freedom in transforming society and nature.

The most basic way is to integrate theory with practice. Learning theory well is not just "thinking" and endorsing, but to solve problems. In connection with reality, better perception, in the theory of understanding, better to transform society and the world.

When you are young, many things are not understood. Until I seem to understand a lot, look back, I am no longer young. The road is long and the road is long, and I will seek up and down.

Life is like water, walking through, knowing the depth. Years are like songs, singing, only then do you know the rhyme. Life is not just a place of chicken feathers, but also poetry and far away. Spring has a hundred flowers, summer has greenery, autumn has fruits, winter has snow, if the heart is like a mirror, everything is a beautiful scenery.

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