
In 2015, Wang Dongxing died of illness, and before his death, he summed up his life into one sentence, and people were touched by it after listening to it

author:History modern said

We all know that great men have made great contributions to the development of the country, and great men have led us on the road to prosperity and strength. At that time, in order to protect the safety of the great man, many guards were arranged around him. They have made an important contribution to the safety of great men. Among the many guards, Wang Dongxing may be more familiar to everyone. He worked with great men for 29 years, accomplishing numerous defensive tasks. The great man has long been accustomed to the company of these 29 years, and the friendship between the two can be said to be very deep. Even Wang Dongxing's last words on his deathbed are nostalgic for the great man. Everyone at that time was very moved. Today we will understand the stories between the great man and Wang Dongxing.

When Wang Dongxing was a child, his family was very poor, and most of the people at that time in 1916 were like this, not only living in hardship but also shouldering three big mountains, imperialism, feudalism, and the comprador class colluded with each other, and in the end, the people were oppressed. Wang Dongxing was fortunate that he accepted advanced knowledge and ideas. When Fang Zhimin returned to his hometown to lead the peasant uprising, Wang Dongxing followed him to join the revolution, but at that time he was still very young, just a squad leader of the children's regiment and the like. Later, in 1931, when Wang Dongxing was 15 years old, he became the secretary of the Communist Youth League, and the following year he joined the Red Army and became an honorable party member.

From the beginning of the grass-roots fighters, through his own continuous struggle, he finally became the backbone of the army. Later, after several anti-encirclement and suppression battles, Wang Dongxing became an excellent combat instructor and led more soldiers to participate in the Long March. On the way, he was even more heroic in the rain of bullets and bullets, bravely killing the enemy without fear of hardships and dangers, and finally successfully persisted to the victory of the Long March.

In 2015, Wang Dongxing died of illness, and before his death, he summed up his life into one sentence, and people were touched by it after listening to it

Long March Division

In addition, in the continuous fighting, Wang Dongxing's marksmanship is also constantly improving, and he is also a well-known sharpshooter in the army. It was at this time that the central authorities gradually noticed Wang Dongxing and were ready to focus on cultivating and promoting him. Before the plan had even begun, Wang Dongxing was transferred to the hospital in the rear. In the same period, he also made a lot of contributions to the eastern and western expeditions of the troops.

Later, when the War of Resistance Broke Out, Wang Dongxing worked in the hospital in the rear until the end of the War of Resistance. During this period, he traveled to many hospitals and had a lot of experience. Every time, I am dedicated to solving some problems encountered in my work. It has made outstanding contributions to the treatment of the wounded in front-line combat.

In 1945 he was also elected deputy to the National Congress. At the beginning of the Liberation War, he was transferred to the central government, and at the same time he also ushered in a turning point in his life, because his outstanding performance in the team and his brilliant marksmanship had attracted the attention of the central authorities, and it was currently in a critical period, and the great man needed a group of excellent guards to protect the safety of the great man, and if Wang Dongxing could pass this examination, he could work next to the great man.

In the end, Wang Dongxing passed the selection with excellent results, and then served as the chief of the security department, and at the beginning, he was in charge of the guards of the great man for a period of time, and Chiang Kai-shek began to launch a large-scale offensive. At the beginning of 1947, 34 kuomintang troops began to attack the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region. Their purpose was simple, that is, to occupy Yan'an, where our Party was located at that time.

On March 13, the Kuomintang began to attack, and their 140,000 troops began to advance in two directions, while they also had more than 100 combat aircraft to carry out multiple rounds of bombing on Yan'an and other places. On the other hand, there are only more than 20,000 defenders in our liberated areas, and the gap between the enemy and ourselves is really too big, and under such circumstances, we have to consider temporarily abandoning Yan'an's plan, but some fighters are unwilling to give up the base areas that have been painstakingly built up to others, and some fighters have deep feelings for Yan'an and want to advance and retreat with Yan'an.

In 2015, Wang Dongxing died of illness, and before his death, he summed up his life into one sentence, and people were touched by it after listening to it

Evacuation of Yan'an

After fierce discussion, everyone was still impressed by the long-term strategic vision and military thinking of the great man, because for Yan'an, the words of swearing to defend to the death would only cause more casualties among the army soldiers, and Yan'an would also fall, which was very uneconomical. But if we retreat now, our army strength will be preserved, and Yan'an will not be destroyed by the enemy on a large scale, even if it is occupied, it will be short-lived, which is the famous strategy of the great man to survive and lose land.

In order to buy time for the large troops in this situation, it is necessary for some comrades to stand up for everyone. In the end, this arduous task fell to Wang Dongxing, who took the initiative to apply for combat. Later on its 200 warriors formed the Kunlun Column, and added a guard unit responsible for sniping. This lineup is used to buy time for everyone to retreat.

Later, after our army retreated, the enemy army also began to attack, and the bombers circled around Wangjiawan again and again, and 140,000 enemy troops also came from two directions. Under such circumstances, Wang Dongxing calmly and easily coped. First the team was divided into two echelons, and the soldiers also built the fortifications according to the plan, and everything was ready to be surprised by the opponent.

Then everything was as expected, and the enemy attacked at nine o'clock in the morning. The vanguard of a regiment of the enemy gradually entered the ambush area of our army, and the enemy army did not find any abnormality, and at this moment, under the order of Wang Dongxing, our army launched a fierce attack in an instant. The enemy panicked for a while and had to retreat in a hurry.

Wang Dongxing had long thought that the enemy army would definitely organize the next wave of attack. It didn't take long for the enemy bombers to arrive, but fortunately our troops were already hidden, and the bombers had to retreat because they could not find their targets. Faced with this lifeless situation, the enemy decided to send some soldiers to encircle from the rear, and unexpectedly, the sky suddenly poured down, causing flash floods. At this time, our army had sufficient time to retreat and successfully completed the blockade battle.

Since then, the great man has entrusted many tasks to Wang Dongxing. He is also as brave as ever, as long as it is entrusted by a great man, he can always complete every task well. After the founding of New China, Wang Dongxing also continued to stay with the great man and was responsible for safety work. When the great man visited the Soviet Union in 1949, Wang Dongxing was fully responsible for the security of the great man. Later, when the entire remnants and some other destabilizing factors were in place, Wang Dongxing calmly deployed enough security troops along the way, and he also followed the great man closely to protect the great man's safety. Later, the visit was also successfully concluded, and the great man finally returned home safely.

In fact, audiences familiar with history know that some activities of the great man will have the figure of Wang Dongxing, such as the great man re-ascending Jinggang Mountain, traveling through the Yangtze River, etc., all of which are Wang Dongxing's full guarantee work behind his back. It can be said that in the work of protecting the safety of leaders such as great men, Wang Dongxing has never made a mistake. This protects many proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation.

Life is always born, old and sick and dead, just on September 9, 1976, our beloved great man has to stop breathing forever, the whole country is sad for a while, and later when everyone discussed the eulogy of the great man, Wang Dongxing put forward his own opinion, he said that the great man once had three to three do not think, Wang Dongxing believes that this is a very important part of the great man, so he put forward the hope to add these to the eulogy. After much deliberation, the proposal was finally adopted.

Later, with the support of Wang Dongxing and other revolutionaries of the older generation, Hua Guofeng took over the baton of national development, contributed to the development of the country, and served as vice chairman in the subsequent election, continuing to work hard in his post. But unexpectedly, after two or three years in office, Hua Guofeng took the initiative to resign. It was also stated that it would be a good thing to do so.

In 2015, Wang Dongxing died of illness, and before his death, he summed up his life into one sentence, and people were touched by it after listening to it

Wang Dongxing in his later years

At this time, Wang Dongxing was 64 years old, he had struggled for the revolution for nearly 50 years in his life, and his initial faith had never wavered, but he wanted to give up his position to more talented and energetic young people, so that young people could better contribute to the construction of socialist development. Later, after his abdication, Wang Dongxing still cared about the development of the motherland, and also recorded his revolutionary experience and the stories of his former comrades-in-arms, so that more people could understand the brave fighters of the past.

In Wang Dongxing's home, there are also two calligraphy works that the great man once gave him, namely "Qinyuan Spring -Snow" and "Farewell", which Wang Dongxing often looked at in his later years, as if his mind had returned to the days when he was with the great man many years ago. Every year on the birthday of the great man, he would visit him in the memorial hall. Nearly 40 years rain or shine.

In 2015, Wang Dongxing died of illness, and before his death, he summed up his life into one sentence, and people were touched by it after listening to it

Wang Dongxing died of illness

Before his death in 2015, Wang Dongxing also mentioned the great man, saying that he had only done one thing in his life: that is, to follow and protect the great man, which was a very happy and lucky thing for him, 29 years later, at the last moment of his life, he still remembered to get a little bit with the great man, and had to say what a touching friendship it was.

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