
Tongzi County: Focus on the two sessions丨Chen Zhao participated in the discussion of the shixi basho dam and pond delegation

author:Jintai information

On the afternoon of November 25, Chen Zhao, secretary of the county party committee, participated in the discussion of the first meeting of the 17th People's Congress of Tongzi County, shixi, basho and dam pond delegations.

During the discussion, the deputies conscientiously deliberated the "Government Work Report" made by Yi Xianzuo, deputy secretary of the county party committee and acting county magistrate, and held one after another that the report's summary of the work of the past five years was objective, accurate, and comprehensive, that it was straightforward and to the point about the existing problems and difficulties, and that the overall requirements, expected goals, and key work arrangements and arrangements for the next five years were in line with the objective needs of Tongzi's high-quality development and the ardent expectations of the people of Tongzi County, and was a good report with strength, temperature, and quality. The deputies also held discussions on education, industrial development, grain production, land resources planning, and village collective economic development. Chen Zhao listened attentively to the speeches and from time to time had in-depth discussions with everyone on specific issues.

Chen Zhao stressed: The townships and towns in the north should correctly view the differences in terrain, make use of the opportunity of connecting the Zhengxi Expressway, adapt measures to local conditions, intensify the adjustment of the industrial structure, broaden the channels for the masses to increase income and get rich, and transform the advantage of being a latecomer into a strong driving force for promoting scientific development. It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, establish the people-centered work concept, seek development against the benchmark, and start again without distraction, so as to add bricks and tiles to the revitalization of the countryside. It is necessary to vigorously grasp the implementation of policies, make full use of forestry resources, and accelerate the promotion of ecological breeding. It is necessary to work planting, make a fuss on the land, and increase the added value of plants. It is necessary to draw a good boundary line and protect the red line of cultivated land. It is necessary to develop the tourism industry, make tourism real estate bigger and stronger, and promote the construction of local towns. It is necessary to keep an eye on the leading industries, constantly manage, improve, and optimize, and grasp development in a down-to-earth manner.

Chen Zhao demanded that the deputies attending the meeting conscientiously hold a good meeting, discuss the report well, express good opinions, maintain a good mental state, and successfully complete the agenda of the meeting. After the meeting, it is necessary to properly implement the spirit of the two sessions, boost the spirit, summon up full vigor, and maintain the relationship between cadres and the masses; we must overcome difficulties and forge ahead, make full use of time and space, and resolve existing difficulties year by year; we must make joint efforts to build up our hometown well, make new contributions to the development of Tongzi, and create brilliant achievements again.

Hu Rumao, secretary of the party leading group and chief procurator of the Tongzi County Procuratorate, and representatives of the shixi, basho, and dam pond delegations attended the discussion. (Li Tiantian, Mu Danjing)

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