
Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

author:Sleepwalking under

After seeing the ancient village of the lecture hall in Caishi Town, Licheng, the next day I came to the ancient village of the lecture school located in Wufengshan Street of Changqing. The two ancient villages with the same name and surname are divided into east and west, and the distance is less than 50 kilometers. Is there any connection between the two? I came to Changqing's Lecture Academy Village with doubts.

Out of jinan city, all the way to the southwest. The road to Changqing Gongshuyuan Village is not difficult to walk, along the 104 Provincial Road Songcun Intersection to Guiwan Road eastbound, along a curved country road east of Songcun Village, to the end, is the Shuyuan Village.

The geographical location of The Village of Shuyuan is particularly in line with the exploration of the best areas in ancient China. Surrounded by mountains, the Qinglong Mountain and Hutou Mountain on the east and west sides of the village form a confrontation of two mountains, and the south of the village is "three mountains cutting and cutting like a screen", which can be described as a tight seam, neat and tidy, like the Taoist Taiji Bagua Array, the location is excellent, and the geographical environment is just right.

The mountain here is in the shape of a dustpan, and the ancient village is located at the bottom of the dustpan. A north-south river flows out of the village, flowing around the east side of the south hill of the village, crossing a small bridge in the river before entering the village, and then traveling north along the root path of the small hill.

Such a good geographical location, the ancient "lecture school" is located here, it can be understood.

Entering the village of Shushuyuan, it is a main road running north-south, the village committee and the clinic are next to this road, and there is a small square on the west side of the road, where many villagers are chatting. It was winter, farming had come to a complete standstill, and small talk was the only leisure activity for these elderly villagers.

When I parked the car, the two villagers next to me gathered around, talked, and learned that both were surnamed Song, and the younger old Song was 67 years old, fat and liked to talk; the older Song was 73 years old, shorter, simple and enthusiastic. After the two old Song learned of my intentions, they rushed to introduce me to the situation in the ancient village: there were about two hundred households in the village, most of which were surnamed Song; the ancestors were from Qihe County (this is inconsistent with what I knew earlier that "it is said that their ancestors fled from Liaocheng to escape the chaos of soldiers and horses in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties". After several questions, they still affirmatively said that they were from Qihe; there were not many old houses in the village, and the oldest ones were only about a hundred years old; the antiquities that still remained in the village were all in the east of the village, there was an ancient well, a small temple, and an old monument to build a "lecture academy"; the young people in the village all went out to work, only the old people and children were left, usually the village was very deserted, and only on holidays were some people; and so on. He also took me to the nearby elder Song family to see the house, because his house is one of the most complete and still inhabited old houses in the village, with a history of more than a hundred years, although it has been repaired several times, the structure and shape and the materials used are still intact.

Bidding farewell to the two enthusiastic villagers, I followed their instructions and came to the east end of the village, and sure enough, I saw three ancient relics, in order, an ancient well, a small temple, and an ancient stele, and the ancient stele was in the farmland northeast of the former two.

These three antiquities are very well preserved, the ancient well has been repaired, the well platform, manhole cover, wall, inscription, etc. are readily available, greeting visitors from all over the world with a new look; the walls and roofs of the small temple are newly repaired, using new materials, and the temple door is installed, the new fence is built, and it is more solemn and generous, but unfortunately the door of the small temple is closed, and it is impossible to see the scene inside the house, it is said that the walls around the house are painted with exquisite murals, telling a long story, but unfortunately this time can not see, Only the ancient cypress at the door is still lush, witnessing the changes in the ancient village; the location of the small temple is already the head of the village, behind a flat farmland wheat seedlings are growing vigorously, less than a hundred meters northeast of the small temple stands a stone stele, because there is no other thing to block, very conspicuous, you will involuntarily go there, this is the famous lecture hall stone stele, the black stone stele appears abrupt in the emerald green wheat field, but after all, this is the only physical object left by the intercom, worth cherishing.

Speaking of which, I have to say that the village used to be a lecture school, and the name of the village is because the village once had two large-scale and well-known lecture houses.

In the history of The village, there are two famous academies, one is the WishIng Academy, which was built in the third year of Longqing (1569 AD) in the Ming Dynasty, and the other is the Jiantai Academy, which was built in the first year of Longqing (1567). Among them, the Wish To Study Academy was built by Zou Shan, then the deputy envoy of Shandong Tixue, for Zhang Houjue, who was then the Heading Sect, and the Wish Study Academy was one of the five major colleges in Changqing County, and the purpose of the college was "to have one's own wish, willing to be in me; voluntary to learn, to learn in me." The large scale of the College attracts a large number of readers from all over the world to study here. The stone stele of the Shuyuan Academy, built on the northeast corner of the village, records the Wish to Learn Academy. The stone stele was erected on the second day of December in the second year of Qianlong (1737), and the stele is engraved with the "Record of the Wishing Academy of Changqing County", which was written by Zou Shan, then deputy envoy of Shandong Tixue, recording the history of the construction of the Wishing Academy, which has been well preserved and has high historical value. According to the inscription, there were 32 houses in the Academy at that time, including 4 study halls in the middle, 4 rooms in the east and west wings, and 20 dormitories behind the study hall. The current stele has become the only physical object related to the Wishing Academy.

Another academy in the village, called Jiantai Academy, is also one of the five major academies in Changqing County, built in the first year of Ming Longqing, destroyed in the tenth year of the Ming Wanli Calendar, presided over by the then Governor of Dongchang Luo Rufang, and named Jiantai Academy because it can view Mount Taishan in the academy. See Tai College has existed for a little longer than Wish Ton Academy, but its scale and fame are not as good as Wish College. See the ruins of Tai Academy have become farmland, without any imprint.

 According to historical records, due to the struggle within the feudal ruling clique, the Ming Dynasty was rapidly declining, and they believed that the destruction of history and culture was the only life-saving "straw" that could be turned over by those in power, so they took extreme measures to kill the ideological field. Since then, there has been no lecture hall in the village.

Taking advantage of the two days of the weekend, two shuyuan villages distributed in two jurisdictions in Jinan were inspected, although the geographical location is different, the natural and cultural conditions are different, but they all have a common name "Shuyuan Village". The two are not related, but they are both famous ancient villages, which is enough. We should remember these two ancient villages, especially the Village of TheOry Academy in Changqing, which is worthy of being a "paradise" for readers.

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The village council located at the south end of the village

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The clinic next to the main road in the village

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

Two enthusiastic villagers

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The elderly Old Song took me to his old house

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The old house is over a hundred years old

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

Although it has been repaired several times, the original appearance remains unchanged

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The ancient well is well protected

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

Newly built wells, steps, walls

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The stone stele erected on the side of the well platform records the historical changes of the ancient well

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

A small temple at the east end of the village

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The small temple has been renovated, but unfortunately the gate is locked and there is no view inside

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The academy stone stele stands in a wheat field

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The stele is also well protected

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The handwriting on the stele is still clearly visible

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The stone stele records the history of the construction of the Wishing Academy

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

The historical chronology is clearly documented

Changqing Wufeng Mountain Lecture Academy Ancient Village: The former academy is no longer there, and now the dynasty can only talk about the air

Try to use the lens to record the three surviving relics

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