
Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

author:Foodie Program
Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

When it comes to breakfast, toast is a must. On the one hand, it has a soft taste, is also rich in nutrients, and most importantly, it is particularly versatile. Just a few eggs, vegetables and ham is a very good breakfast.

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

Even if you eat it directly, it will make you eat very satisfying. It may be for this reason that many cake shops, the most popular is sliced toast. In fact, we make toast at home is also very simple, and it is more economical and fresher! Brilliant breakfast choice that makes you feel super satisfying and even better than the patisserie!

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

There are still many subdivisions of the types and methods of toast, and I recommend medium-grown Japanese raw toast, which has a softer and more pure taste. I have used the toast recipe for several years, cotton-like softness, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must! Let's taste it today, delicious nutrition and healthier.

【Medium-seeded Japanese raw toast】


Medium-seeded dough: 300 g high flour 170 g water 3 g dry yeast

Main dough: 200 grams of high flour 6 grams of salt 40 grams of sugar 2 grams of dry yeast About 130 grams of water About 25 grams of light cream 25 grams of condensed milk 30 grams of butter

Preparation Method:

1: Mix the medium-seeded dough ingredients one night in advance, ferment at room temperature for 30 minutes, and then refrigerate and ferment for 1 night. PS: The picture is whole wheat flour in the middle of the seed, the original taste forgot to take pictures, whole wheat is also OK.

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

2, put all the ingredients except butter in the noodle bucket, first use low speed and then stir until there is no dry powder, and then use high speed to beat to the state of thick film, add softened butter in advance, the same first low speed and then high speed until the butter is completely absorbed;

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

3, and can pull out a thin and not easy to break the membrane, the temperature of the cylinder is about 24-26 degrees;

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

4, then put the dough to sort out a smooth surface, put it in a bowl, 25 degrees fermentation for about 45 minutes; fingers poke a hole without retracting or collapsing;

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

5, invert on the cutting board, evenly divided into 6 equal parts, and then roll each dough round;

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

6, seal the wake up hair for about 15 minutes, take out the wake up dough, beat the bubbles and shoot it off, roll it into a cow's tongue shape, turn over the noodles from one end and roll up, and continue to wake up for about 15 minutes;

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have


Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

8. Place in the toast box mold in one direction;

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

9, put in the temperature of 35 degrees, humidity 75% of the environment to ferment, fermentation to 8 points full, gently press can slowly rebound;

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have

10、盖上盖子,烤箱提前15分钟预热,上火180,下火210烤30分钟左右;烤好之后取出来震出热气,放在烤架上晾凉,然后装在保鲜袋里密封保存,第二天再来切片;超级拉丝又柔软的日式‬生吐司就做好了。 Low oil and low sugar, whether it is empty stuttering or making sandwiches are very good! 这款吐司‬用了‬中种‬法‬,延缓面团‬老化‬,室温放‬3天都‬不‬会‬老化‬!

Used for several years of toast recipe, cotton-like soft, put for 3 days will not age, breakfast must-have
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