
The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

author:Scientific Observatory
The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

The Moon, also known as the Yin and Moon, is the only natural satellite on Earth, ranking fifth in the solar system's satellite volume rankings, and is also the closest celestial body to Earth. Therefore, in the history of the development of human aerospace, the moon is the first extraterrestrial object that humans have already set foot in, and it is also the only one so far.

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

During the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union in the last century, the two world powers of the United States and the Soviet Union began to explore the moon. On January 2, 1959, after several attempts, the Soviet Union successfully launched the Luna 1 probe at the Baikonur launch site, which was also the first interstellar probe in human history to escape the Gravitational Pull of the Earth. Although Luna 1 did not crash into the moon as originally planned, passing by the moon, this opened a new journey for humanity to space.

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

Until 1969, the United States, not to be left behind, officially launched the first manned mission to the moon after many test preparations. "Apollo 1" was successfully launched at the Kennedy Space Center under the attention of 600 million people around the world. At 16:17 on July 20, 1969, the lunar module of "Apollo 1" officially landed on the lunar surface, and six and a half hours later, American astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin stepped on the lunar surface successively, armstrong also said the classic sentence "This is a small step for me personally, and a big step for all mankind."

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

At this point, the moon has become another celestial body that humans can step on besides the earth. Within two and a half hours of lunar activity, the two astronauts successfully took some photos and collected some lunar rock specimens, and successfully brought them back to Earth. Although there is still a lot of controversy about the US moon landing, the most famous is the former CIA employee Snowden's revelation, saying that "I believe that Russia first explored the moon", in addition to many scholars have also questioned the US moon landing. But in any case, in the last century, the two major powers of the United States and the Soviet Union did make a lot of contributions to human space exploration.

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

Compared with the two major powers in the world at that time, the United States and the Soviet Union, China at that time faced many difficulties, so the time behind the exploration of the moon was not a star and a half. It was not until 1991 that Chinese experts formally proposed to carry out the lunar exploration plan, and after more than ten years of preparation, in 2007, China's "Long March No. 3A" carrier rocket carried the "Chang'e-1" lunar exploration satellite, which was successfully launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, and after 8 orbit changes, "Chang'e-1" officially entered the working orbit and transmitted an image of the lunar surface. It also fills the gap in China's exploration of the moon.

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

Recently, China's "Yutu-2" lunar rover brought back a novel news, and found a "mysterious hut" on the surface of the far side of the moon. It is reported that the "Yutu-2" lunar rover landed on the moon in 2019 and has been working on the moon for more than a thousand days so far, which is the longest lunar rover that has been running on the lunar surface so far, and it is also the first probe for humans to softly land on the back of the moon.

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

After the release of this news, it caused widespread concern, netizens are also brain holes, some people speculate that it is a temporary cabin of aliens, some people speculate that it is a strange stone structure formed by meteorite impact, and even more said that it is the "Guanghan Palace" in the mythological story, as to what exactly has to wait for the "Jade Rabbit II" to be observed closely before it can be known.

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

Although the time of China's lunar exploration mission is far behind that of the United States and the Soviet Union at that time, China's contribution to lunar exploration is not small. After completing several phased missions of lunar exploration, the "Chang'e-5" probe launched in November 2020 successfully soft-landed on the lunar surface, collected lunar soil on the lunar surface and brought it back to the earth, which caused quite a stir around the world at that time, and countries came to seek cooperation and share information.

The lunar mission is nearly half a century behind! China from scratch, recently found a "mysterious hut"

China's rapid development in the field of science and technology, for the lunar exploration from scratch, can not be separated from the contribution of China's scientific researchers, how many failures have been experienced behind this, how many hardships can not be said, I believe that under the efforts of scientific researchers, China's realization of manned moon landing is only a matter of time, for the struggle in the front line of silent payment of scientific researchers praise.

Here is the Science Observatory, pay attention to me that I do not get lost, will continue to update some scientific knowledge

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