
Bajiaoping, Luxi County: Tea picking in spring helps revitalization

author:Tea ceremony Hunan

Tea Ceremony Hunan March 29 Luxi News (Correspondent Zhang Kening Xu Tingxia) On March 29, Luxi County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, "the most beautiful March day to help farmers pick tea to promote revitalization" spring golden tea picking activities, held in Xixi Town, Bajiaoping Village, Yunchangping Farmers Planting and Breeding Professional Cooperative Golden Tea Industrial Park, Hunan Tea Research Institute, Xiangxi Tea Industry Development Center, Xiangxi Tea Association related professional and golden tea planters, professional cooperatives, industry leaders and other more than 100 people participated in the event.

Bajiaoping, Luxi County: Tea picking in spring helps revitalization

Yunchangping Farmer Planting and Breeding Professional Cooperative is located in Bajiaoping Village, Xixi Town, a traditional Miao settlement, where the ecological environment is excellent, surrounded by mountains, with an average altitude of more than 600 meters, and clouds and mist throughout the year, which is a suitable tea environment for "rain washing green mountains and four seasons of spring".

Bajiaoping, Luxi County: Tea picking in spring helps revitalization

In order to help the revitalization of the hometown industry and increase the income of farmers, the cooperative has adopted the model of "cooperative + base + farmer + company", and has developed the tea industry since 2017, planting more than 1,200 acres of golden tea. In order to improve the quality of tea, the cooperative by inviting provincial and state tea experts to regularly conduct technical training and practical teaching to the members of the cooperative, and carry out the golden tea film cultivation technology, has developed 5 varieties of gold No. 1, No. 2, No. 8, etc., with an annual output of 18 tons of dry tea, an output value of 17.28 million yuan, and more than 180 long-term labor workers, through the development of the tea industry, so that the people's pockets are more fulfilling, and at the same time promote tourism with tea, driving the hometown "March 3" and "June 6" and other traditional folk customs and traditional ancient villages of agriculture and tourism integrated development.

Bajiaoping, Luxi County: Tea picking in spring helps revitalization

In the spring of March, in the early morning of the golden tea base of Bajiaoping Village, Xixi Town, the morning mist is curling, the dark fragrance is wisps, and the tea forests are all over the mountain. In the verdant tea garden, the tea fragrance is refreshing, and the experts are teaching the tea farmers the spring tea picking skills hand in hand; the children's tea art interprets the traditional culture and modern farming culture to the fullest; not far away, a group of tea picking girls are flying with their fingers and skillfully picking tea, and the pictures of tea fragrance and vitality seem to tell the joy of the villagers for the prosperity of the industry and the increase in income and prosperity.

Bajiaoping, Luxi County: Tea picking in spring helps revitalization

"Before the Qingming Dynasty, the fresh leaves are a price a day, in order to seize the golden opportunity for spring tea to go on the market, there are 50-60 pickers in the tea mountain every day, and the current tea tree mining area of more than three years is more than 800 acres, and each mu produces 80-100 pounds of fresh tea leaves," said Zhang Xianfu, the head of the cooperative. It is reported that in recent years, the county has taken the tea industry as a pillar industry to promote rural revitalization and enrich the people and strengthen the county, with 61,500 acres of tea base in the county, 47,000 acres of white tea, 7,000 acres of golden tea, 4,000 acres of mulberry leaf tea, and 3,500 acres of wild tea under the forest. The industry is distributed in 58 villages in 7 townships and towns such as Xinglongchang, Xiaozhang and Baiyangxi, and gradually formed a new industrial layout with the white tea industrial belt, golden tea industrial zone and mulberry tea demonstration site as the core.

Editor in charge: Wang Dan

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