
Chen Zhao went to Jiulong Street and Wenshui Town to investigate

author:Jintai information

People's Daily - Guizhou Channel

According to the xishui county people's government network news on July 25, chen Zhao, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, led a team to Jiulong Street and Wenshui Town to investigate urban transformation, housing safety, and the construction of characteristic small towns. Deputy County Governor Li Linbo attended.

Due to the frequent activities of the surrounding masses, the Chaoyang River (Xinhua Bridge) section has infiltrated the river with sewage in some areas, and domestic garbage and waste have been involved in the river, resulting in increased flood discharge pressure due to siltation year by year, increasing the safety hazards of surrounding merchants and households, and restricting the economic and social development of our county. Recently, the county government organized relevant departments to carry out a comprehensive demolition of the Xinhuaqiao River Street Market and simultaneously promoted the treatment of the Chaoyang River. Chen Zhao stressed at the project site that the implementation of the Chaoyang River river improvement project not only improves the flood prevention and discharge capacity, but also has great significance for improving the living environment of Xishui County and improving the image of the city, and all departments at all levels should increase the comprehensive improvement of the river, effectively improve the ecological environment along the line, combine the requirements of urban management, improve the new layout of the river, improve the function of flood prevention and drainage, fully consider the greening and landscape scenery, reverse the construction period, concentrate on the strength, and rapidly promote the river improvement work, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness.

The transformation of old residential areas is an important people's livelihood project that is connected to the people's livelihood and development at the other, which is related to the vital interests of the masses and the overall situation of economic and social development. Chen Zhao was very concerned, and successively went into the forestry community and the family houses of the three primary school teachers to learn more about the number of households, the transformation plan, the construction cycle and other conditions in the community, communicate with the cadres and the masses, listen to opinions and suggestions, and coordinate on the spot to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the project. Chen Zhao pointed out that the transformation of old residential areas should be done to the people's livelihood in the hearts of the masses, timely guide and mobilize the active participation of the masses, and continuously improve public service facilities, improve the living environment, and effectively solve the needs of residents' lives in view of problems such as roof leakage, wall damage, aging pipe network, parking inconvenience, water and electricity safety, and rain and sewage diversion. He stressed that it is necessary to run the concept of coordinated urban development through the transformation process, further make up for the shortcomings of infrastructure facilities, property management, social security, services for the elderly, fire safety, etc., strengthen urban community management, actively communicate and coordinate, gather consensus from all parties, enhance work synergy, give full play to the role of project funds, actively explore sustainable transformation models, and strive to transform each old community into a good ecology, new vitality and beautiful soul.

At the wenshui town happiness avenue project site, Chen Zhao pointed out that the wenshui party committee and government should strengthen confidence, overcome difficulties, further give play to the advantages of transportation location, the basic advantages of the park, and the advantages of cultural heritage, and insist on starting from the planning and preparation, industrial layout, integrated development, and urban management, establish and improve the management system and mechanism, and improve the level of urban management refinement; it is necessary to speed up the progress of project construction, vigorously promote various work in accordance with the established time nodes, plans, and goals, and build the happiness avenue into a landscape avenue, a happy avenue, and a landscape avenue. The industrial avenue not only effectively alleviates the pressure of regional traffic, but also promotes the integrated development of new and old neighborhoods in Wenshui, and further enhances the sense of gain and happiness of the masses.

Relevant departments and the main responsible persons involved in Kowloon and warm water attended. (Xishui County Rong Media Center Yan Xiaomin)

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