
Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

After the winter, the south is still as warm as spring, but some places in the north have already snowed heavily. The flakes that flew fell on the dry grass, drifted into the endless fields, and spilled into the courtyards of people. Snowflakes are crystal clear, not only have a kind of coolness into the heart, but also can wash the soul that is immersed in the world.

Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking

Since ancient times, there have been many poems describing snow, Bai Juyi is difficult to sleep in the middle of the night, but he listens attentively, and he knows the snow at night, and when he hears the sound of folding bamboo. After Li Bai got drunk, he ridiculed others for not being good at drinking, and also romantically wielded pen and ink, the ground was white and cold, and the snowflakes were as big as hands.

Ancient talents danced with ink and also liked to capture inspiration in nature. They enjoy the snow in winter and express their mood, the following is the Zheng Banqiao snow appreciation poem, recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence is shocking.

Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking
After snow in the mountains Qing Dynasty: Zheng Xie In the morning, the door is full of snow, and the snow is clear and the sun is cold. The eaves are not dripping plum jelly, a kind of loneliness and idleness.
Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking

Zheng Banqiao, formerly known as Zheng Xie, character Kerou, number Banqiao, Qing Dynasty calligrapher, painter, writer, one of the eight monsters of Yangzhou. He was a Kangxi Xiucai, Yongzheng Juren, qianlong in the first year of the Jinshi, Jinshi and later served several terms as Zhixian, although diligent and earnest, finally resigned from the official and lived in seclusion. His life experience is rich, and he is proficient in poetry, calligraphy and painting, which will be admired by future generations.

Zheng Banqiao was born in poverty, and when he was young, he used to sell paintings on the streets, and sometimes lived by begging, which can be described as a taste of human bitterness. This poem was written after a heavy snowfall, and the author touched the scene and expressed his feelings about his life.

Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking

The poet painted a picture of the snow in the mountains in winter, and the opening sentence explained the time and place, "opening the door in the morning and filling the snowy mountains." Poets often stay up late, so they get up late in the morning, but they go out to exercise for a while each time. The previous few days have been rainy, the weather is extremely cold, the poet is inconvenient to travel, simply hide at home to read and create, and did not pay attention to the weather changes outside.

On this day, the poet still got up on time as usual, but felt that the house was particularly bright. He pushed the door and saw that it was already cold and silver outside the house, and it turned out that there had been a heavy snow overnight. The three words "snow full of mountains" very concisely summarize the snow-capped scene, which makes people think infinitely.

Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking

The second sentence further describes the scenery of the sunny day after the snow, "snow clear clouds light daylight cold". Because it was rainy for several days, it contributed to the heavy snowfall. But as the proverb goes, this year there is heavy snowfall, and next year the harvest is good. The poet usually cared very much about the well-being of the people, but now when he sees such a snow, his heart must be happy.

After the snow, the sun rises in the east, the clouds are low, and at this moment, the reader will not only think of cen san's famous sentences, thousands of trees and pear blossoms, but also may recall the words and phrases of the great man, the mountain dancing silver snake, the original chi wax elephant, and want to compare with the heavenly public test. At this time, the poet did not imitate Liu Zongyuan and be a lonely man, but enthusiastically expressed his praise for the sunny day after the snow.

Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking

The last two sentences use the setting technique, which is more worth chewing, "the eaves flow is not dripping plum jelly, a kind of loneliness and idleness." "The snow from the eaves has not yet begun to melt, and the plum branches in the courtyard are still frozen by ice and snow. Such a cold, lonely atmosphere, the poet also lamented that it was so unusual.

"The eaves are not dripping", highlighting the cold and frozen; "plum blossom jelly", but also expresses a kind of melancholy in the poet's heart, and the poetry has also changed from the joy of the beginning to a kind of poignancy. Qing lonely not only shows the cold loneliness of plum blossoms in the snow, but also implies that the poet is lamenting his own bumpy life.

Zheng Banqiao admired the snow and recited a poem, fresh and elegant, but the last sentence was shocking

Although the poet still praises Meihua's high tenacity and self-improvement qualities, the reader seems to feel the loneliness and stubbornness of Zheng Banqiao's heart. Loneliness is a situation, but it is also a feeling. Even in the middle of the public, you may feel that there is no one to talk to; even if you are surrounded by beautiful women, you may feel that you do not see the person you like.

Although Zheng Banqiao is a casual talent, he never wants to go with the flow, he would rather be alone and pure, rather than change his beliefs and opinions. As he said in another poem, the thousands of blows are still strong, and Ren'er's east, west, south, and north winds are strong.

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