
The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

author:Mao Sining

In Chairman Mao's life, two people successively called him, one was Zhu De in "Zhu Mao" and the other was Cai Hesen in "Mao Cai".

Cai Hesen was born in 1895, a native of Yongfeng Town, Xiangxiang County, Hunan Province (now part of Shuangfeng County), and his characters Runhuan, Zebin, Chairman Mao's characters Runzhi, and Zedong seem to be destined to become brotherly comrades-in-arms. Cai Hesen has a younger sister named Cai Chang, who is the leader of the women's movement, a member of the Central Committee, and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. When the brothers and sisters were young, an old man once said to Ge Jianhao after meeting the brothers and sisters: Your sons and daughters will become Wang Zuo's talents in the future.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Sculpture of Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen

Cai Hesen's grandfather ran a pickle garden making hot sauce and a selling shop selling daily necessities, as well as dozens of acres of good land, the family was well-off, and later abandoned the merchant Congrong, served as a sentry commander in the army of Zeng Guofan, and in 1864 was repatriated home due to zeng guofan's dismissal of the Xiang army, and began to fall in the middle of the family road. Cai hesen's father was idle and tainted with the bad habits of a clumsy child, and soon lost the family property, and later had to rely on his mother-in-law's kinship to obtain an official position in the Jiangnan Machinery Manufacturing General Bureau in Shanghai to support the family. Cai and Sen were born in Shanghai during this period.

Cai Hesen's mother, Ge Jianhao, was born in 1865 in Heye Township, Xiangxiang County (now part of Shuangfeng County). Ge Jianhao's father was a staff general in Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army, and Cai Hesen's grandfather was a military colleague. Ge Jianhao's Ge family, Zeng Guofan's Zeng family, and the female revolutionary Qiu Jin's husband's Wang family are the three famous families in Heye Town, and the three major families have marriages with each other, just like the Jia family Xue family and the Wang family in the dream of the Red Chamber.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Cai Hesen and Cai Chang's mother Ge Jianhao

Ge Jianhao was a heroic man and a man of righteousness and charity, while her husband was selfish, narrow-minded, mean and unkind, for which the husband and wife often had fierce conflicts, and their children were deeply influenced by their mothers, always sided with their mothers, making their fathers very angry, not only often insulting their wives and children, but also threatening to drive them out of the house. After careful consideration, Ge Jianhao resolutely took his children back to Heye's house.

After Ge Jianhao returned to Heye's family, he became close friends with Qiu Jin, who married into the Heye Wang family (the Wang family was the richest man in Xiangtan), and Tang Qunying, who married into the Heye Zeng family. Tang Qunying was the first female member of the China League led by Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the feminist movement, and was known as "the hero of the founding of the Republic of China." Tang Qunying, Qiu Jin and Ge Jianhao were known as the "Three Daughters of Xiaoxiang" by posterity.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Tang Qunying, the hero who founded the Republic of China

In the spring of 1907, Qiu Jin returned to Heye po's house to raise funds for the revolution. Ge Jianhao came to the door many times to talk with Qiu Jin. Ge Jianhao was envious of Qiu Jin's courage, chivalry, thoughts, and knowledge. In one conversation after another, Qiu Jin has sown the seeds of revolution and feminism in Ge Jianhao's heart. Qiu Jin was killed on July 15, 1907. Ge Jianhao was very sad after hearing this, and she took her children to worship Qiu Jin and told them affectionately about Qiu Jin's heroic deeds. Qiu Jin's heroic deeds were deeply imprinted in the young hearts of Cai Hesen and Cai Chang, profoundly affecting their future path.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Jian Hu Female Heroine Qiu Jin

Because the family was so poor, Cai and Sen could not go to school when they reached the age of school, and at the age of thirteen, they went to the pickle garden founded by their uncle as an apprentice, and in addition to the apprenticeship, he grasped every minute and second to teach himself cultural knowledge. Ge Jianhao was deeply moved by his son's strong desire to study, and in 1911, when Cai he was sixteen years old, he managed to send him to the Twin Peaks Elementary School and crossed the grade to the third grade. Coincidentally, Chairman Mao also entered the primary school at the age of 16. Because they were several years older than their classmates, Cai and Sen were ridiculed by their classmates as "too students." Cai and Sen did not care about these things, and focused on learning single-mindedly, and in only half a year he jumped into Twin Peaks Higher Primary School.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Our Party's early outstanding leaders, Cai Hesen

In the spring of 1913, Cai Hesen was admitted to the Changsha Railway School with the first place, and the composition teacher with a score of 100 gave him 105 points. At the same time, Chairman Mao was admitted to the Provincial Fourth Normal School with the first place, and the principal Chen Suhuang pointed to Chairman Mao's examination paper and said to the school teachers: "How many people in my generation have done such articles?" ”。 However, in August of that year, the Changsha Railway School was closed, and Cai and Sen dropped out of school after only half a year of studying at the railway school. In the autumn, Cai Hesen was admitted to the Hunan Provincial First Normal School with the best results. The teacher's evaluation of his article was: the style is strange, and the voice is like a golden stone.

In 1914, the Provincial Fourth Normal School was merged into the First Normal School, and since the Fourth Normal School opened in the spring and the First Normal School opened in the autumn, Chairman Mao had to study for half a year. In this way, Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen became classmates of the same grade in the same school, with Chairman Mao in the eighth class and Cai hesen in the sixth class. In school, teachers often posted the compositions of Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen as sample essays on the display wall of the school, and the articles of the two were inseparable. Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen read each other's articles and admired each other. At a philosophical seminar, the two finally met, and at first sight, they both had a sense of seeing each other and hating each other. After the conversation, Chairman Mao learned that the legendary figure who had heard the composition scored 105 points was Cai Hesen in front of him. Since then, Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen have jointly written a historical legend of the gathering.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Chairman Mao as a student

Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen not only agreed completely in terms of viewpoints, but also in action, swimming together in the Xiang River, hiking and climbing in the wind and rain together, taking cold baths in the cold snow together, sleeping all night on Mount Yuelu, visiting scenic spots and historical sites together, conducting social investigations together------ and their classmates all called the two a match made in heaven. Chairman Mao was so excited that he did not go home that summer, but lived with Cai and Sen, and their feelings were as hot as lovers in love.

Soon, Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen organized a book club to organize a group of like-minded friends to read books and discuss problems together. Yang Kaihui and Cai Chang, who studied at Zhounan Girls' School, also joined in. Two like-minded women became close friends.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Yang Kaihui when he was a student

When Cai and Sen were studying at the Changsha Railway School, something happened at home. His father had quit his job in Shanghai at that time and was idle at home, and in order to maintain his unearned life, he accepted a dowry of 500 oceans from a landlord to sell his 13-year-old sister Cai Chang to the landlord's family as a child bride. In that patriarchal society, although Ge Jianhao firmly opposed it, he could not change his husband's decision. The mother and daughter were forced to think of a way to escape marriage, so they went to write to Cai hesen, who rushed back to pick up his sister to Changsha, and later helped his sister to enter the Zhounan Girls' School.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Cai and Sen's sister Cai Chang

The following year, Ge Jianhao sold some of his family property and took his eldest daughter Cai Qingxi, who was already married, and her four-year-old daughter Liu Qianang to Study in Changsha. Liu Qianang later served as the secretary of Premier Zhou, the deputy director of the Prime Minister's Office, and the vice minister of agricultural machinery. The eldest daughter, Cai Qingxi, went to Hengpu School (Yang Kaihui and her mother also studied here two years ago) to learn sewing and embroidery, and granddaughter Liu Qianang entered kindergarten. Ge Jianhao himself went to apply for the Women's Teacher Training Institute. The teacher of the Women's Training Institute heard that the 48-year-old woman in front of her had come to apply for the examination, and thought it was just a joke and did not pay attention to her. Ge Jianhao filed a complaint against the school to the county court. The county magistrate read the complaint and listened to Ge Jianhao's generous statement, thinking that she was a remarkable woman, so he approved the four words "Qi Zhi Ke Jia" and specially approved her to be exempted from the entrance examination. Three generations and five members of Ge Jianhao's family studied together in Changsha, and for a time it was rumored in Changsha as a beautiful talk.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Cai Hesen's former residence Guangjia Hall (Cai Chang was born here)

Ge Jianhao laid down her body and fully integrated into the study life as an ordinary student, and after completing her studies, she returned to Shuangfeng Yongfeng Town to open a girls' school, and she and her two daughters were teachers. In addition to teaching cultural knowledge, the school also has courses such as sports, music, sewing, embroidery, etc., and also promotes the idea of women's emancipation. The school lasted for three semesters, but had to be discontinued under the interference of feudal conservative forces.

In June 1915, Cai and Sen jumped to the Hunan Higher Normal School, and he and Chairman Mao were separated, one on the east side of the Xiang River, one on the west side of the Xiang River, as long as there was time, they either you came to see me, or I went to see you. In 1917, Cai Hesen graduated with honors at the Hunan Higher Normal School, and it took him only 6 years to complete courses from primary school to university. After graduation, Cai and Sen did not go to work, but were determined to devote all their energy to the revolution.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen's teacher Yang Changji

Ge Jianhao fully agreed with his son's decision. In order to support her son, she came to Changsha with her eldest daughter and granddaughter. In order to save money, they settled their homes in the abandoned house of the tomb keepers at the foot of Yuelu Mountain called Liu Jiataizi. Chairman Mao and a group of friends often come here to meet. Ge Jianhao's stable income at that time was only Cai Chang's monthly teacher salary at ZhouNan Girls' School of 8 yuan, and in order to subsidize the family, she and her eldest daughter rented a piece of land to grow vegetables. They would rather substitute vegetables for grain than save grain to entertain Chairman Mao.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Cai Hesen Former Residence Liu JiaTaizi (Site of the Founding Of the Xinmin Society)

On April 14, 1918, the Xinmin Society was established in the home of Cai Hesen. Present at the inaugural meeting were Chairman Mao, Cai Hesen, He Shuheng, Luo Xuezan, Luo Zhanglong, Chen Chang, and 13 others. The purpose of the Xinmin Society is to "innovate scholarship, improve character, and improve people's hearts and customs". Later, in France, Cai Hesen changed the purpose of the Xinmin Society to "transform China and the world". After the establishment of the Xinmin Society, Chairman Mao and his family came to Cai Hesen's house more frequently, and when they discussed issues, Ge Jianhao listened to and sometimes participated in the discussion, and her soul was constantly baptized by new ideas.

In June 1918, Cai Hesen was entrusted by the Xinmin Society to go to Beijing to coordinate the study of study in France. When it comes to studying in France and studying in France, we cannot fail to mention another important person, Li Shizeng. Li Shi was the son of Li Hongzao, a major minister of the late Qing Dynasty, who was the teacher of the Tongzhi Emperor and the leader of the Qing school. Although his and Li Hongzhang's names differed by only one word and were often mistaken for Li Hongzhang's brothers, Li Hongzhang was the lord and faction of the imperial court, and Li Hongzao was the main war faction of the imperial court.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Li Shizeng, a famous educator who studied in France and studied in France

Li Shi studied in France in his early years, and he founded a tofu company in France and brought 42 migrant workers from China to France. The 42 migrant workers worked during the day and studied at night in France, and after 2 years, they not only earned money, but also opened their eyes to learn knowledge and technology. Li Shi once found this to be a good way to improve the people's wisdom, so he joined hands with Cai Yuanpei, the chief of education, to carry out a huge campaign to study in France and study. From March 1919 to January 1921, more than 1,800 students arrived in France. In this movement, various figures in China's modern history have appeared one after another. This movement profoundly influenced the course of Chinese history.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Pictures of famous people studying in France

When Cai Hesen was passing through Dongting Lake on his way to Beijing, he looked at the rough waters of the lake, thought of the motherland with weak national strength and the people in the depths of the water, he was fierce and fierce, and wrote a majestic and atmospheric "Youth Journey": "The dragon and snake on the mainland rise, Qiankun is a teenager; the countryside and the country are harassed, the wind and rain send the ship ------ Kuangfu has my presence, and he is supporting people with great difficulties, loyal to the heart, and haoran fills two ------" to express his grand ambition of taking the world as his own responsibility."

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

The magnificent Dongting Lake

Cai and Sen's work in Beijing was progressing smoothly, and he excitedly wrote to Chairman Mao asking him to "empty the province of students to come to Beijing." On August 19, Chairman Mao personally led the first batch of 24 Hunan students to arrive in Beijing with great excitement. Those who studied in France and studied in France were first arranged to study in Baoding's preparatory class for studying in France. Later, more than 20 preparatory classes for studying in France were successively opened throughout the country.

Chairman Mao hurried back to his grandmother's house before going to Beijing. Chairman Mao's mother had lymphadenitis in her neck and was recuperating at her grandmother's house. Chairman Mao asked someone to prescribe a prescription in Changsha, and he asked his uncle to take care of his mother and asked them to boil medicine for his mother according to the formula. But Chairman Mao's mother's illness never improved, but became more and more serious, so that it was perforated and bleeding. In the spring of the following year, Chairman Mao took his mother to Changsha for medical treatment, and his two younger brothers escorted him all the way.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Chairman Mao and his mother and brother take pictures in Changsha

When Chairman Mao's mother arrived in Changsha, she lived in Cai hesen's house. At first, Chairman Mao's mother was very uneasy about living in Cai and Sen's house, and Ge Jianhao constantly advised her: Runzhihe and Sen are brothers, and the two of us are sisters, and we will come here just like in our own home. Ge Jianhao helped take Chairman Mao's mother to see a doctor, helped her clean up her wounds, helped her change her medicine and boiled medicine, and tried his best to help her increase her nutrition. Slowly, the two mothers became confidant sisters who talked about everything. Of course, what they talk about the most is their son, the cause that their son has to do. They support their son from the bottom of their hearts and are proud of them.

From Chairman Mao's mother and Cai Hesen's mother, I thought of Premier Zhou's mother, Zhu Laozong's mother, Deng Xiaoping's mother------ all of whom have something in common, they are all kind and virtuous, intelligent and capable, and generous. I find it easier for a good mother to produce a better son.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Two mothers of Premier Zhou

After more than 20 days of treatment, Chairman Mao's mother's illness improved, and she insisted on going home, so Chairman Mao had to arrange for his two younger brothers to escort her mother back. I didn't expect this distinction to be eternal. On October 5, 1919, Chairman Mao's mother died tragically, and Chairman Mao was busy with the campaign to expel the warlord Zhang Jingyao and failed to see his mother for the last time. Before he died, Chairman Mao's mother kept calling: "Shi San lingzi, Shi San lingzi ------" Chairman Mao listened to his brother's story, his liver and gallbladder were broken, and he wrote a touching "Mother Sacrifice Text" with tears. To Chairman Mao's surprise, unfortunate events came one after another, and on January 17, 1920, his mentor Yang Changji passed away, and on the 23rd, his father died of typhoid fever. The death of both parents and the failure to see the last face became the pain of Chairman Mao's life.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Chairman Mao and his uncle's father (second from left) younger brother Mao Zeqin

Except for a small number of people who study in France at public expense, most people have to raise their own funds. Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen were running around for money. Yang Changji, Yang Kaihui's father and teacher when Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen were at the First Normal School in Hunan, learned of the difficulties of the two proud protégés and wrote a letter before dying, asking them to take the letter to Shanghai to find Zhang Shizhao, who was then the minister of education. The letter reads: "Mao Cai Erjun, a contemporary talent, hope to be good at it!" I solemnly speak jun, the second son hai nei talent, the future is great. If you do not say anything to save the country, you must first have two sons! After reading the letter, Zhang Shizhao said: "It is my duty to serve the country as a friend. Zhang Shizhao immediately launched a fundraising campaign in Shanghai's industrial and commercial circles, raising a total of 20,000 silver dollars, and Zhang Shizhao handed them all over to Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen. Ge Jianhao also borrowed 600 yuan from yufeng spinning mill through his relationship with Nie Yuntai, the grandson of Zeng Guofan, and the funding was basically implemented.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Zhang Shizhao, Minister of Education of the Beiyang Government

In March 1919, Chairman Mao sent away the first batch of Hunan students who studied in France and studied in Shanghai. In December, Ge Jianhao, Cai Hesen, Cai Chang and Xiang Jingyu also embarked on a cruise to France. Born in 1895 in Pupu County, Hunan Province, Xiang Jianyu was born into a family of wealthy county chamber of commerce presidents, married Cai Hesen in France in 1920, and gave birth to a son Cai Bo in Changsha in May 24. Xiang Jingyu was the first female central committee member of our party, the first female women minister, arrested in Wuhan in March 1928, unyielding in prison, and was brutally killed by the enemy on May Day at the age of 33. The scene of her sacrifice was very similar to that of Qiu Jin at that time.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

The first Minister of Women Revolutionary Martyrs gave the police

Before Cai and Sen left the country, Chairman Mao and Cai hesen made a clear division of labor. Chairman Mao led some members of the Xinmin Society to stay in China to study the national conditions, and Cai Hesen led some members of the Xinmin Society to France to seek a way to save the country and the people. When Cai Hesen arrived in France, he took the dictionary and read and translated all kinds of books, especially the Marxist-Leninist classics, and he not only conquered the language barrier in only half a year, but also quickly grew into a staunch Marxist, and was known as "Little Marx" among those who studied in France.

In July 1920, the members of the Xinmin Society who studied in France held a meeting in Montagny, France, and serious differences arose at the meeting. The faction headed by Xiao Zisheng advocated taking the reformist road of education to save the country, and the faction headed by Cai Hesen advocated taking the road of the October Revolution in the Soviet Union. After the meeting, Cai hesen wrote a letter to Chairman Mao to report on the situation of the meeting and his own ideas. In his letter, Cai Hesen explicitly proposed the establishment of the "Communist Party of China" for the first time, and systematically and profoundly expounded the theory, line, principles, and organizational principles of party building, which was the first in the history of our party. At the same time, he predicted the victory of World War II, the Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Revolution. It can be seen how far-sighted the 25-year-old Cai and Sen are. Chairman Mao read Cai Hesen's letter and replied, "The view is extremely serious, and I have not disapproved of a single word. Therefore, although Cai and Sen did not participate in the "big one" of the party, they were later recognized as one of the founders of the party.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Photo of the Montani Conference

The life of studying in France is extremely difficult. Ge Jianhao, who is more than 50 years old, is studying while doing embroidery handicraft work. During this period, Cai Chang married Li Fuchun, a young man from Changsha, and gave birth to a daughter Li Tete in February 23. In order not to affect the study and work of his daughter and son-in-law, Ge Jianhao took on the task of taking care of his grandson. Ge Jianhao's embroidery was very popular with the local French, so Ge Jianhao organized more women studying in France and volunteered to teach them to do hand embroidery.

Li Fuchun is an outstanding leader of the party and the state, having served as a member of the Central Committee and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, and has long served as vice premier of the State Council. Ge Jianhao's family has walked out of the four central committee members Cai Hesen, Cai Chang, Xiang Jingyu and Li Fuchun, of whom Cai Hesen and Li Fuchun have also served as members of the Politburo Standing Committee, so it can be said that Ge Jianhao's family is the "most prominent" family in the history of the CPC. Ge Jianhao also has a son named Cai Luxian, is the older brother of Cai Hesen, joined the party in 1923, changed his name to Cai Linsheng, engaged in the workers' movement in Shanghai, was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy in 24 years, he studied hard in the military school, all his homework is excellent, and the live-fire shooting score is the top of the school. In 25 years, in order to support the provincial and hong Kong strikes, Cai Linsheng led the pickets to carry out blockade missions in Bao'an County, and died heroically in the battle against the British imperialists.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Li Fuchun and Cai Chang

Cai and Sen returned to China at the end of 1921, and Chen Duxiu personally introduced him to the party. The following year, Cai Hesen was elected as a member of the Central Committee, responsible for organizing the weekly newspaper "Guide", the organ of the Party Central Committee, and served as the first editor-in-chief. The release of "Guide" has had a great impact on society and has become the ideological guide of forty million compatriots. Cai he sen is known as the soul of "The Guide".

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

The Party's Organ Newspaper "Guide"

In June 1923, at the "Three Congresses" of the Party, Cai Hesen was elected a member of the Central Committee with 37 votes, receiving only three votes less than Chen Duxiu and three more votes than Chairman Mao. After the meeting, Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen were stationed in the Shanghai Party Central Committee, living in the same building, and openly referring to them as "brothers surnamed Wang."

In 1925, Cai Hesen led the famous "May Thirtieth Movement", in which Cai Hesen showed excellent organizational and leadership skills, and quickly grew into outstanding mass leaders.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

May Thirtieth Movement

On the eve of the "Five Congresses" of the Party in 1927, Cai Hesen pointed out: "The peasant movement is the fundamental problem of the whole revolution", "the bourgeoisie oppresses the workers and peasants and cannot lead the revolution", "who can solve the peasants' land problem, who can win the world", these views are completely consistent with Chairman Mao's views. At the "Five Congresses," Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen fired at the same time, sharply criticizing Chen Duxiu's right-leaning opportunist mistakes. After the "Five Congresses," in the face of the dangerous situation of reactionaries betraying the revolution, Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen both strongly advocated mobilizing the masses, arming the masses, and using violence against violence and attack against attack. Unfortunately, Chen Duxiu rejected the correct ideas of Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen, resulting in heavy losses for the revolution.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Scene of the "Five Congresses" of the Communist Party of China

On August 7, the Party held an emergency meeting in Hankou, which accepted the correct opinions of Chairman Mao and Cai Hesen. However, Tsai and Sen were not so unhappy that Chairman Mao's name was not included in the newly drawn list of members of the Politburo, and he proposed that Chairman Mao should enter the Politburo and, if the quota was limited, he could withdraw from the Politburo Standing Committee. Forced by Tsai and Sen's prestige within the party, Chairman Mao was elected as an alternate member of the Politburo, but Cai and Sen were defeated as members of the Politburo Standing Committee. When someone attacked Cai and Sen as a "leftist", Cai and Sen said: "I know Mao Zedong very well, and Mao Zedong has the extraordinary qualities of thoughtfulness and foresight of a future leader. "Cai Hesen is worthy of being Chairman Mao's true confidant.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Site of the 1987 Conference

After the meeting, Chairman Mao returned to Hunan to lead the autumn harvest uprising, and Cai he and Sen were urgently recalled and sent to the Northern Bureau to do underground work on the way back to Hunan, and then went to Moscow twice. In the spring of 1931, when Cai and Sen returned from Moscow, he was very yearning for the Central Soviet District opened by Chairman Mao, and he applied to the Central Committee to work in the Soviet Union, but the Central Committee appointed him as the secretary of the Liangguang Provincial Party Committee and asked him to go to Hong Kong to lead the work of the Southern Bureau. Choi and Sen obeyed the central government's arrangement and arrived in Hong Kong in early May.

On 10 June, the Hong Kong Seafarers' Union held an emergency meeting. At this time, the party organization had received information that Gu Shunzhang, the most dangerous traitor in the party, had arrived in Hong Kong, posing a great danger to Cai and Sen, and everyone persuaded him not to attend the meeting. However, from the day cai and sen joined the revolution, they had already put their lives on the line. By twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Cai and Sen thought about it repeatedly, and he felt that the meeting was too important and he had to go, so he handed the 3-year-old child he was holding in his hand to his wife and said, "I will come back before one o'clock in the afternoon, and if I don't come back by then, it will be an accident." After saying that, he looked at his son and wife affectionately and calmly walked out of the house.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Hong Kong in 1931

As soon as Cai and Sen entered the venue, they were arrested by the agents who had long been ambushed in the venue. The enemy did not get anything they wanted from Cai and Sen, and finally, enraged, the enemy nailed his limbs to the wall, poked him in the chest, and stabbed him to death with a torture knife. He died on August 4, 1931. When Chairman Mao heard the news of Cai Hesen's sacrifice, he sat still for a long time and said slowly: "What a Communist Party member should do, Comrade Hesen has done!" ”

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Tsai and Sen Memorial

In the autumn of 1923, Cai Chang and Li Fuchun went to the Soviet Union, and Ge Jianhao returned to China with his grandson Li Tete. In 24 years, she and Tang Qunying and others initiated the restoration of the Hunan Women's Federation, which led to the inclusion of equal rights for men and women in the Constitution of Hunan Province. In 25 years, Ge Jianhao opened a civilian girls' vocational school in Changsha, and this school also became a place of activity for revolutionaries. After the "Ma-Ri Incident", the school was destroyed by the reactionaries and forced to close down. After that, Ge Jianhao traveled between Wuhan and Shanghai, covering and assisting his sons and daughters in revolutionary work.

After sacrificing himself to the police, Cai he sen and Cai Chang discussed and arranged for their mother to return to their hometown of Yongfeng Town. Ge Jianhao rented several houses to live with her husband, eldest daughter, grandchildren Li Tete and Cai Bo. In 1932, Ge Jianhao's husband died. In 1938, the eldest daughter sold her in-laws' property and bought several old houses in Shibanchong, more than ten miles away from Yongfeng Town, and the family officially settled down.

One evening in 1939, Premier Zhou sent people to find Ge Jianhao, and the people who came also called for a palanquin to take Ge Jianhao to Yan'an, Ge Jianhao said: She is old, she can't do things for the party, and she can't go to Yan'an to increase the burden on the party. The people who came to see the persuasion did not move, so they had to take the 4 grandchildren away. In 1943, Ge Jianhao died without illness at the age of 78. On her deathbed, she did not know that her son Cai Hesen, who had pinned her greatest hopes, had been sacrificed, and she was still asking her eldest daughter: "Did Hesen and Xianxi (Cai Chang) have a letter back?" Chairman Mao heard the news of Ge Jianhao's death and wrote down the elegy of "old woman, bride, heroic child, heroine." Ge Jianhao became the only person who was not a party member and was written into the history of the party.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Cai Bo, son of Cai he Sen, and his aunt Cai Chang

After being picked up from Yongfeng Town, Cai Bo arrived in Moscow in the same year, and later Cai Bo became the first generation of outstanding metallurgists in New China. It is true that people are divided into groups and things are clustered, and soon Cai Bo and Mao Anying, the eldest son of Chairman Mao who arrived earlier, also became each other's best friends. Before Mao Anying was about to go to the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he told his wife Liu Siqi that she would complete her studies no matter what circumstances she encountered in the future; he asked her to go to see her father every Saturday; he asked her to help Anqing ------ and when Liu Siqi sent Mao Anying to the gate, Mao Anying walked and came back, walked and came back, and when he finally left, he bowed deeply to Liu Siqi. Liu Siqi always did not understand his intentions, and only afterwards did he understand that Mao Anying was saying a final farewell to her, but Mao Anying never broke his words to his wife.

The legendary family of Cai and Sen and the family of Chairman Mao interacted

Chairman Mao's eldest son, Mao Anying

After Mao Anying arrived in Shenyang, he met with Cai Bo, who worked in Angang Steel, and he told Cai Bo what he had said to his wife a thousand times without saying anything. He said to Cai Bo: "This time it is estimated that I will not be able to come back!" Cai Bo's heart was shocked, and he had mixed feelings in an instant, he knew that as Mao Zedong's son, as a Communist Party member, Mao Anying would never flinch when he went to the soup to crush his bones, he didn't know what to say, he felt that it was superfluous to say anything, he only had to hug Mao Anying tightly, Mao Anying also hugged Cai Bo tightly, at this time everything seemed to freeze------ finally, it was Mao Anying who broke Cai Bo's hand, he stared at Cai Bo with infinite affection, resolutely turned around, and took a firm step to go. Cai Bo looked at Mao Anying's back for a long time in a daze, and a poem suddenly appeared in his heart: The wind is xiaoxiao, the water is cold, and the hero will not return once he is gone!

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