
Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

author:Gui Hai Four Notes

Dajue Zen Master, legal name Huailian, commonly known as Chen, ZiQizhi, a native of Xinenli Qingjiao, Yongning Township, Longxi County, Zhangzhou, a native of Haicang Subdistrict, Haicang District, Xiamen, was born in the second year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1009) and died on the first day of the first lunar month in the sixth year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1091), at the age of eighty-three.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

The hometown of the Buddha

<h1>First, the hometown of the Buddha's country, Sizhou is related</h1>

In the second year of the Tang Dynasty, Chen Yuanguang applied to the Tang court to build a new prefecture in the spring tide, named Zhangzhou; in the twenty-ninth year of the new century, Longxi County and Longyan County were assigned to Zhangzhou; in the second year of zhenyuan (786), the administration of Zhangzhou Prefecture was moved from Zhangpu County to Longxi County, and since then, Zhangzhou has been formally formed and has begun a situation of stable development.

In the second year of Tang Guangqi (886), the three brothers of Wang Chao led the Central Plains rebel army from Zhangzhou into Fujian, and quickly captured Quanzhou, and the Fujian observation made Chen Yan recognize Wang Chao as the assassin of Quanzhou, and from then on, Zhangquan Erzhou began to enter the fast lane of development.

On the occasion of the change of chaos, Zhangquan and Zhangquan ushered in the great heyday of the development of Buddhism, the Ming Wanli Yu "Zhangzhou FuZhi" recorded, "Zhangzhou ancient called the Buddha's country, from the Tang To the Yuan, the territory of the monasteries to more than 600", strong Buddhist atmosphere, solid Buddhist cause, the entire Zhangquan including Haicang are bathed in the sea of Buddhism.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

The ruins of Kaiyuan Temple, the largest temple in ancient Zhangzhou

The great monk Huailian was quietly born in this environment.

In the second year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1009), it was the night of Lady Chen's advent, groggy, like a dream, Lady Chen seemed to see a Sizhou monk descending from the sky, and after a while, a small boy was born.

According to Mrs. Chen's description, the Chen family took "Sizhou" as the nickname of the little boy, and according to local traditions, all young children who are related to the Buddha are cultivated as monks and chicks, which is probably the most basic popular foundation of Haicang as a Buddhist country.

Chen Sizhou, when he was young, revealed the characteristics of the Great Wisdom of the Dao, and there was quite a spiritual nature between his speeches, so the Chen family sent him to the Zhangzhou Fahua Temple and began the tempering of conversion to Buddhism, the name of the Law Huailian.

In the process of learning the Fa, in addition to chanting the sutra and enlightening Zen, HuaiLian also absorbed a large number of the essence of traditional literature, and between the words and sentences, Zen and literary style were compatible, which was quite the meaning of "this place was called the Buddha's country in ancient times, and the streets were full of saints".

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple is full of saint couplets

Huai Lian's childhood was spent in such a repetitive way, the rain and dew of the Cloud Cover Mountain were soaked, and Zhangnan's practice of pure heart seemed to have quickly borne fruit, and Huai Lian had an epiphany.

The history of Zen Buddhism calls this enlightenment "great awakening and splashing water."

This may be more confirmed by the strange karma between HuaiLian and the Buddhist family, his enlightenment is completely an ordinary experience in ordinary life, or it may be a qualitative change after quantitative change: one day, Huailian, as in the past, washed his face with clean water in his hand, after washing, he poured the water on the ground with his hand, and with the half arc of his wrist, the water splashed slowly, just like a pearl, crystal clear, just in such a moment, the fifth volume of the "Continuation Lamp Record" called it "micro-saving hair".

The enlightened Huailian, like a butterfly with wings, little Zhangzhou, could no longer meet his further needs for the Dharma, so he began to plan and act in all directions.

<h1>Second, Jiang Right seeks the Law, and Cloud Gate traces</h1>

In the early days of the Northern Song Dynasty, southern Fujian, although it was called "Buddha's Country", was only the number and popular base, and when it came to the real Buddhist masters, it was Jiangxi, which was separated by a mountain.

At this time in Jiangxi, in addition to the green mountains and green waters that can be used for seclusion and cultivation, there are also the literati and scholars who go hand in hand with Confucianism and Taoism, and in the midst of it, the prosperity and symbiosis of the three religions are prosperous and symbiotic.

And this was the ideal place of enlightenment that Huai Lian longed for, so he set sail.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Zen Ancestral Garden, Songshan Shaolin

After the Tang Dynasty, Zen Buddhism rapidly developed into the first school of Buddhism, and its southern sect spread its branches and leaves, forming a situation of "one flower blooming and five leaves": Linji is happy, the mountains are rigorous, the Cao Cave is dense, the Cloud Gate is ancient, and the Dharma eye is clear.

When HuaiLian was swimming in Hengyue, he came into contact with a large number of monks of various schools of Zen Buddhism, his eyes were wide open, and he deeply felt the profundity of the Dharma, and at this time, Hunan and Jiangxi were the places where the Linji Sect and the Yunmen Sect were flourishing, and on the basis of Huailian Confucianism and Double Cultivation, it seemed that Yunmen had become his first choice.

At that time, the ancestor of the Huanglong Sect of Linji Sect, Huinan Zen Master, was still a practicing monk, and he had not yet worshiped under the Linji Sect's Shishuang Chuyuan Gate, but still followed Master Chengcheng from the Triangle Mountain of Hubei Province into the Shimen Pantan Temple in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and as the abbot, The Huai cheng Zen master was very bold in employing people, and directly let Huinan divide the seats to receive him, and before long, Huinan was outstanding in practice and enjoyed the reputation of "the name of the secretary of the south, and the name of the temporary family was very much".

Such a brilliant, coupled with the fact that the Zen master Huaicheng in Pantan was the fourth generation of Yunmen, Huai lian heard about it, and gladly went there, worshiping The Huaicheng Zen master as a teacher, and practicing for more than ten years.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Pantan Ancient Temple, now Baofeng Temple

In the Pantan Temple, Huailian read a lot of books, studied the Dharma in depth, and was like a fish and water, integrating the image of nature, and the courtyard where Huailian lived was like a fairyland, and the Luohu Wild Record recorded, "(Huailian) used to live in the pond, and in the yan sitting room, he saw the golden snake coming out of the ground, and he had to hide it, and the hearer praised it as an auspicious sign."

"See with the division, reduce the division and half the virtue." I have seen Yu Shi, Fang Kan taught", this is probably the way of the Zen master Huaicheng in Pantan, and his disciples, such as Huinan Zen Master and Huai Lian, are mostly typical of the blue being better than the blue, the master introduces the door, the cultivation depends on the individual, and the practice method of Huai Lian is generally the same.

<h1>Third, the big instrument is natural, and the life is a turning point</h1>

Huai Lian studied with Master Huai Cheng for more than ten years, and after receiving the speculative seal of the Zen master, she went to Lushan Yuantong Temple to start an attempt to make friends with monks.

The abbot of Yuantong Temple, Master Ju Ne, who was the fifth emperor of the Yunmen Sect with Huai Lian, as soon as he saw Huai Lian, he immediately decided that Huai Lian would definitely achieve great things, so he entrusted him with the post of secretary, and the "Zen Forest Sermon" recorded the meeting between Gune and Huai Lian:

Dajue Lian monk, first visited Lushan Mountain. When the Zen master yuantong saw it, he went straight to the great instrument.

Or ask: How do you know this?

Ne Yue: The Si people are not dependent on each other, quiet and dignified, with Taoist friendship, concise and reasonable, mortals are so resourceful, and there are few people who are not successful.

It can be seen from this that Huailian is not only dignified in appearance, but also has Swen self-confidence between conversations, and in the eyes of Zen Master Gune, this is probably the dragon phoenix in the Buddha, and it is not too much to say that it has the temperament of Tang Xuanzang.

Traveling with the wise makes people wise, traveling with the wise makes people think together, and working with Gune is definitely an experience that affects a lifetime for Huai Lian, and the Maxima will go, and Bole is the key.

Gune Zen master, Sichuan Zizhou Dongchuan Jian clan son, when he was young and fellow villager Su Xun befriended, in the seventh year of the Qing calendar (1047), Su Xun and his son Su Rui to Lushan to meet Zune, Huai Lian was at this time with Su Xun's father and son acquaintance, and then decades later, Sansu and Huai Lian frequent exchanges, and Huai Lian's achievement of the name of "poetry monk", is from this beginning.

<h1>4. He was summoned to Beijing and blessed with great enlightenment</h1>

In the first year of the Emperor's reign (1049), the eunuch Li Yunning gave up his family as a courtyard, and after the zen temple was completed, Emperor Renzong of Song gave the Ten Fang Jingyin Zen Temple, intending to invite the high monks of the Tao to the abbot and open a lecture so that he could personally visit the Buddha, and Ouyang Xiu, whose concept had changed, strongly recommended the Zen master At this time.

The Chronicle of the Buddha says, "Create a Zen mat in the Bonjing Di House, because the amount given is the ten pure causes, pay attention to the empty sect above, and ask those who have the Tao to live in it." Ouyang Xiu and others please respond to the order with Yuantong Ju Ne, and Ne resigned, because He huailian thought it was a substitute."

Ouyang Xiu's transformation from a Pai Buddha to a Ritual Buddha should be attributed to his acquaintance with Gune, and it was under the influence of Gune's Buddhism that Ouyang Xiu officially entered the Buddhist world, and from his poem "Gift to Lushan Monk Juner", we can see his admiration for Gune:

The square pupil is like a water shawl, and the encounter is sprinkled.

One of the five hundred monks knew that there were widows under the forest.

At the recommendation of Ouyang Xiu, Emperor Renzong of Song accepted the suggestion and sent Li Yunning to Lushan yan with the edict to ask for Master Gune.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Portrait of Song Renzong

Serving as the abbot of the royal monastery should have been a matter of great glory, but Gune was not moved by the name, and finally refused on the grounds of eye disease, and recommended HuaiLian as a substitute.

Gune's understanding of the name of merit may be his obsession with Buddhism, and his humility and retreat have not only achieved his own name, but also created the great name of Huailian 'Guoshi" and "Poet Monk".

The Sermon of the Zen Forest, which describes The Gentle Rejection of Gune, can still be used as a law for us to learn in the world:

Or: Saint Tianzi jing reverence for morality, grace by the spring stone, shi he gu ci?

Na Yue: Give the monks who abuse the toilet, the audio-visual is not intelligent, the fortunate ann lin, the food and vegetables drink water, although the Buddha did not do something, the situation is also other? The sages have said: Under the daimyo, it is difficult to live for a long time. Give life a contented approach, and do not tire yourself with sound profit. If you are tired of your heart, you will be enough.

Therefore, Dongpo tasted: knowing security is glorious, and contentment is rich.

Avoid the whole section of the name, start and end well, and get it in the circle.

Huai Lian's recommendation to Gune was gladly accepted, which did not mean that Huai Lian coveted fame, but that he needed a stage to show himself and confirm his knowledge of the Dharma, and at the same time to blend with many ideas to gain new knowledge, at this time Huai Lian was already forty-one years old, and the opportunity could not be lost.

And Gune dares to replace Huailian with Huailian, which is not only the fulfillment of the "great instrument period" when he first saw Huailian, but also the confidence that Huailian can do better than himself.

In the first month of the second year of the Emperor's reign (1050), HuaiLian arrived in Tokyo and officially served as the abbot of the Shifang Jingyin Zen Temple, while at the same time, The Zen Master Dezhang begged Emperor Renzong to return to the hidden mountain forest, and after Emperor Renzong granted permission, he personally approved his abbot Hangzhou Lingyin Temple, giving him the title of "Master of Mingjue", and the departure of Master Dezhang Zen, Emperor Renzong had to find another monk to ask for the Dharma.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

The plaque of the Notre Dame Officiary Shrine of the Jinci Temple was written by Song Renzong

On February 29, Emperor Renzong summoned Huailian to the Hall of Harmony, and Huailian, in response to Emperor Renzong's questions, centered on the "Tao", combining the essentials of governing the country with the Buddhist Tao, and this way of discussing the Tao in connection with the actual situation was exactly what Emperor Renzong needed.

On December 19, 1052, emperor Renzong sent an edict to the Houyuan, (Huailian) Zhai Yu Huacheng Hall, Zai Bi, preaching the Southern Zen Forest Yi Fan Kai Tang Performance, and xuan Zuo Street deputy monk Lu Ciyun Master Qing Man Qibai.

Man Xie Enbi sang: "Emperor Yuan Spring Return, Royal Will Qi." The Ten Thousand Multiplications are present at the Shun Hall, and the two streets are enshrined in Yao Mei. It is the day of exposition, and it is advisable to talk about the ancestral path and go up to the vice-chancellor. Sincerely. ”

Lian Sui ascended to the throne, questioned and answered, and said: "There was no difference in the ancient Buddha Hall, and there was much truth in the circulation sentence. Those who gain are used wisely without loss, and those who lose are stagnant. Therefore, the streams, mountains, clouds and moons are everywhere with the same wind, and the water birds and trees are the head of the road. If you go down to the Gate of Kayata, and the wind is blowing, shun ri is wise, the wild old man is praised, and the fisherman is encouraged, and at this time, pure happiness is inactive, and do you know that there is something wrong?"

Imperial affection.

Unlike the number given by Zen Master Dezhang when he retired, Emperor Renzong immediately gave the title of "Great Awakening Zen Master" after answering with Huailian, and posterity also called Huailian "Great Awakening Huailian" and "Great Awakening Zen Master" and so on.

<h1>Fifth, Ren Zonghua is paired, and the imperial poems are sent to each other</h1>

Emperor Renzong was the fourth emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, and was regarded as the representative of the "Shoucheng Xian Lord", under his rule "Yongxi of the Four Seas, Eight Wilds and Tranquility, Shi Nong Leye, Wenwu Zhongliang", known in history as "Renzong Shengzhi", and his courtiers can also be called the most powerful think tanks in Chinese history, Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Bao Zheng, Cai Xiang, Han Qi, Fu Bi, Wang Anshi, Sansu and so on.

Emperor Renzong's interest was widespread, and confucianism and Taoism were all eaten, which could also explain why the Zen master Daijue Zen master with the idea of "three religions in one" as the main body would be loved by Renzong, and after this Ode to the Imperial Palace, the literati in Tokyo, whether out of sincerity or not, went to the Shifang Jingyin Zen Temple to meet the Zen master Of Dajue, and the Zen master of Dajue suddenly became the "Internet celebrity" at that time.

On December 9 of the fourth year of Emperor You's reign, Emperor Renzong again sent an envoy to ask Yu Jingyin Dajue Zen master Huai Lian, saying: Only then did he go to the vertical breeze, and it was difficult for people to stand up.

Lian Fang and the congregation of the morning, then the xie en, the yanzhong porridge, the porridge, that is, the ode back to the day: there is a festival of non-dry bamboo, three stars around the moon palace. One dwells in the sun, and the Buddha is with all.

After Emperor Renzong saw it, he was again a great joy, and once again he ordered him to enter the palace, gave Luo a fan, and inscribed Yuan Silent Ode on it.

Then repeat the mantra: It is best to sit as a Zen monk, and forget the opportunity and not be born. The heartless flame has stopped, cherish the present.

It is best to sit as a Zen monk, who has no thoughts and no life. The empty pool is bright and bright, who says ancient and modern.

In this way, Emperor Renzong wrote a total of seventeen hymns to the Zen master of Dajue, during which they were intimately exchanged, which can be seen.

However, the more frequent the exchanges with the emperor and ministers, the more uncomfortable the Zen master of Dajue, in the eyes of the monks, the name of merit is an external object, and the mountain forest and clear tea are the magic weapons of cultivation, so the heart of retreat sprouts and grows along with the age of the Zen master.

In the second year of Hehe (1055), the Zen master Dajue formally submitted a petition to Emperor Renzong to return to the old mountain forest, and specially entered the Song Wen Dao, "The six emperors have sung the ancestral machine, and the two golden halls have been blessed with heavenly power." The green mountains are hidden and the joy is obtained, and the full circle will return to the imperial song."

In the blink of an eye, Zen Master Dajue had been in the capital for six years, and twice he personally visited the Hall of Transformation to discuss the Fa with Emperor Renzong, and as a monk, Zen Master Dajue hoped to return to the hidden mountain forest with a full of imperial hymns to practice.

However, Emperor Renzong, who was practicing Buddhism, cherished the talents and virtues of the Zen master Dajue, and was reluctant to do everything, so naturally he would not agree to his retreat, so he replied, "The mountain is like a body, will it be safe to return?" Live in Beijing again, and rejuvenate the Dharma."

The Zen master of Dajue entered another poem, "The envoy publicized the forbidden siege, and then ordered his subjects to live in this Zen title." Qingshan has not allowed a thousand clumsies, how many white hair will be replenished? Xiao Lu Enhui is superb, and Lin Quan is bitter and yiyi. Yao Ren's condition is as wide as the sky, and he should let the lone cloud fly freely."

The Zen master first humbly explained that his old and white,000 high hopes for the emperor might not be achieved, and then expressed his love for the mountains and forests, and the emperor had a broad mind and should let the birds fly on their own.

When this was said, Emperor Renzong still did not allow it, and once again sent someone to give the dragon brain bowl to the Zen master of Dajue, and the Zen master Xie En, holding the bowl, said, "Wu Fa is dressed in bad color, and eats with tile iron, this bowl is illegal", and then burned it.

The envoy echoed, and Emperor Renzong sighed, and after that, Daijue stayed in Tokyo until Emperor Renzong returned to heaven.

During the Reign of The Great Awakening, the Zen master Shangshu Yingzong returned to the temple and entered the song, "A thousand clusters of clouds and mountains and thousands of streams, idle and return to this peak." For the rest of my life, I wish to wish for a boundless life, and a clear incense fills the stone building. ”

Song Yingzong was grateful that Dajue had accompanied Emperor Renzong for more than ten years, and his hard work was high, and he also knew that Dajue had returned to the hidden heart, so he allowed him to return, and personally gave him a commandment, "The Great Awakening Zen Master Huai Lian was blessed by the former emperor, tired of Xi Chenzhang, repeatedly paid tribute sincerely, and begged to return to the forest. Whoever passes through the Small Ke Nunnery, the wayward abbot, or the Ten Directions Zen Forest, must not suppress the invitation."

<h1>Sixth, return to Mingzhou and enjoy his old age in peace</h1>

With a basket full of hymns, rewards, and hand-written instructions, the Zen master traveled all the way south, and although many jungle invitations were invited to stay, he was not moved, and he wanted to take advantage of this last rare time to once again relive the pleasures of cloud travel and discussion.

As a poet monk of Yiwen and Buddha, in the heart of The Great Awakening Zen Master, in fact, there is not only Buddhism, but also the pride of the literati le landscape, obviously, Jiangnan is the most suitable for him in the fairyland of the world, and his first stop of retreat did choose Jiangnan, Jinshan Temple.

Whether as a monk or a poet, The Zen master Dajue was successful, although he left Tokyo and left the emperor's favor, but his former friends, especially the poets and Buddhist friends, were still concerned, which may be a recognition of the character and Buddha's character of the Zen master, and it is also a confirmation of the integration of Confucianism and Buddhism in that era.

Han Wei wrote in "Sending a Great Awakening Zen Master", "Smelling the top of the Golden Mountain, the river clouds drifting and the sea breeze is cool. When to beg for the southeast to keep, and to re-whisk the dust into the dojo", presumably remembering the solemnity of the Great Awakening Zen Master's ascension to the hall to teach the Fa, Han Wei, as a party keeper, may only be able to realize the need to listen to the Fa in the form of remote mail.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Wat Saket

As early as the reign of Emperor Renzong, Wang Anshi was greatly interested in his poetry, "Once showed Ouyang Xiu with Huailian poems, Ou Gong commented: 'This Daoist man makes liver steamed buns', the prince did not understand his joking meaning, Ou Gong further explained: 'There is no bit of vegetable gas in the middle'. ”

Of course, this kind of "vegetable shoot gas" is probably the general understanding of the literati's poetry of the monks, and Su Dongpo also likes to comment on others in this way, but for the Great Awakening Zen Master, Wang Anshi and Su Dongpo are his closest friends, naturally they will not think so, probably only Ouyang Xiu dares to say so.

Wang Anshi's younger brother Wang Anguo, when the Zen master Dajue lived in Jinshan Temple, he traveled with Dajue and sent a poem to Wang Anshi, when Wang Anshi, who was above ten thousand people under one person, touched the letter and fell in love, thinking of the scene when he traveled with The Zen master Dajue in Tokyo, and also improvised two poems: "Pingfu and Baojue Travel to Jinshan Si Dajue and See and Send and Meet to Get Poems":

First track:

When pampering the Dao Ren Lin, the Qi Cover Brother Ji Xin.

Victory and ken on the mountain is in danger, and the desire to search for the depth of the sea.

Shake the north with the sail shadow, stomp east to think about the sound of the foot.

Shaking hands is more aware of zen and far away, and the cloud spirit vulture is bi Chihiro.

Second track:

Zhangnan Kaishi good jungle, Hui Jian he out of the water heart.

Alone should be exhausted, and it is inevitable that the encounter will be deep.

The sill peeping mountain bird has a true meaning, and the window listens to the sea tide is not the sound of the world.

A smile above the personnel is good, do not know the decline of the two invasions.

The previous song expressed that although he was a Zaifu, his reputation was not much higher than that of the Great Awakening Zen Master, and his younger brother was far inferior to the Great Awakening Zen Master in terms of talent and character, and he was also fascinated for a long time, and he had no choice but to meet again from thousands of miles away. The second song is to express his yearning for this kind of life by taking advantage of the freedom of the Zen master to return to the hidden mountains and forests, hoping to follow suit one day, when there must be many words to say to the Zen master.

The Time spent by The Great Awakening Zen Master in the Golden Mountain Temple was not long, perhaps because the Golden Mountain was too close to the core area of Jiangnan, which was not conducive to the practice of the Great Awakening Zen Master in his later years, so at the invitation of the Mingzhou Gunshou, the Great Awakening Zen Master came to the last destination in his life, Ashoka Temple as the abbot.

Because of this, the Zen master dajue was also called "Yuwang Huailian", "Yuwang Lian Zen Master" or "Yuwang Dajue" in later generations.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Ningbo Ashoka Temple

The Sermon of zen lin contains a fragment of the Great Awakening Zen Master's handling of the internal rules of Ashoka Temple, which can be regarded as a side testimony of the impartiality, reasoning, and cultivation of the Great Awakening:

Ming Sect: The monk Dajue Lian lived in Yu Wang, because the two monks were fighting for profits, and the main thing could not be broken.

The Great Awakening called out to the duty: The former Bao Gongjue Kaifeng, the people have died since Chen sent me platinum hundred and two,

Now he will return his family, but his son will not be affected, and he will call his son back.

Male sigh. That is, to summon his sons to speak.

His son's resignation is: The father saved the day, and there was no platinum privately sent to his room.

The two of them insisted on letting go for a long time. As a last resort, he was responsible for observing the temple in the city and practicing meditation to recommend the deceased.

To witness it, and to be a man in the dust, he can still spare his wealth and seek righteousness.

Er is a disciple of the Buddha, and he does not know what honesty and shame are.

So he used the jungle method to cut it off.

During the days at Ashoka Temple, Zen master Daikyō was not alone, his former confidants still exchanged letters and letters, and the local people also served with all kinds of devotion.

Wang Anshi once talked about his views on the Great Awakening Zen Master in the LianshuiJun ChunhuaYuan Jingzang, "Ruotong Ruixin and Min Zhi Huailian are now transcendent for the Buddha, and my so-called sages are also with whom they travel." These two men, having learned to free themselves from the obscenity of the world, and both of them have the talent of wisdom and intellect, so I am happy to swim with them and forget the sun and the moon with whom they have gained."

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Stone statue of Wang An

Therefore, when the Great Awakening Zen Master came to ashoka Temple, Wang Anshi naturally had to write letters back and forth, and with a large stroke of "Sending the Great Awakening Zen Master to the King", he still expressed his yearning for the Great Awakening Zen Master's free and happy mountain forest practice:

The mountains and trees mourn and the water rages, and the hundred insects think about autumn at night.

The abbot of the Daoist people should have no dreams and want to repeat the long chant to hui xiu.

Shan has been shown into Zen, and the grass hall is difficult to hope for.

The mountain is finally silent this year, and people are even colder and quieter.

The invisible also knows that they are self-sufficient, and they are stingy and pity each other by heart.

I can't smell Jingmen'er, and the old man has been new for another year.

There is also such a person, as a great scholar of the same period, the Tang and Song Dynasties, although he has different political views from Wang Anshi, but his interaction with the Great Awakening Zen Master is similar, that is, Su Dongpo, in his evaluation and summary of the Buddhist monks, Dajue is one of them, "There is debate, zen has Song", and The Great Awakening Zen Master Huai Lian.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Su Dongpo's father, Su Xun, had known each other as early as when The Great Awakening Zen Master was serving as a secretary at the Gune Zen Master's office, and when he stayed in Sansu to study in Tokyo, he had frequent exchanges with the Great Awakening Zen Master.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Sansu Temple

Once, the Great Awakening Zen Master gave Su Xun a pair of Yan Liben Water Official paintings, Su Xun wrote a poem to give, but also asked Su Dongpo to compose the same poem, probably at that time, Su Dongpo, as a junior, had already established a friendship with the Great Awakening Zen Master, and this friendship was also recorded by Su Dongpo in the "Poetry of the Ciyun Water Official".

In Su Shi's anthology, there are three poems sent by Su Dongpo to the Zen master Dajue, the first of which tells that after Su Xun's death, Su Dongpo gave the statue of the "Zen Moon Arhat" painted by Su Xun's cherished Guan Xiu during his lifetime to the Ashoka Temple where the Zen master dajue was located, in order to show respect for his deceased father and his trust and admiration for the Zen master.

The second is Su Dongpo as the Zhizhou of Hangzhou, not far from Ningbo, where the Zen master Dajue is located, and the close-up poem is given to express the longing for twenty-five years, where there is both the miss of Su Xun and the gratitude of the introduction of the Zen master Dajue, so that he and the three disciples of the Dajue Zen master have formed a friendship.

The third song is the final exchange between Su Dongpo and the Zen master of Dajue.

It is said that when the Zen master Dajue came to the Ashoka Temple with hymns, hand edicts and other royal gifts, the local people donated funds to build the Chenkui Pavilion in order to enshrine these treasures, and when the Chenkui Pavilion was built and used for a period of time, it was a pity that the disciples of the Zen master Dajue thought that no one had made an inscription, so they specially found a friend of Dajue, Su Dongpo, who was then the Governor of Hangzhou, to write it for him.

Su Dongpo naturally accepted it gladly, and based on the rigor of his writing, after the completion of the first draft of the "ChenkuiGe Stele", he sent it to the Zen master Dajue for a glance, and also specially asked for the hymn to extract one or two to write in the record, but the Zen master of Dajue believed that his answer with Emperor Renzong was only a simple Buddhist dialogue and should not be used as a talking point for touting and preaching, so he politely refused.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

Su Dongpo wrote the Chenkui Pavilion stele

Unfortunately, on the way to the official finalization of Su Dongpo's manuscript, the Zen master Dajue died peacefully, at the time of the first day of the first month of the sixth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1091), at the age of eighty-three.

When Su Dongpo heard this bad news, he was sad and made a memorial to the "Zen Master Of Sacrifice":

On the day of the wei nian, Su Shi, with fragrant tea, vegetables and fruits, is intended to pay tribute to the spirit of the zen master of the great awakening. In my province, Renzu, the mighty god is in heaven. Twenty-nine years of the mountain. At that time, there were several survivors. He is like a Zen master, a minister of the outside world. Hymns come and go, moons and stars. The light of the show returns, and the candle is in the corner of the sea. There was no birth in the past, and there is no death in the present. People were pregnant with the tomb, and their sobs were choking. I was in my prime, and I was a frequent pro-Feast. The devil bid farewell, and it is not miserable. ShangYi.

Throughout the life of the Great Awakening Zen Master Huai Lian, he was born with intelligence and received favor and love. Born from the poor and remote countryside on the coast of southern Fujian, although there is an atmosphere of the Buddha's country, it is also the unremitting efforts of Dajue Huailian himself, and finally obtains a body of Dharma righteousness. With the help of the wise and talented Zen master Güner, he finally got the opportunity to open a lecture, which enabled the concept of Cloud Gate to become popular in the north where Tokyo is located, and thus won the joint support of the scholars. From the perspective of Zen Buddhism, zen master Dajue single-handedly achieved the purpose of propagating the Dharma with his own strength, and from the perspective of political affairs, he also used the principles of the Dharma through poetry and said that he would let the scholars introduce new knowledge and the people in the process of politics, which is probably another realm of self-cultivation and family peace.

Face value online, good at composing poetry, Su Dongpo, Wang Anshi admired a lifetime, did not think that Jing was a monk one, the hometown of the Buddha, Sizhou junction two, Jiang Right Seeking the Law, Cloud Gate Tracer III, Great Instrument Nature, Life Turning Four, Called to Beijing, Qin Zhi Dajue Five, Ren Zonghua Pair, Imperial Poetry Send six, Glory returned to Mingzhou, and enjoyed his old age in peace

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