
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

author:National Pavilion
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

I don't know if you know, this little girl with dry red hair and freckles on her face?

She illuminated the plight of the great writer Mark Twain in his later years and accompanied Princess Kate throughout her childhood.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Words spoken inadvertently have healed hundreds of millions of people in a hundred years, and every sentence is poignant in the heart, and it is regarded as the "secret of happiness".

If you decide to have a good time, you can always have a good time. Now be a happy girl, a happy aunt in middle age, and a happy old woman in old age. I've always been the same person, and I'm loved now, but when no one loved me before, it doesn't mean I don't deserve to be loved.

She is the heroine Anne of canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery's famous novel Anne of Green Gables.

The story takes place on Prince Edward Island, where Montgomery grew up, and there is a shadow of the writer himself everywhere.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

He lost his mother at the age of two, was abandoned by his father, and was raised by his maternal grandparents with strict requirements. This also brews up the image of Anne just appearing -

His parents died, he was in a foster home with a bad environment, he was depressed in an orphanage, and he met Matthew's brothers and sisters three times before starting a new life.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Fortunately, the scenery of Prince Edward Island is very beautiful, cultivating Montgomery's love of nature, and only then has he written a poetic world.

This also makes Anne's character: always feel the beauty around her, and use "daydreaming" to heal suffering.

Do farm work, go collect an egg, wear a woven garland, fantasize about being an elf or a little princess, and talk to chickens. The moonlight would make the big cherry trees and flowers white, like sleeping in a marble palace, not terrible at all!
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

*Montgomery's birthplace

As Zhou Guoping said: Anne has two kinds of wealth, a sense of wonder about life, and an imagination full of optimism.

This ability is the wealth of the author, and it is also the reason why Anne can still be sought after and loved by countless people after a hundred years.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

In the face of hardship, still optimistic and happy, who will not be fascinated by such charm?

It is no wonder that in the past hundred years, it has been translated into 50 languages, with a cumulative circulation of more than 500 million copies, remade into countless film and television dramas, stage plays, captured countless people, and charmed the two British prime ministers.

There are also a lot of memorabilia about Anne: Anne illustrations, Anne stamps, Anne wedding dresses... "Anne fever" endured.

"Anne of Green Gables" was supposed to end in the instant of Anne's adulthood, but thanks to Mark Twain's special letter and the eagerness of tens of millions of readers, the next 7 books were formed, forming a complete Annie series.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

The whole "Anne's world" is Montgomery's own story, more humane, more sincere, more empathetic.

When Anne grows up, she encounters difficulties that each of us will encounter, job search, family, life and death, and so on.

It is too easy for us to find our own shadow in her: grumpy because of small things, sad because of misunderstandings from relatives, sensitive and vulnerable, unrealistic fantasies...

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

And Montgomery's unique delicacy as a female writer amplifies these emotions and pokes at the heart.

I think this is also the reason why it is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people to this day and has become a literary classic that must not be read.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Everyone should read the "Annie Series": follow little Anne to do "daydreaming" as a child, not leaving regrets in childhood; grow up, return to Anne's world, regain the ability to perceive happiness, in the chaos, achieve themselves, happy life.

When Princess Kate was on her honeymoon, she specifically chose Prince Edward Island, which was: "Everyone has an Anne in their hearts, and I am going to find an Annie that belongs to my memory."

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Stills | "Little Annie"

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

The more you read Annie, the more you will find that life seems to be slowly getting better from the moment you fell in love with this girl.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Love Anne, beauty will be like a feather, brushing through the eyes and falling into the heart.

The moment you open the story, you will collide with all the illusions that are not marginal.

The apple trees are dry, and they are the colorful rose windowsills of Catholic churches; the streams in winter will sing and frolic under the ice; the rugged trails have a cheerful atmosphere, called "happy little white road"...

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

She uses romantic "daydreams" to fight against suffering and grievances, perfectly interpreting "the world kisses me with pain, and I am willing to repay it with a song".

Therefore, no matter how difficult the situation is, she can also find a reason to be happy, be kind to every grass and tree, and tolerate everyone around her.

We follow her to enjoy the beautiful world, let the beauty pass through the tip of our hearts, and see that life is lovely, it is enough.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Love Anne, shake hands with yourself, fall in love with yourself.

Growing up, she was also timid because she was an orphan, inferior because of her ordinary appearance, and lost because she was not good at housework...

Fortunately, the Matthew siblings and girlfriend Diana, who adopted her, were loving enough to allow her to transform in ignorance.

I don't want to think of anyone but myself, even without diamonds, and I'm very satisfied with my pearl necklace and anne of Green Gables.
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Her frank acceptance of herself is more and more addictive: full of confidence, even willful expression of herself.

Take the initiative to kiss the boy you like, hope that your good friend likes you... Do not twist your feelings, do not pretend to please, do not disobey your heart.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Fortunately, she can always make the right choices in life issues such as employment, marriage, and dreams later.

Like this understanding of marriage, a proper "textbook" -

I don't want to give myself to someone and be a beautiful ornament with no opinions or goals from now on. We will be partners on an equal footing, not husband and wife, and neither partner needs to give up their respective aspirations, because I believe that both partners should have the same title "life partner".

Only by loving yourself can you understand what you want in your heart, and be more arbitrary and firm, which is the basis for obtaining happiness.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Love Anne and cultivate the ability to pursue happiness.

Some people are disappointed: Anne grew up to be no longer willful, free, and wild, and was tainted by worldly life.

Read slowly, you will see Anne, after contact grinding, experiencing the heat and cold of the world, experiencing the pain of losing a child, midlife crisis, and suffering from war, her wings are gradually plump.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

But even in the face of suffering, Anne's romantic heart, imagination, love for herself and other qualities have never disappeared, but the crossbow has been put away and become gentle and elegant, peaceful and real.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

To love Anne when she was young is to love her angularity, and annie who is immersed in the world is even more profoundly loved:

In the face of tempering, it is not necessary to be invincible and indestructible, and to love the world with a soft heart, happiness will be more permanent.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Anne's story seems to be a coming-of-age novel in which the "ugly duckling" turns into a swan.

But throughout the series, this is a gallery of human nature, with all kinds of things, thick, rigid, noble, vulgar...

But in the final analysis, love and care are the background of this masterpiece: love yourself, love others, love all things, and you will get happiness and happiness.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

There are many versions of "Anne of Green Gables", but it is rare to collect the entire Annie series, and most people only read 1/8 of Annie's story.

The first annie focuses on childhood, but the pursuit of happiness is a lifelong thing, and staying at a certain stage is really not comprehensive.

This is why I originally recommended this set: I hope that every child and adult can see the experience of this red-haired girl in her life and find the secret of happiness.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

The team of translators includes Ma Ainong, Li Chang, Zhu Xiangjun, etc. in the translation industry, and the translation can perfectly reflect the beauty of the original outline, so that we can read the original Annie.

Let's read a paragraph directly to understand:

The creek is still flowing with laughter, have you noticed? How lively and happy the streams are, they are always laughing, even in the winter of crying, you can hear their laughter. I love this creek next to Green Gables.

At the beginning of each book, there will be many photos about the author's life, Annie's stills, travel pictures, etc., just like an Annie "museum", no wonder it can be praised continuously on Douban, with a high score of 9.5, worthy of every "Annie fan" collection.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

The design is full of innocence and dreams, the colors are fresh and natural, and just looking at the cover is like being in Anne's fantasy world.

Among them, black and white illustrations are simple and more retro, with beautiful text and exquisite illustrations, which are more pleasant to read.

Gift box packaging, given to themselves or children, are a beautiful gift, open the moment, Anne gave happiness as scheduled.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

Read Annie!

Living in a tree house in the spring, running against the sea breeze in the summer, smelling the aroma of the fruit in the autumn, laughing in the sweet stream in the winter...

Busy and busy, may the beauty of life, if the feathers generally fall into your heart, may your days have a sweet constant temperature, may you always love, to love yourself, to love all things, to enjoy happiness.

Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate
Douban 9.5! This little girl, touched Mark Twain, charmed Princess Kate

The Complete Works of Anne of Green Gables (all 9 volumes) for ¥240 to purchase

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