
Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn", and his heart is also very entangled? What is the reason behind it?

author:The ancient wenguan stops the microscopic exploration

Confucius wrote the story behind Spring and Autumn

Mencius said in the "Mencius Teng Wen Gongxia": "It is confucius who said: 'He who knows me is only 'Spring and Autumn'! The only sinner is "Spring and Autumn"! This means that the people who understand me are because of "Spring and Autumn", and the people who blame me are probably because of "Spring and Autumn".

Why did Confucius say that? Mencius also pointed out the reason in the "Teng Wen Gongxia": "Spring and Autumn, the matter of the Son of Heaven. This means that "Spring and Autumn" is a history book, and making history is a matter of the Son of Heaven, the rights and duties of the Son of Heaven. In other words, except for the Son of Heaven, no one else has the right to write history, otherwise it is trespassing and does not conform to the etiquette system.

Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn", and his heart is also very entangled? What is the reason behind it?

Shandong Jining Zoucheng Mengzi Mengfu Lobby

The "Zhongyong" also says: "Non-Heavenly Sons do not discuss etiquette, do not system, and do not examine texts." This means that if you are not the Son of Heaven, don't discuss etiquette, don't make rules and regulations, and don't examine the text.

In "The Mean", you yun: "Although there is a place, he does not dare to be a liturgical pleasure without his virtue; although he has his virtue, he does not dare to be a liturgical pleasure without his position." This means that in order to make liturgy and pleasure, it is necessary to have both the virtue of the Son of Heaven and the status of the Son of Heaven, otherwise such a thing cannot be done. In a word, that is, making rituals and making music is something that a virtuous Son of Heaven can do, and no one else can do.

Confucius himself understood that he actually had no right to write history books. But why did he insist on doing so? Sima Qian mentioned in the "Taishi Gong Self-Introduction" that Dong Zhongshu said: "Confucius knew that words are not used, and the Tao is not good, so in the past two hundred and forty-two years, he thought that the world was instrumental." ”

Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn", and his heart is also very entangled? What is the reason behind it?


This means that Confucius, knowing that his words were not listened to, that his opinions were not taken up by others, and that his ideas had no chance of being implemented, he evaluated and praised the history of the two hundred and forty-two as the law of the world.

Du Pre said in the "Spring and Autumn Left Transmission Collection And Preface": "Zhongni in the Lu Shi Ce book was written, examining its authenticity, and zhi its ceremony, the upper part is to follow the legacy of the Duke of Zhou, and the next is to clarify the future law." ”

Confucius also felt that general talk could not play a big role, so it was better to integrate his views into the account of specific historical events, so that it was more profound and obvious. That is, "The empty words which I want to contain are not as good as the deep understanding of the actions which I have." ”

For these reasons, Confucius knew that he could not do it. It seems that Confucius was deeply rooted in the essence of materialism, looking at problems dialectically and looking at problems in two. As long as it is beneficial to the country and future generations, boldly put it into action. Perhaps lin Zexu's words are more appropriate to explain: "If a country lives and dies by profit, will it avoid it because of misfortune and happiness?" ”

Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn", and his heart is also very entangled? What is the reason behind it?

Aerial photography of the Confucius Temple of Confucius

"People don't know and are not ashamed, aren't they also gentlemen?" Perhaps deep down Confucius thought that he had done the right thing and was not ashamed.

One thing to note here is that under normal thinking, we must think that he is going to entrust things with words, and at the same time express his own opinions and opinions when he remembers things. In fact, Confucius's "Spring and Autumn" did not do this, he only narrated, but did not make comments.

Isn't that puzzling? Didn't he remember to illustrate his point? Isn't it a lesson to be learned for future generations to govern the world? Isn't it to provide a standard for the behavior of future generations of people, to regulate their words and deeds, and to make them more in line with the requirements of "benevolence, righteousness, wisdom and faith"?

There is nothing wrong with Confucius trying to articulate his own views, but Confucius adopted an extremely clever technique, the so-called "Spring and Autumn Brushwork", which conceals his views, praises, and evaluations in the text. Straight to the point, and its views are self-explanatory. I don't make any comments, but you will naturally know my opinion after reading it, and I can see the praise and criticism of the events and characters at a glance.

Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn", and his heart is also very entangled? What is the reason behind it?

To make this easier to understand, we might as well take the example of writing essays. It's like having an article that looks like a narrative essay on the surface, then looks like an expository essay, and then looks at it more closely as an argumentative essay. On the surface, there is neither any text that indicates the author's own attitude nor any statements representing the author's position, and the author does not make any arguments or evaluations.

But if we carefully examine each sentence and carefully study the words between the lines, we can figure out the attitude of the author, because every word, every sentence, is not casually said, it contains the author's intentions, and contains profound truths.

So after such a scrutiny, we will have the sigh of "mountains and rivers are doubtful and there is no way, willows are dark and flowers are bright and another village", I feel that everything is suddenly open, the original author is such a meaning, high, really high!

This is the so-called "Spring and Autumn Brushwork", what is the truth it contains? It is called "Spring and Autumn Righteousness". This is also the reason why Confucius based his historical materials on the history of the State of Lu, but after being sorted out and revised, it is called "Jing". We'll explain this further in the next article.

Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn", and his heart is also very entangled? What is the reason behind it?

Kong Lin

Confucius's use of the "Spring and Autumn Brushwork" to express the "Spring and Autumn Righteousness" was a major invention of his old man's family, and later generations actually learned and imitated it and applied it to their own works, but never paid patent fees, which was an obvious infringement of intellectual property rights! But don't worry, Confucius and his old man did not apply for a patent in order to make it available to everyone! In fact, at that time, there was no such thing as a patent right, but in modern times we had the concept of intellectual property rights.

Confucius's "Spring and Autumn" is out of a strong sense of distress arising from the social and political reality of the collapse of the ceremony, and he knows that he cannot do it, violates the etiquette system, writes history privately, and creates a precedent for private writing of Chinese history, which embodies the spirit of his old man's courage to take responsibility, and also embodies his family and country feelings and the world's broad mind. "Spring and Autumn" and other Five Classics constitute the foundation of Chinese culture and Chinese civilization, is the core of China's five thousand years of cultural tradition, we call Confucius "The Table of The Most Holy Teachers", "The Most Holy Ancestors" and "Confucius Saints", which is well deserved!

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