
In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

author:Morning mom food

After entering the winter, the climate began to become cold, some areas in the north have snowed heavily, walking on the streets, the cold wind is biting, people shiver, at this time in addition to staying in the heating room, is to drink a bowl of steaming warm soup, a bowl of soup after the belly, instantly can become warm, very comfortable.

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

In the winter, many people like to drink mutton soup, the taste is indeed very delicious, but the mutton soup can not be drunk every day, in addition to the high price and cost, often drink it will cause fire, more than worth the loss. So the best choice is to drink radish soup. Winter radish is sweet and delicious, rich in nutrition, and folk have always had the saying of "winter radish race ginseng".

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

Radish can be used with many ingredients to make soup, such as ribs, lamb, etc., but today to share with you a special method, with crisp and tender beef balls, it is simply delicious to stop, and the method is particularly simple, worth trying.

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

【Radish meatball soup】

Main ingredients: radish, beef balls, eggs, broccoli

The first step, after washing the radish, remove the skin from both ends, then insert the radish into a filament, after inserting, we put it aside for later, and then prepare other ingredients.

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

The second step, a small bowl into the inside of the 3 eggs, if the conditions are good, beat a few more does not matter, non-stick pan pour the right amount of oil, after the oil is hot poured into the egg, first fry the bottom to it until the shape, and then turn the egg over, fry until both sides are golden brown, put on the board and cut into small pieces for later.

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

The third step, then we prepare some beef balls, beef balls we choose pure meat balls, such beef balls are particularly delicious, rich in flavor, rich in juice, but also full of elasticity.

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

Step 4, burn the oil in the pot to fry the onion, ginger and garlic to make it fragrant, then add the radish and stir-fry, fry the radish until it is soft, add a spoonful of lard, then pour in the boiling water, and then put the eggs and balls, lard and boiling water can make the soup more thick and white, stir well, cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes.

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

The fifth step, when the time is up, let's add the broccoli that has been blanched, add the right amount of salt and pepper, stir well and cook for another 1 minute to get out of the pot.

In winter, remember to eat more radishes, made into hot soup, nutritious and delicious, the whole family loves to drink

This bowl of fresh and fragrant radish ball soup is ready, the color of the golden soup is thick white, with green broccoli, and red goji berries embellished, it is particularly pleasing to the eye, the taste is incomparable, with crisp and tender Q bullet beef balls, really amazing.

Make the most beautiful dishes with the simplest ingredients, make a love meal for the family, I am Mommy early, every day you will bring a home-cooked meal. If you like me, click a like, forward the attention of Oh!

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