
A very special people in the world, they are physiologically mature when they are 8 years old, they can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the hidden meaning of this? (Letter.)


A very special nation in the world, they have already developed physiologically when they are 8 years old, can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the secret of this?

(Information reference source: "People's Daily Online")

In the vast majority of countries and regions in the world, 8 years old is still just a child, this age is in the stage of playing, but there is a special people in the world, their growth and development is faster than ordinary people, generally around the age of 8 The physiological characteristics have matured, and they can marry and have children.

They are the Pygmies, the most primitive people living in the tropical jungles of central Africa, calling themselves the "children of the forest" and living in harmony with nature for generations.

The most significant feature of the Pygmies is their short stature, the average height of adults is about 1.3~1.4 meters, and the average height of men is less than 1.52 meters, so the Pygmies are also known as the "pocket people".

Pygmies basically have large heads, thin bodies, and a big belly that looks like they've eaten all the time, and a bulge the size of an egg on the navel.

Under the influence of their living environment, their senses are also very acute, and it is no exaggeration to say that they can distinguish the species and sex of bees up to 10 meters away by hearing.

The unique body shape, keen senses, these distinctive features, all provide great convenience for the life of the Pygmies in the primeval jungle.

In order to better adapt to life in the jungle, the living habits of the pygmies are also very different from those of modern society Xi.

A tribe is generally composed of dozens of families, the number of people is about two or three hundred, the men in the tribe are responsible for hunting, the women are responsible for gathering, and they do not have the so-called private property, all the harvest and property are distributed by the eldest patriarch of the tribe.

Their daily lives basically revolve around obtaining food and reproducing, and when it comes to reproduction, Pygmy Xi is quite different.

Compared with ordinary people, the Pygmies have a fast physical development and a shorter average age, generally at the age of 8 their physiological functions have matured, and they begin to form a family and have children with the help of their families and tribes, and if they are not married at the age of 10, they are already considered to be late marriages.

Why do pygmies develop so quickly and have a relatively short lifespan? It has a lot to do with the environment in which they live and their genes.

Pygmies have a mutated gene that causes their bodies to stop developing around the age of 8, while also helping them to better withstand the local heat, and the tropical jungle is full of dangers, and the medical conditions are relatively poor, so the life expectancy is relatively short.

Under the influence of various factors, the age of their marriage is naturally advanced.

Pygmies only need to have their own marriage room to get married, which is simply made of plantain leaves or palm leaves, about one meter five in height, similar to an oval tent, and it only takes about a day from the beginning to the end of construction.

Their wedding ceremony is lively and sacred, the bride and groom will paint various patterns on their faces, invite relatives and friends to witness the marriage of the two parties, and when the couple meets, they need to cover both eyes and feed each other pieces of meat during the ceremony, which is considered recognition of each other.

On the night of the wedding, we stayed in that humble wedding room, and after a day and a night, the marriage contract was officially completed.

Although they live in the primeval jungle, they will also try to avoid intermarriage, and the marriage partners are usually selected from other tribes, and the marriage of the Pygmies is strictly based on monogamy, with the male protagonist and the female protagonist living a simple and warm life.

However, after the discovery of the Pygmy tribe, many people had the wrong idea that eating the sexual organs of the Pygmies would strengthen the body, which led to many people openly hunting and trading the Pygmies in the early years to avoid extinction.

Today, African governments are actively taking steps to help Pygmies out of the jungle.

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A very special people in the world, they are physiologically mature when they are 8 years old, they can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the hidden meaning of this? (Letter.)
A very special people in the world, they are physiologically mature when they are 8 years old, they can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the hidden meaning of this? (Letter.)
A very special people in the world, they are physiologically mature when they are 8 years old, they can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the hidden meaning of this? (Letter.)
A very special people in the world, they are physiologically mature when they are 8 years old, they can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the hidden meaning of this? (Letter.)
A very special people in the world, they are physiologically mature when they are 8 years old, they can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the hidden meaning of this? (Letter.)
A very special people in the world, they are physiologically mature when they are 8 years old, they can get married and have children, and the average life expectancy is not more than 40 years old, what is the hidden meaning of this? (Letter.)

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