
How much is Yue Fei loved by Chinese? The Yixing Yue clan spent a hundred years posing as a descendant of Yue Fei's concubines

How much is Yue Fei loved by Chinese? The Yixing Yue clan spent a hundred years posing as a descendant of Yue Fei's concubines

Yue Wang Temple

Author Lantai

Today I want to talk to you about a magical family: the Tangmen Yue clan in Yixing, Jiangsu Province.

Today, if you use "Yue Fei, descendants, Yixing" as a keyword search, you can search out many articles, these articles are a theme, that is, Jiangsu Yixing lives yue fei's descendants, and these Yue Fei descendants have a collective name called "Yixing Tangmen Yue clan".

Even in 1990, the second issue of "Archives and Construction" published an article entitled "Yue Fei's Descendants Present Yue Clan Genealogy to Yixing City Archives".

In 2004, the Jiangnan Times also published an article in which, after praising Yue Fei's historical merits, specifically mentioned:

According to genealogical records, the people with the surname Yue in Furong Town are all descendants of Yue Lin, Yue Fei's third son. Yue Fei's third son, Yue Lin, moved from Jiujiang, Jiangxi to Tangmen Village, Yixing (present-day Yingxiang Village, Xierli, Zhou Tieqiao Town), and moved to Lujia Lane in Wujin due to war. Yue Fei's fifteenth grandson Yue Zhongshi moved to Ronghu (present-day Furong Town) during the Xianhua period of the Ming Dynasty (1465-1487), and it has been more than 530 years since then, and Yue Zhong has also become the ancestor of the Furong Yue clan.

However, in fact, the Tangmen Yue clan in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, is not a descendant of Yue Fei's lineage, and it is likely that they are not even Yue Fei's clan; Professor Wang Zengyu, former president of the Chinese Song History Research Association, specifically mentioned in the article "Yue Fei's Descendants Examination Strategy" that the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan is definitely not a descendant of Yue Fei.

So, how did the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan gradually become Yue Fei's descendants?

First of all, the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan admired Yue Fei's merits and personality, this is completely a problem, Yue Fei had already become a "former dynasty story" during the Yuan Dynasty, and Yue Fei's clan had already fallen to the point where they did not have the financial resources to repair the tombs of their ancestors, at this time, the Yixing Tang men Yue clan was willing to pay for the repair of the tomb of the King of Hangzhou Yue, it must be said that the patriarch of the Tang Men Yue clan in Yixing at that time was definitely Yue Fei's iron powder.

However, no matter how iron it is, it is not possible to turn his own family (Yixing Tangmen Yue Clan) into a descendant of Yue Fei's son step by step.

This kind of "star chasing" is also too outrageous.

Next, I will tell you in detail how the Yixing Tangmen Yue Clan spent almost a hundred years to turn their own family into a descendant of Yue Fei's concubines step by step.

How much is Yue Fei loved by Chinese? The Yixing Yue clan spent a hundred years posing as a descendant of Yue Fei's concubines

Statue of Yue Fei

First of all, there are many historical materials about the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan is not a descendant of Yue Fei, I roughly gave you a count, a total of 7 kinds of historical materials can prove that the Yixing Tang men Yue clan is by no means a descendant of Yue Fei.

They are "SuichangShanRen Miscellaneous Records", "Records of Quitting Cultivation", "Yue Temple Zhiluo", Yuan Guo Tianxi's handwritten diary, "Tongjiang Sequel", "Qiao Wu Collection", and "Biling Character Record".

The author of the Suichangshan Miscellaneous Records is the Yuan Dynasty calligrapher Zheng Yuanyou, who was born in the Southern Song Dynasty for 13 years, and the place where he studied in his childhood was facing the tomb of Yue Wang in the West Lake, and he watched how the ruined Yue Wang Tomb was repaired at the age of five or six:

When Yu Weicheng was a child, he studied from Mr. Zang Huyin, and Mr. Song Jing's students also had six or seven rooms in the house, opposite Yue's tomb. Shi Yue's tomb gradually fell, jiangzhou yue clan shi di, Song Di Gonglang, Yu Wang as the sixth grandson, and Yixing Tang men Yue clan genealogy, together with the abolition, the tomb and the temple restored integrity.

Zheng Yuanyou said very clearly in the "Miscellaneous Records of suichangshan people" that after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, the descendants of Yue Fei's family still lived in Jiangzhou (Jiujiang, Jiangxi), and because they did not have the financial resources to repair the tomb of The King of Hangzhou, they had to work with the "Yixing Tangmen Yue Clan Genealogy" and rely on the financial resources of the Yixing Tangmen Yue Clan to repair the tomb of the Yue King.

The so-called "general genealogy" is not to recognize that the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan is Yue Fei's descendant, but to recognize that the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan is a clan of Xiangzhou Tangyin Yue clan, and Yue Fei is a clan relationship.

So is the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan from the Xiangzhou Tangyin Yue clan?

According to the Yuan Dynasty poet Fang Hui's "Tongjiang Sequel", the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan is basically impossible to be the Xiangzhou Tangyin Yue clan, because the "Tongjiang Sequel" says that "its ancestors were indigenous and had no manifestation." ”

The so-called "indigenous" means that the Tangmen Yue clan of Yixing is a native of Yixing, Jiangsu Province, rather than moving in from abroad.

However, what is interesting is that at the beginning of the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, that is, during the reign of Zhu Yuanzhang, according to historical records, the Yue clan of Yixing Tangmen not only regarded themselves as Yue Fei people, but even wrote their own family tree, saying that they were descendants of Yue Fei's brother Yue Ao.

As for the historical data, it is the "Genealogy of the Bayue Clan" written in the "Turtle Nest Draft" of Xie Yingfang, a beginner in the late Yuan dynasty and Ming Dynasty, in the nineteenth year of Ming Hongwu (1386 AD).

However, after the examination of Professor Wang Zengyu, former president of the Song History Research Association, Yue Fei did not have a younger brother named Yue Ao, and according to the "Compilation of The Golden Tuo of the Eguo Dynasty", "Compilation of the Northern League of the Three Dynasties", and "Records of the Year since Jianyan", Yue Fei wrote a leave of absence to Song Gaozong, saying very clearly that yue Fei had no brother since the death of Yue Fei's younger brother Yue Tuanzhan.

It is obvious that the so-called "Yue Ao" was invented by the Yixing Tang men Yue clan.

How much is Yue Fei loved by Chinese? The Yixing Yue clan spent a hundred years posing as a descendant of Yue Fei's concubines

Yue Fei

About the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Yue Fei's descendants did not decay, so the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan could boldly change themselves from Yue Fei's people to the descendants of Yue Fei's younger brother.

However, this is far from the end, Yixing Tangmen Yue Clan has not yet completed the last step, that is, to turn their own family into Yue Fei's descendants.

According to historical records, by the twenty-first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Chen Ji wrote the "Genealogical Order of the Yue Clan" (Yixing Tangmen Yue Clan) and said very bluntly that the Yixing Tangmen Yue Clan was a descendant of Yue Lin, Yue Fei's third son.

"Lin Fu is the ancestor of the second fifth generation, with infinite depths, and can be inherited"

However, according to Professor Wang Zengyu, former president of the Song History Research Association, this "Genealogy of the Tang Men Yue Clan" is really full of errors and omissions.

Because the "Tang Men Yue Clan Genealogy" says that Yue Lin's eldest son was Yue Chun, however, according to relevant historical materials, when Song Xiaozong rehabilitated Yue Fei, Yue Lin's son took Yue Chen as the eldest, and as for whether there were any deceased people above Yue Chen, it is not known. It is even said that Yue Chun "inherited the ancestral yin and sealed the book of Shangshu", which of course was a forgery.

In addition, the Tang men Yue Clan Genealogy says that the Yixing Yue clan had farms in many parts of Jiangsu, including Taicang; however, the Southern Song Dynasty did not have Taicang Prefecture, and it was not until the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty that the official government established Taicang Prefecture.

How did a genealogy that claimed to be from Hongwu's twenty-one years come up with the name of the newly established state capital that only came decades later? Could it be Yue Wang's dream?

However, by this point, the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan had completed the whole process of changing from a Yue Fei clan to a descendant of Yue Fei's brothers and then to Yue Fei's third son, Yue Lin, which lasted almost a hundred years.

I repeat once again, the original intention of the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan to have a relationship with The King of Yue because of their admiration for Yue Fei is understandable and commendable, after all, the Southern Song Dynasty has been destroyed for nearly 20 years at that time, and it is not good to want to have a relationship with the King of Yue at this time.

However, starting from historical evidence, the Yixing Tangmen Yue clan is indeed not a descendant of Yue Fei's concubine, nor is it a descendant of Yue Fei's younger brother, and it is even likely that it is not even the Tangyin Yue clan.



"Yue Fei Descendants Examination Strategy", "Reading the "Xiangtai Shushu Journal Zhengjiu Jing Three Transmissions"

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