
SenseTime Jinjun: AI technology can only be applied to specific scenarios to exert real value

author:Bagel Finance

Reporters Qu Zhongfang and Li Zhenghao reported in Beijing

"It is very necessary to promote the integration of the digital economy and the real economy. In the case of SenseTime, artificial intelligence (AI) technology itself is of little significance, and only by doing 'AI+' - applying AI to specific fields and specific scenarios can it exert its true value. On November 13, the 2021 (19th) China Enterprise Competitiveness Annual Conference Week was held in Beijing, Jin Jun, Chief Marketing Officer of SenseTime, said when participating in the "Quest for New Development - 2021 CEI Frontier Technology and Innovation Development Forum".

When it comes to new types of entity enterprises, Jin Jun believes that they should have two important characteristics. The first is to have a strong digital technology innovation ability, the so-called "hard core technology", and the second is to have a very deep understanding of the specific use scenarios and fields of the entity enterprises that serve, and to be able to apply digital technology capabilities to various industries and promote the high-quality development of the real economy.

AI+ accelerates landing applications

Jin Jun pointed out that as an AI software company, SenseTime faces the most important challenge and test is how to accelerate the landing of AI in physical enterprises. At present, SenseTime has covered a wide range of industry fields, including four major sectors of smart business, smart city, smart life, and smart car, and each section covers a variety of specific application scenarios, and there is no lack of decentralized, very long-tail applications.

Taking intelligent manufacturing as an example, Jin Jun revealed that in the past few years, SenseTime's staff in all aspects, from sales to technology, to operation, need to go deep into the front-line scene, jointly innovate with the scene demand side, and combine AI technology with practical scenarios. For example, in the metal stamping process of the automobile production line, under the traditional mode, it is difficult for quality inspectors alone to find many types of defects in metal parts, coupled with the difference in the proficiency of different quality inspectors, which greatly affects manufacturing efficiency, and when SenseTime's "SenseTime Ark Enterprise Open Platform" for smart business is applied in such a specific long-tail scenario, it can automatically detect more than 34 defects within 6 to 12 seconds, with a detection rate of more than 99%. Thus ensuring the high stability of the production line of the automobile enterprise to run all-weather operation.

In addition, the typical scenarios of AI-enabled industrial real economy also include infrastructure maintenance such as power grids, high-speed rail inspections, and safety management of factory parks, etc. To a large extent, AI technology has replaced some of the more dangerous work, on the one hand, to solve the problem of labor difficulties, on the other hand, it also guarantees the safety of workers' lives.

At the same time, SenseTime also practices the universalization of science and technology, and the landing of AI+ education and AI+ medical care can enable ordinary people in remote areas to enjoy relatively scarce high-quality education and medical resources more equally, hoping to promote the integration of digital economy and real economy through AI+ while more profoundly changing human life.

Invest 5.6 billion yuan to establish a large-scale artificial intelligence computing and empowerment data center AIDC

The foundation of AI+ empowering thousands of industries is that SenseTime continues to improve its AI technology and innovation capabilities. Jin Jun introduced that in July this year, SenseTime released the AI infrastructure that has been continuously polished since the beginning of the company's establishment - SenseCore AI device, that is, it opens up computing power, algorithms and platforms, which can greatly reduce the cost of various production factors of artificial intelligence and help enterprise customers achieve cost reduction and efficiency.

"SenseTime is currently building an AI data center in Lingang, Shanghai, with an investment of 5.6 billion yuan, which will become one of the largest AI computing centers in Asia." Jin Jun said.

Up to now, SenseTime has established a full-stack AI system, including key technical areas such as perception intelligence, decision intelligence, intelligent content generation, and intelligent content enhancement. At the same time, it includes key capabilities such as AI chips, AI sensors, and AI computing power infrastructure. In Jin Jun's view, these all depend on SenseTime's long-term academic accumulation, investment in research and development of original technologies, and the cultivation of talents.

(Editor: Zhang Jingchao Proofreader: Peng Yufeng)

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