
Just be informed! 17 high schools in Gansu are included in the important cultivation plan

author:Bright Net

Recently, the Provincial Department of Education issued a notice of the "Gansu Provincial Excellent High School Construction Plan", announcing that 17 senior high schools in our province are included in the Gansu Provincial Excellent High School Cultivation Plan.

These senior high schools are: Lanzhou No. 1 Middle School of Gansu Province, Affiliated Middle School of Northwest Normal University, No. 33 Middle School of Lanzhou City, No. 58 Middle School of Lanzhou City, No. 1 Middle School of Jiayuguan City, Jinchuan Senior High School of Jinchang City, No. 1 Middle School of Huining County of Gansu Province, No. 1 Middle School of Tianshui City, Jiuquan Middle School of Gansu Province, Zhangye Middle School of Gansu Province, Wuwei No. 1 Middle School of Gansu Province, No. 1 Middle School of Dingxi City, No. 1 Middle School of Longnan City, No. 1 Middle School of Pingliang City of Gansu Province, No. 1 Middle School of Qingyang City of Gansu Province, And No. 1 Middle School of Yongjing County of Gansu Province. Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Cooperative No. 1 Middle School.

The plan proposes to use three years to cultivate and create a number of outstanding high schools in Gansu Province with advanced school running concepts, distinctive school running characteristics, school running codes, excellent school running quality, strong teachers, obvious disciplinary advantages, good school running conditions, remarkable educational results, scientific evaluation mechanisms, high satisfaction of students' parents and social recognition, and certain influence and popularity inside and outside the province. Give full play to the exemplary leading and radiation driving role of outstanding high schools, deeply promote the reform of education methods, drive the development of high-quality and diverse characteristics of ordinary high schools in the region, and improve the overall level of ordinary high schools and the quality of education.

The plan clearly states that the scope of construction is based on the implementation of national-level demonstration schools for the implementation of new curriculum and new teaching materials in 3 ordinary high schools, and the implementation of new teaching materials for new courses and new teaching materials in 14 ordinary high schools is included in the scope of construction. After the end of the three-year construction period, experts will be organized to conduct assessment and acceptance, and the schools that have passed the acceptance will be awarded the title of "Gansu Provincial Excellent High School".

Transferred from: Gansu Provincial Department of Education

Source: China Gansu Net

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