
Weekly Fortune | Penny Thornton November 29 -December 5 Horoscope weekly horoscope

author:Extraordinary said constellations
Weekly Fortune | Penny Thornton November 29 -December 5 Horoscope weekly horoscope

Any week with an eclipse would not be ordinary. This eclipse falls on the distant horizon, and it points to the departure. There may be a journey ahead, or an offer that will change your vision of life is coming. Admittedly, the possibilities are high, but even for small things, what happens around this time can make you think differently about the future. Neptune is also involved, so it's important to remember that not everything will be clear, and you need to make sure it's accurate and reliable. Still, if you have a dream--- which Aries person doesn't have a dream--- it's time to realize one of those dreams.

A sign of the future.

While a total lunar eclipse on Saturday doesn't happen in your sign, that doesn't mean it doesn't have any effect on you. This eclipse will affect your finances, so we may receive a proposal or solution to improve your financial prospects. Of course, whether it's about money or love, there will be an enlightenment here. Eclipses open up new possibilities, but creating the possibility of pathway events can be quite challenging and even make you feel uncomfortable. Maybe there hasn't been any major progress this week, but something is churning in the deep sea and it will eventually surface.


Total solar eclipses occurring in the area of interest are no small matter. Like all new moons in this region, it opens a year-long cycle for a wide variety of relationships, but because of its eclipse, this new phase may begin in brilliant splendor. Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but especially if you have a birthday on or near June 5, life will take an unexpected turn due to the actions of other people. Now, there's no doubt that these actions won't be completely welcome — an unexpected opportunity or a great opportunity — but sudden developments, even if they're good, can get you into trouble at the very beginning. Even if December 4th is an eventful or colorful autumn, the eclipse phase is followed by a long timeline...

Suddenly it's different.

You may not be able to witness Saturday's eclipse, but when you notice the thin, shining crescents in the night sky, this should be seen as a precursor to change. This eclipse takes place in the Uterus, which represents work and health, so maybe a new job is coming or the workplace will change. On the other hand, a solar eclipse may be a signal to deal with work worries or health concerns. As usual, when we take control of the situation and bring it into the sun, it is on the way to be solved. I don't want it to be the cause of your concern, just more of a plea for you, to be more aware of what will happen in the shadows.

Signs of change

Weekly Fortune | Penny Thornton November 29 -December 5 Horoscope weekly horoscope

It's not just Christmas lights that grab your attention this week, but also the lights in the sky. More precisely, a total solar eclipse on Saturday. If it happens during the day, it is always an awesome thing, whether seen or not, it heralds a great event. Of course, global developments at this time may be profound, but if the eclipse is connected to your natal disk, you may also experience a shift in one or more situations. This eclipse falls on the most creative area of your solar disk, and it may herald a new business or a new person coming into your life in the near future.


There can be a lot of anomalies this week. Not only does the aquaman stand still, which amplifies the chaotic power of Aquaman, but a total solar eclipse with the same effect on Saturday will briefly blind you from seeing reality. As mentioned before, there are two eclipses (May 26 and June 10) that emphasize the house of life's direction, so you will see the climax of a series of events that originated 6 months ago. But some places are still very chaotic, there may be people evaporating, or you feel that the same thing is not so solid.

Chaotic and mysterious.

In the world of travel and communications, nothing inspires you more than a total solar eclipse. In addition to the fact that you may actually be leaving for a trip, this eclipse also symbolizes the beginning of an important life journey, where conversations, meetings, proposals, and the development of ideas can take you in new directions. Not everything is clear now, so give yourself a little space. During all eclipse cycles, there may be some random events that bother you temporarily, but once you adjust to the new normal, everything will be fine.

The new normal.

Weekly Fortune | Penny Thornton November 29 -December 5 Horoscope weekly horoscope

This eclipse season ends with a total solar eclipse in a self-worthed house. On the one hand, Saturday's total solar eclipse could be a new source of revenue or a sign of a change in finances. On the other hand, there may be events that have a positive impact on your self-esteem – it could be a brief rise in fame, or a marriage proposal from someone that you simply can't refuse. And then again, eclipses are also about shadows – the (secret) that has been hidden in the shadows is now exposed, and/or the event has ignited the flames, but you don't see anything in it (the secret). In short, it is certain that it is time for a new look, whether it refers to life in the usual sense or simply to you personally.

A new look.

Well, that's it. The final total solar eclipse will last 18 and a half years in your zodiac sign. No one can guarantee that what happens at this time will surprise you, but a new, unexpected development, no matter how small, can be the beginning of a big deal. Sometimes we unconsciously listen to astrology and choose a day with star qualities to do something special, and if you have this Saturday in your journal, which is indeed the case, sometimes this day is memorable. Pay attention to the signs and signals in your heart and mind: they have the power to take you further.

The stars are shining.

The sun is nearly halfway through in the 12th house, an area where we process the events of the past 12 months and prepare for the beginning of a new cycle on our birthday. The total solar eclipse that occurs in this area on Saturday is therefore very important, you may get some kind of epiphany, a dream may send you a powerful message, or remind you of people, things, and feelings that belonged to the past. This may not be the best week to fill your schedule with dating and socializing. You need space, need quiet and time to get back to yourself!

Don't push yourself or push the limits.

Collaboration is the focus of a total eclipse on Saturdays and Sundays, so if you're planning to start a new venture or attend a special event with friends and colleagues, it will leave you with memories that will leave you with an impressive memory. It's an ideal time to start teamwork and group matters, but it can also expose the weaknesses of these things, and some projects and alliances prove not to continue. Neptune is also currently stationary, as the planet is related to some invisible force, so remember to incorporate it into your thinking and plans.

Invisible power.

This could be the most important week of 2021. First, Neptune turns in a straight line, and second, a total solar eclipse occurs in the middle of the sky. A new beginning, one inspired by the unexpected and unusual. In fact, the whole week was filled with a mysterious and strange atmosphere. Just after Christmas, Jupiter will once again enter your sign for a 5-month transit – which should be a lucky and productive transit – so what happens at this time may be either a lucky accident or an inevitable disaster. Time will tell, as they say.

Time will tell.

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