
Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

author:Here comes a piece of bitter melon

Around the age of nine, Cao Cao followed his father to Luoyang, the capital of Beijing, and when he was brought into Taixue, he stayed in the kindergarten for a year because he was not old enough. Here there are Yuan Shu, who does not bite the string with him, who often fights, and Zhang Mi, who later turned to him and betrayed him, as well as the punishment teaching aids that are inseparable from the usual mistakes. A year later, Cao Cao was promoted to the primary school department of Taixue (the academic system of the Eastern Han Dynasty was introduced in the previous article, and interested friends can go to see it), at this time Yuan Shao was already a second-grade senior, and most of the officials in the same dynasty in the future were either classmates or alumni. Like Liu Biao, a Gaoping man from Shanyang University, graduated from Luguo University and is studying in the university department of Taixue; Liu Zhang, who is the future Yizhou Mu, hongnong Huayin, Yang Biao, has graduated from Taixue and has just been promoted as a parliamentarian...

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

These young people were all heavyweights who would later be active on the stage of the Three Kingdoms, but at this time their weight was not so heavy, that is, Cao Cao, and then the famous King of Wei, even the teachers in his Taixue could not protect him. It was during his study that he caught up with the disaster of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At first glance, the word "scourge of the party" sounds very profound, but in fact, it is not as complicated as the historical masters said, that is, the upper-class people are idle and bored, thinking of getting more power, so the eunuchs and the scholars, and the foreign relatives are fighting with each other's necks, all thinking of getting each other down.

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

What is the cause of the disaster of the party?

If we want to talk about Cao Cao, this background is inseparable, so let's have a general understanding of the scourge of the party. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, a cattle man appeared among the foreign relatives, his name was Liang Ji. Liang Ji successively established three generations of emperors, Chong, Qian, and Huan, and ruled the government for nearly twenty years. At that time, Emperor Han was still dissatisfied with his dictatorship and called him "General Of The Way", and was immediately poured a cup of poisoned wine by Liang Ji and died. Later, when it was the turn of Emperor Huan of Han to become emperor, he learned the lessons of his predecessor's failures, and with the help of eunuch power (eunuchs), he actually brought down Liang Ji. But Liang Ji's downfall did not mean social progress, and the people were happy; on the contrary, it was precisely because the eunuchs had contributed to him in launching a coup d'état, and Emperor Huan of Han allowed them to make a fool of themselves there.

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

, what are you fooling around with?

Eunuchs have mutilations of body parts, so they are often twisted inwardly, and they do bad things without worrying too much about moral constraints. Wanton expropriation, looting of private wealth to build their own private houses, recruiting gangsters and hooligans to crack down on all kinds of disobedience, of course, the most important thing is to create unjust, false and wrong cases of different styles to attack the shiren clique. The eunuchs of the Eastern Han Dynasty were also extremely enthusiastic about the imperial power, and if they wanted power, they had to earn a job with the scholars. To snatch the rice bowl from their hands, for the eunuchs, there is a long-standing and tried-and-true killer skill, that is, to enter the rumors.

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

In the Han Huan Emperor, this trick was too cool to use, the eunuchs wanted to say who was bad, the emperor decided that the person did not have good intentions, the eunuch said who plotted rebellion, the emperor believed that the person was a reactionary. Just like this, the scholar group suffered a tragic disaster, and the eunuchs were full of spring breeze and proud. In the grotesque background of several joys and sorrows, Emperor Huan of Han suddenly collapsed.

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

He did not leave a son behind until his death, but in the end he entrusted the affairs of state to his father-in-law. This old man was Dou Wu, Dou Wu was a foreign relative, and soon after he came to power, he united with the soldiers to take revenge on the eunuch clique, because the pressure was too fierce, the eunuchs simply broke the jar and broke it, and once again launched a coup d'état to kill Dou Wu, Chen Fan first, and then the eunuch (eunuch) camp rose successively Cao Jie, Ten Standing Attendants, Jian Shuo and other popular eunuchs. In short, when the emperor abused power indiscriminately, when the faction in power sought personal gain, and when petty officials ascended power, the party was in the same position, and the atmosphere was very bad. Zhuge Liang's "Table of Renunciation" "did not sigh and hate Huan, Lingye" complained about this bad era.

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

The ups and downs of the Cao family

For Cao Cao, a teenager of twelve or thirteen years old. In this chaotic era, in the center of the imperial whirlpool storm, he will experience those changes again! In fact, in the third year of Cao Cao's primary school, the wave of party entries swept into Taixue, when the eunuchs planned a big conspiracy to suppress the scholars, and it was too difficult to explain what the specific words were, and the names of the people were estimated to be difficult for you to remember. In short, later, many teachers, including Taixue, were also charged with treason, and soldiers broke into the school and arrested them for torture and torture, headed by He Yuan, who was the great Confucian of the time, the chief of the primary school department, and also served as a senator for state affairs. This man was a scholar whom Cao Cao respected, and he ran up to why he was uneven—"Sir is a good man." The soldier gave him a kick and directly bombarded him, and afterwards his father Cao Song heard about it, hurriedly dragged Cao Cao and gave him another scolding, warning him that he must clip his tail and be a man in the future.

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

As a member of the scholar clique, Cao Song was involved in helping eunuchs suppress and arrest the persecuted scholars. It may not be Cao Song's intention to say that it is the place of duty, but how can he stay out of the political situation, not to mention that a small person (Lieutenant Colonel) is not qualified to disobey the decisions made by high-level people. But Cao Cao did not understand what his father had done, when he was a teenager, he was a stunned baby, and the knowledge taught to him in the book was the externalization of the great truth around benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom, which was the standard of a good person on the issue of major principles of right and wrong. And what puzzled him even more was why his father, who had always been loyal to the work, had to be ousted by Dou Wu again, and Cao Song, who had lost his official Cao Cao, was naturally not qualified to stay in Taixue to study.

Cao Cao's Boyhood 1 (Dang Gong Feng)

But he did not expect that soon the eunuch would kill Dou Wu again and regain the momentum. The powerful eunuch (Cao Jie) not only gave Cao Song the title of Dahongxu (one of the Nine Qings), but also formed a brotherhood with him. The ups and downs of life are sometimes like dreams, and Cao Song has learned the unspoken rules of the officialdom after many storms. He was capable and more understanding of human feelings, and his official fortunes naturally skyrocketed, and when the Ling Emperor later developed into a clear price tag when the Emperor of Ling Dynasty sold officials and lords, he even bought a lieutenant's black gauze hat and became addicted to being a third duke. At that time, it was very hot, and even the yuan family, the old neighbor who had always despised them, had to look at it differently at this moment.

Due to the slightly large length of the foreshadowing part of this issue, I intend to divide the young Cao Cao into two phases for exhibition. The volume of five thousand words is not particularly long, but for the field of history, many times the reader is willing to see only the thin stream of interest in the ocean, and there are many fewer people who calm down to feel the content of the article. This is inevitable, fragmented information is full of life today, to be able to keep the heart not shaken is almost no less than to prepare for a college entrance examination, it is really difficult. In the next article, I will bring you many past events of the young Cao Cao, including him and Yuan Shao watching acrobatic performances, robbing other people's brides, spoofing their own second uncles, and many other interesting scenes, I will use the most down-to-earth text to take you to explore history and get close to Cao Cao.

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