
Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

author:Gao Ming release

On November 27, the 13th Party Congress of Foshan City opened. The report of the Municipal Party Congress proposed that in the next five years, Foshan will promote the development of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing to a high-quality and rapid leap, and strive to become the leader of fifteen key tasks and show the "six new Foshans".

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

Beautiful river. Photo by Hong Hai

The Gao Ming delegation held a heated discussion on the report of the party congress. The party representatives of Gaoming District unanimously said that the report has a clear theme and urges people to forge ahead, which reflects the courage and courage of the municipal party committee to seize the opportunity, wait for no time, take advantage of the momentum, and dare to be the first, and also point out the direction for the future development of Gaoming.

Build a new economic center in the western region

"This is both an encouragement and a spur. Gaoming will repay the expectations of the municipal party committee with new progress in high-quality development. Deputy Yang Yongtai, secretary of the Gaoming District CPC Committee, said that after the opening meeting of the 13th Party Congress in Foshan, Comrade Zheng Ke first came to the Gaoming delegation to participate in the discussion, so that the Gaoming party deputies deeply felt the care and ardent expectations of the municipal party committee for Gaoming. Standing at a new starting point, Gaoming will actively seize major opportunities such as the planning and construction of the Pearl River Delta hub (Guangzhou New) airport, strive to forge ahead, catch up and surpass, strive to be a new engine for the city's high-quality development, and contribute to Foshan's rapid leap to high quality in achieving five aspects of development and striving for the high-quality development of local cities.

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

The Fulong Xijiang Special Bridge under construction. Photo by Hong Hai

The report of the Municipal Party Congress proposed that Foshan should reconstruct and optimize the pattern of industrial spatial development, among which, to the west, it should focus on the development of a composite economy, build an airport air-rail economic belt, and accelerate the construction of a new economic center in the western region. This sparked a lively discussion among the representatives of the Gaoming Delegation.

Deputy Yang Yongtai pointed out that the primary industry has a foundation for Gaoming; the secondary industry has space for Gaoming; and the tertiary industry has potential. Gaoming is more qualified to carry out overall planning and realize the coordinated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

Shizhou Village Wanglin Garden Flower Base. Photo by Hong Hai

Reshaping the industrial structure and building a new economic center in the western region needs carrier support. Deputy Jiang Yuexin, deputy secretary of the Gaoming District CPC Committee and mayor of the district, said that Gaoming will make up his mind to change the situation that the industry is not contiguous, the land supply is not guaranteed, and the industry is not high-end, and strives to create a new high level of strength, quality, happiness, and beauty. In the next five years, around the construction of the global airport economic demonstration zone, Gaoming will accelerate the planning of contiguous pieces to build a 160 square kilometers of Gaoming Large Industrial Park, support the town streets, Xijiang Industrial New City supporting the construction of a number of characteristic industrial parks, to create a low-cost contiguous industrial space.

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

Pingqian International (Gaoming) Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park located in Yanghe Town. Photo by Hong Hai

In order to ensure the supply of land, Gaoming will also take the implementation of a new round of land spatial planning as an opportunity to coordinate the efficient use of land resources, and strive to add and revitalize more than 6,000 mu of various types of construction land every year, so as to realize the transformation from "projects and other places" to "land and other projects".

"To build a compound economy, it is better to wait, rather to develop slowly for a year or two, rather than let low-end industries come in." Deputy Xian Jiafen, member of the Standing Committee of the Gaoming District CPC Committee, director of the Propaganda Department, and director of the United Front Work Department, said that the next step is to do a good job in industrial layout from "selecting the best of the best" and build a high-quality development park around the "2+3+1" industrial cluster planning.

"This is the municipal party committee's ardent expectation and major positioning goal for the future development of Gaoming, which is exciting." As a grassroots cadre, I feel that my mission is glorious and my responsibility is heavy. Deputy Huang Baojian, member of the Standing Committee of the Gaoming District CPC Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hecheng Subdistrict, said that the next step will be to benchmark the advanced areas of the country, implement the reports and tasks of the party congress with the determination to create advanced, combine Gaoming's actual situation to grasp the reshaping of the industrial structure space, and make new spirits, new momentum, and new deeds for grass-roots cadres.

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

Cangjiang Industrial Park. Photo by Hong Hai

Deputy Yang Weiliang, member of the Standing Committee of the Gaoming District CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, said: The article on how to seize the opportunity of the new airport and do a good job in building a new economic center in the western region is something to look forward to and worth thinking about. Combined with its own political and legal work, Gaoming first, is to maintain social stability, stability can help development; second, to help create a first-class business environment, to help Gaoming development; third, to do a good job in the construction of safety, write a good grassroots governance article.

Promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas

The report of the Municipal Party Congress proposed that it is necessary to adhere to the priority of ecology, promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and protect the green water, green mountains, green trees and blue sky for the people of Foshan.

With the landscape of "six mountains, one water and three fields", green has always been the brightest background color of Gaoming, and ecological advantages have always been the most important comparative advantages of Gaoming in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

Binjiang Wetland Park. Photo by Ming Zai

In the next five years, Gaoming will focus on green and in-depth fight against pollution, focus on low-carbon to accelerate the planning of carbon peak paths, focus on recycling to accelerate the creation of "waste-free cities", promote the adjustment of the industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure and land use structure of the whole region, and strive to become a demonstration of green and low-carbon cycle development in the province in 2023 and a national demonstration sample in 2025.

Deputy Xu Minxun, deputy secretary of the Gaoming District CPC Committee, believes that Foshan wants to build a green water town, and Gaoming has the confidence and confidence to contribute more strength. In particular, in recent years, the rural revitalization work in Gaoming District has won the title of excellent in the province for many times, the urban and rural environment has been comprehensively improved, and the pollution prevention and control has also been effective. Next, Gaoming should do a good job in grass-roots party building, use party building to lead gaoming's comprehensive revitalization, and write a good article on green development.

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

Taikang Mountain. Photo by Ming Zai

Deputy Chen Weifeng, secretary of the CPPCC leading group and chairman of the Gaoming District CPPCC Committee, said that Gaoming is an agricultural region with more than 1/3 of the city's cultivated land area, and has good ecological endowments, which can be combined with the planning and construction opportunities of the new airport to develop modern urban agriculture and create greater economic value.

Deputy Zhu Lijian, deputy mayor of Gaoming District and secretary of the Party Committee of Mingcheng Town, said that Mingcheng Town has the only national forest park approved for establishment in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Yunyong National Forest Park, as well as Taikang Mountain Scenic Area and other brands, and will continue to play the ecological card in the next 5 years, such as organically combining agricultural and forestry ecological resources such as rice fields, mountain forests, and mines with cultural tourism, exploring the way of "ecological industrialization and industrial ecology", and giving birth to a "beautiful economy".

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

The environment of Xiaodong Village in Jianhe Town is clean and tidy, and the rice fields are verdant. Photo by Hong Hai

Deputy Chen Jingpei, secretary of the party committee and director of the village committee of Xiaodong Village, Genghe Town, Gaoming District, said: In recent years, Xiaodong Village has implemented a responsibility system of contracting cadres and guided the whole village to make concerted efforts to carry out special rectification through party members, and the results have been remarkable. Nowadays, the appearance of Xiaodong Village has undergone earth-shaking changes and has become one of the demonstration village creation projects in Foshan. Next, Xiaodong Village will use the wind of rural revitalization to make good use of ecological advantages, red resources and rural culture to build Xiaodong Village into a red position with charm and rich connotation, and help improve the image of Foshan City.

You know what Mingzai said

Space + Industry + Potential! Look at the future development of Gao Ming here

Gao Ming released the WeChat editorial department

Source: Foshan Daily reporter Liu Ling

Editor: Gao Mingrong Media Center Xue Jiayu

Reviewers: Tan Jiancai, Lai Cuiyi

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