
Wang Dongxing was Chairman Mao's most trusted person in his later years, and he chose to resign voluntarily at the age of 64.

author:Read the history of the world


Chairman Mao had many guards in his lifetime, the most famous of which was Li Yinqiao, who was specifically responsible for protecting Chairman Mao's safety when the leading organs of our Party were working in Yan'an. However, in Chairman Mao's later years, Wang Dongxing was the most well-known guard, who was not only responsible for protecting Chairman Mao's safety, but also played an irreplaceable role in major historical events in our country.

Wang Dongxing was Chairman Mao's most trusted person in his later years, and he chose to resign voluntarily at the age of 64.


In 1976, Chairman Mao died, and the rebels plotted to seize power. At such a critical moment, Marshal Ye Jianying stepped forward and, with the help of Hua Guofeng, Wang Dongxing, and others, smashed the conspiracy of the rebels in one fell swoop, not only saving the fate of our party, but also enabling China to get rid of the special period and re-enter the economic construction work.

Because of his important role in this incident, coupled with his long-term participation in confidential decision-making, Wang Dongxing was promoted to vice chairman in 1977, actively exposing the crimes of criticizing the rebels, vigorously rectifying the work, and allowing the country and society to quickly restore normal order. In 1980, under the condition that the overall situation had been decided, Wang Dongxing took the initiative to resign from his post, which was highly praised by comrades.


Wang Dongxing was a native of Jiangxi, and when he was a teenager, he coincided with the establishment of a base area by the Red Army in Jiangxi, and under the influence of advanced ideas, he decided to embark on the revolutionary road. At the age of 15, Wang Dongxing took the initiative to participate in the struggle of the peasants against the landlords and local tycoons, and because of his outstanding performance, he received organizational attention and successfully joined the party the following year.

Wang Dongxing was Chairman Mao's most trusted person in his later years, and he chose to resign voluntarily at the age of 64.

At that time, Wang Dongxing was a real "little red devil", but he fought bravely, was not afraid of bloodshed and injury, and performed well in the anti-encirclement and suppression struggle. Later, Wang Dongxing followed the Red Army troops to participate in the Long March, and gradually rose from an ordinary soldier to an officer of the unit, becoming a commander and fighter on his own.

During the Liberation War, Wang Dongxing was transferred to Chairman Mao's side as a guard, and it can also be seen from this that he was not only capable, but also highly ideologically conscious and absolutely loyal to the party and the state; otherwise, he would never have been entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Wang Dongxing had a cautious personality, considered everything as thoroughly as possible, and never created trouble for Chairman Mao.

Wang Dongxing was Chairman Mao's most trusted person in his later years, and he chose to resign voluntarily at the age of 64.


As the situation of the War of Liberation became clearer, Chairman Mao led the central leading organs to leave Yan'an, where they had lived for more than ten years, and entered Beiping in March 1949. At that time, Wang Dongxing was responsible for leading the guards to open the road, and whenever he thought of this past, he would feel very excited.

After the founding of new China, Wang Dongxing's identity changed, and in addition to being responsible for security work, he also served as the deputy director of the office. Although the burden on his body has become heavier, there are more things to deal with, not to mention that his status is also increasing, and he has a group of warriors who can command.

However, when it comes to Chairman Mao's security issues, Wang Dongxing has never dared to be sloppy and has always been personally involved, and he has always been responsible for the security work in Zhongnanhai. Because they spent a long time together day and night, coupled with Wang Dongxing's excellent work, Chairman Mao trusted him very much and took Wang Dongxing with him wherever he went.

Wang Dongxing was Chairman Mao's most trusted person in his later years, and he chose to resign voluntarily at the age of 64.

We all know that due to the problem of the rebels, there were not many people that Chairman Mao could trust in his later years, especially after the death of Premier Zhou, Deng Xiaoping was repeatedly attacked, Hua Guofeng and Ye Jianying had limited power, and the only person who Could really confide in Chairman Mao was actually Wang Dongxing. In the period after Chairman Mao's death, it was Wang Dongxing who sat in the central guard office that did not give the rebels an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But Wang Dongxing is well aware of his identity, he always thinks of himself as a guard, just responsible for the safety of the leaders, and when the task is completed, he should leave. Therefore, after Chairman Mao's death, Wang Dongxing temporarily took over a lot of work for the sake of the overall situation, and when the problem was basically solved, he took the initiative to resign.

Wang Dongxing was Chairman Mao's most trusted person in his later years, and he chose to resign voluntarily at the age of 64.


In fact, At that time, Wang Dongxing was 64 years old, which was the golden age of the central leadership, but he retreated in a hurry, which shows the high level of personal ideological consciousness, and his last words at the central meeting were: "This is not necessarily a good thing!" Although Wang Dongxing left the leadership position, he still pays great attention to China's economic construction work, especially after the arrival of reform and opening up, and he also feels sincerely gratified to see the country getting better day by day. In 2015, Wang Dongxing died of illness in Beijing at the age of 99.

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