
Mark Twain's humor

author:Zhao Gongzi Song Collection

Humor is based on intelligence, and with wit can skillfully associate irrelevant things. It can play tricks on the text, but it doesn't necessarily make people laugh.

Wit and humor, when used properly, can not only silence your opponents, but sometimes dismiss embarrassing scenes, win applause from others, and even turn the tide of the situation.

The American writer Mark Twain is such a master of wit and humor. Once, Mark Twain went to visit the French celebrity Boguet. Bogai teased the short history of the United States, saying: "When the American is fine, he often loves to miss his ancestors, but when he thinks of his grandfather's generation, he has to stop." "

Mark Twain replied in a provocative tone: "When the Frenchman is fine, he always tries to find out who his father is. "

Wit and humor can often achieve a "surprising victory" effect in communication, which not only shows your cleverness, but also arouses the interest of others, but also eases tension and situations, and even brings joy to everyone. At the same time, use your wit to arouse the interest of others, and others will be very grateful to you, because the joke you say is like a ray of sunlight that can dispel overlapping clouds, and all doubts, depressions, and fears will dissipate in a proper joke.

However, humor also has its downside. This type of mechanism is dangerous and not available to ordinary people, because it is enough to trigger a "war of words", and the result of your argument with the other party is either an overwhelming victory or a complete defeat, so do not try it easily unless it is necessary.

The famous American writer Mark Twain was a thin man, and once he attended a cocktail party with a big-bellied businessman.

The merchant saw Mark Twain and tried to tease him, saying, "When you see you, people think there's a famine in America." "Yes." Mark Twain still smiled and said, "When you see you, people will understand the cause of the famine."

When Mark Twain was suddenly ridiculed, he relied on "polite counterattack" and did not lose his demeanor, thus paying tribute to the other party very powerfully.

Another time, Mark Twain was going to a small town to give a speech, and when he arrived at the hotel, he saw that the register read: Duke Beitford and his servants, Baron Green and his retinue... So the railroad

The pen read: Mark Twain and his box.

Just then, a mosquito hovered right in front of Mark Twain. The clerk looked embarrassed and hurried to drive away the mosquitoes.

Mark Twain said to the clerk indifferently, "The mosquitoes of your land are many times smarter than the legendary unknown." It would even look after my room number in advance so that it could patronize at night and have a full meal. "

Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they listened.

Then Mark Twain went for a haircut, and the barber asked him, "Do you like our city?" Of course, it's a good city. "

You've come by coincidence, mr. Mark Twain, here tonight. The barber continued, "Did you get the ticket?"

"Not yet."

"It's a shame, you just have to stand and listen from beginning to end, because there can't be an empty seat."

"That's a shame, it's terrible to be with Mark Twain, and I can only hold on to him forever as soon as he speaks."

Standing. Mark Twain smiled at the hairdresser.

Humorists are different from ordinary people, most of them have a surreal interest, and often have a "strange" idea, that is, they do not recognize the rationality of reality. Humor cannot be produced if everything is taken for granted and its rationality is acknowledged.

Mark Twain and his twin brothers are said to be identical, and even their mother can't tell the difference. One day, while they were taking a bath, one of them accidentally fell into the bathtub and drowned, and no one could know which twins had drowned.

"The saddest thing is here, everyone thinks I'm the one who survived, but I'm not." It was my brother who survived, and it was me who drowned. Mark Twain said.

At first glance, this recognized world-class master of humor seems a bit ridiculous, making things up, but in fact, it is not, and the "humorous thinking method" is used here. The fact that this great living writer has so "righteously" denied his own existence is so detached that it is so strongly contradictory that it naturally makes people feel very funny.

Mark Twain, a humorous man of letters, has many examples of similar "denial of reality": one year on April Fool's Day, Mark Twain was fooled by others - a newspaper in New York reported that he had "died".

The news spread quickly, and when the relatives and friends who had come to mourn were at the door, they found out that it was a prank. At this time, some people were upset with him and denounced the newspaper. Unexpectedly, Mark Twain said humorously: "It is true that the newspaper reported that I died, but the date was brought forward." "

Mark Twain is also known for his "absent-mindedness" problem. One day, Mark Twain was out on a ride, and when the conductor checked the ticket, Mark Twain rummaged through every coat bag and found none. The conductor knew him and comforted Mark Twain and said, "It doesn't matter, and if you can't find it, it won't get in the way." "

"Blind! How could I not get in the way, I had to find this damn ticket, otherwise, how would I know where I was going?"

Mark Twain's last words, which are really standard children's words, are actually mr. Mark Twain's humor, which is rich in childlike happy mood.

Mark Twain speaks wittily and humorously, sharply and humorously.

There is a rich man who is unkind, and his left eye is completely blind and cannot be seen. Later, he spent a lot of money and installed a false eye. This fake eye is very well done, but it is like a real eye, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The rich man was so overjoyed that he asked, "Guess which of my eyes is fake?" Whenever the answerer guessed wrong, he was even more overjoyed and proud. Others gave him a top hat; Your Excellency is really rich and good, and even the false eyes are as good as the real eyes. A bit of, he said it with great excitement.

Once, he met Mark Twain, and in order to show off his prosthetic eyes, he asked the old "guess-guess" question: "Guess what my eyes are?"

Without hesitation, Mark Twain immediately pointed to the rich man's left eye and said, "This eye is a fake." "

The rich man continued to ask, "How do you know?"

Mark Twain replied, "For in your left eye I see a trace of compassion.

Mark Twain's implication is that there is no compassion in the eyes of the rich man.

Humor is an expression of intellectual, nurturing, and moral superiority. Humor is a beautiful and healthy quality, a humorous person, often appears relaxed when sad, subtle when happy, calm when dangerous, not disrespectful when sarcastic, not desperate when lonely...

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