
Sun Ce died at the age of 26 How did Sun Quan treat his sister-in-law Big Joe

author:The sound of fenshui waves

"Biography of Jiang Biao" contains: Ce Rong Played Yu Yue: "Although the second daughter of qiao gong is displaced, it is enough to have wu as a son-in-law. ”

Big Qiao and Xiao Qiao, a pair of sister flowers, were captured by Sun Ce and Zhou Yu in exile, Big Qiao married Sun Ce, xiao Qiao married Zhou Yu, Sun Ce was the eldest son of the general Sun Jian and the eldest brother of Sun Quan, and Zhou Yu was the son of Luoyang Ling Zhou Yi, who fought like Sun Ce and looked handsome.

Sun Ce died at the age of 26 How did Sun Quan treat his sister-in-law Big Joe

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms says: "He is a man, beautiful, funny, sexually broad and obedient, good at using people, a person who sees the people with a sense of the people, who is not exhausted, and who is happy to die." ”

If big Joe and Little Joe, the fallen sisters, met someone else, it would be a tearful story, but Sun Ce and Zhou Yu got Big Joe and Little Joe respectively, which is a drama between heroes and beautiful women.

Sun Ce is also particularly confident in his appearance and ability, so he jokingly said to Zhou Yu: "Although the two daughters of Qiao Gong are in turmoil, they should feel satisfied with the two of us as husbands." ”

But Sun Ce died when he was 26 years old, why? According to the "Wu Calendar", "Since the policy has been created, the doctor can cure it, and when he is well protected, he will not move for a hundred days." The mirror is self-illuminating, saying: 'If the face is like this, can it still restore the merits?' 'The vertebrae are several great struggles, the wounds are divided, and their night pawns. ”

In April of the fifth year of Jian'an (200), Sun Ce was preparing to send an army north, but when Dantu was hunting, he was injured by three disciples of the official Xu Gong at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who was killed by Sun Ce, and the three disciples came to take revenge, of course, these three disciples did not survive in the end, and Sun Ce was hit in the cheek.

After seeing it, the doctor told Sun Ce that he should take good care of it, and he could not have strenuous activities for a hundred days, nor should he be angry, which meant that Sun Ce should not be killed, but Sun Ce wanted to take a mirror to look at his face, and after knowing that he was disfigured, he angrily said: "The face is like this, how to make a contribution!" With a roar, the wound cracked, and Sun Ce died that night.

It can be seen that disfigurement is not only a fatal blow to women, but also a fatal blow to men. After Sun Ce's death, how did Sun Quan deal with his sister-in-law Big Joe? Many people dare not believe it.

When it comes to Sun Quan, it is inevitable to say "Sun Liu's marriage", as for Sun Quan's appearance, the "Biography of Jiang Biao" says: "Quan Sheng, Fang Yi has a big mouth, his eyes are bright, he is different, and he thinks that there is a noble elephant." ”

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), Cao Cao personally led a large army to conquer Jingzhou in the south, Liu Bei was defeated, defeated Dangyang, and asked Jiangdong for help, Sun Quan took the throne after the death of his brother Sun Ce, and the young man had success, stabilized the situation in Jiangnan, and annexed most of Jiangxia County.

In the face of Liu Bei's call for help, the 26-year-old Sun Quan has some concerns, on the one hand, he is worried that he saved Liu Bei, that is, raising tigers for trouble, on the other hand, if he does not save Liu Bei, it is likely to be a cold lip and teeth. Later, with the support of Zhuge Liang's skillful arguments, Zhou Yu and Lu Su, Sun Liu allied.

In the same year, Sun Liu's alliance defeated Cao Jun in Chibi, and then Sun Quan married his sister to Liu Bei, in terms of literary creation, this matter became "losing his wife and folding the army", but this is not the case, why Sun Shangxiang married Liu Bei, presumably Sun Quan deliberately let his sister contain Liu Bei, and Sun Shangxiang's status after marrying Liu Bei was not low, and he brought officers and soldiers from Wu.

According to history, sun Shangxiang's more than 100 servants were all guarding her side with swords, so Liu Bei felt very scared every time he entered the inner chamber, and later Liu Bei entered Shu, and Sun Quan sent a large ship to take his sister back to Wu.

As for the fate of Big Joe, it is said that Big Joe wept for several months after Sun Ce's death and died because of it, but this is just a legend, and Sun Ce had a son and three daughters, and there is no clear record of whether there was a bridge child among them. In 229, Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor, and Sun Ce's only son, Sun Shao, was created Marquis of Wu.

Sun Ce's three daughters were married to Gu Shao of the official Yuzhang Taishou, Lu Xun, who was known as the "Minister of sheji", and Zhu Ji, the leader of the school lieutenant, which showed that Sun Quan was still quite good to Sun Ce's family, and there were many glories and wealth. And in the historical documents, Sun Quan did not have the behavior of occupying other people's wives, which can be concluded that Sun Quan is unlikely to occupy Big Qiao.

In addition, Zhou Yu died at the age of 36, leaving two sons and a daughter, the eldest son Zhou Xun married Sun Quan's daughter and became a donkey; the second son Zhou Yin married the daughter of Sun Quan's clan; the only daughter of the Zhou clan was married to Sun Quan's eldest son Sun Deng. Sun Quan did not treat Zhou Yu's children badly, why? It can be understood from two aspects, one is that Zhou Yu has made contributions to wu guo; the other is that if Sun Quan does something ugly, it will make the people of the world dissatisfied, even if Zhou Yu dies, the influence behind him is still very large.

In the same way, Sun Quan treated his brother's children well, and how Sun Jian treated Big Qiao and Little Qiao, in fact, can also be known from the situation of Yuan Shu's family and subordinate family members after Yuan Shu's death, Sun Quan married Yuan Shu's daughter, Sun Ce and Zhou Na'er Qiao, also had the meaning of co-opting yuan Shu's remnants.

In a chaotic world, beauty is always easy to wither, but Big Qiao and Little Qiao are still relatively lucky, because Sun Ce and Zhou Yu have left their names in history. However, although at that time, a woman could remarry after bereavement, she was in a chaotic world, living in a safe place in the Wu Kingdom, with no worries about food and clothing, but it was also a good ending.

Source: Tencent History

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