
Mark twain

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Mark Twain (1835-1910) was a famous American writer.

Mark twain

Mark Twain House

"Mark Twain" (12 feet) – Sailors sailing on the Mississippi River often chant this auspicious jargon because the 12-foot deep channel is enough for a boat to pass smoothly. In 1863, samuel Langheon Clemens, a 28-year-old native American who had worked as a sailor on the Mississippi River for five years, began his nearly 50-year literary career under the pseudonym Mark Twain. This auspicious pseudonym lifted him out of the poverty of life, and his creative style of wit and sense of justice, humor and irony earned him the reputation of the "father of American literature", because the well-intentioned humor and pungent irony are the character of the peoples living on both sides of the Mississippi River, and the true colors of all mark Twain's works.

Mark twain

Mark twain

In 1865, the humorous story "The Famous Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" came out, and the family-like language and the squirting plot made Twain famous in one fell swoop. An early work, The Fool's Travel abroad, exposed the remnants of European feudalism and the ignorance of American travelers. In the 20 years after 1871, works set on the Mississippi River, such as On the Mississippi River, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Huckleberry. Fen's Adventures" and others came out one after another, forming a harvest period for his creation. Among them, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is recognized as a masterpiece that pioneered American literature. In addition, "The Prince and the Poor Child" and "The Biography of Joan of Arc", which are set in Britain and France, are also well-known.

Mark twain

The creative spirit, sense of justice, and humour of the American people in the 19th century were the source of Mark Twain's work. His jokes with the poor and his satire on the exploiters brought spiritual amusement to the people, like the Mississippi River, which never withered.

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