
Guo Rujing lurked inside the enemy for 20 years, and Du Yuming only knew his identity when he was dying, which was too powerful

author:New perspective history

On December 24, 1949, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping, who led the Second Field Army into the southwest, received a mysterious letter, the main content of which was that someone had agreed with Liu Bocheng on an uprising time, and Liu Bocheng said to Deng Xiaoping after reading the letter: "A killing move planted by Chairman Mao many years ago will come in handy today!" ”

Deng Xiaoping quickly read the letter after receiving it, although the letter was not signed, but Deng Xiaoping had already guessed who wrote the letter according to the content of the letter, and he smiled and said to Liu Bocheng: "It turned out to be Guo Rujie!" This man is a very good military commander, and I should have thought he was our own! ”

Guo Rujing lurked inside the enemy for 20 years, and Du Yuming only knew his identity when he was dying, which was too powerful

Photo of Guo Rujie

Liu Bocheng also smiled and said, "I just received the letter from Dong Biwu and Ren Lianru, and I also learned that Guo Rugui has been infiltrating the enemy's interior for 20 years, and now that I think about the Menglianggu Battle that Su Yu fought before, including the Battle of Huaihai that we fought with HuaYe, Guo Rugui should have made a lot of contributions!" ”

Deng Xiaoping nodded, expressing his approval of Liu Bocheng's statement, and Deng Xiaoping continued: "Guo Rugui is currently the commander of the Kuomintang 22nd Corps, and he controls the strength of two integrated armies and three independent divisions. ”

On December 26, 1949, Guo Rugui officially revolted in Chengdu, Hu Zongnan's six corps, except for Li Wen's Fifth Corps, the remaining five corps responded to Guo Rugui, originally there would be a bloody battle between the two sides outside Chengdu, and now with Guo Rugui's efforts, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping liberated Chengdu at the least cost.

The news of Guo Rugui's uprising reached the ears of Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan, and Chiang Kai-shek's first reaction was: "How is it possible?" Whoever betrays me, Guo Rujie will not betray me! ”

When the news was confirmed, Chiang Kai-shek fell into a long silence, and he took a long sigh and collapsed in his chair, unable to get up for a long time.

What Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan did not know at this time was that Guo Rugui had been lurking inside them for 20 years, and Guo Rugui had actually endured humiliation and burdens and had always been on the side of the people.

Guo Rugui, a native of Sichuan, graduated from the Huangpu Fifth Term, accepted the call of Premier Zhou at the Whampoa Military Academy in 1928 and secretly joined the Communist Party of China, and the time point when Guo Rugui joined the party was enough to prove that his will to participate in the revolution was very firm, because in 1927, Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution, and the whole country fell into a white terror.

Later, because Guo Rugui was wounded in battle, he lost contact with the party organization, because Guo Rugui secretly joined the party, and his true identity was rarely known, and only a very small number of people such as Premier Zhou and Dong Biwu knew Guo Rugui's true identity at that time.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Kuomintang and the Communists united to resist Japan and reached a united front, and Guo Rugui entered a period of silence and did not get in touch with anyone until the Liberation War began, and Guo Rugui re-contacted with the party organization.

Guo Ruzhi was not only an excellent intelligence worker, he was able to rise all the way within the Kuomintang, and his high-ranking official position stemmed from his excellent military talent.

In 1931, Guo Rugui returned from his further studies at the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer University, and then entered the Army University founded by Chiang Kai-shek to continue his studies, and when he graduated, just when the War of Resistance Broke out in full swing, in 1937, the Japanese army launched the "Lugou Bridge Incident" that shocked China and foreign countries, Guo Rugui went out of the school gate to enter the army, and he was appointed chief of staff of the 14th Division of the Kuomintang Army.

Soon after the Battle of Songhu broke out, Guo Rugui, who had been preparing to rush to the North China Battlefield to participate in the Battle of Songhu, was transferred to Nanjing to participate in the Battle of Songhu, Guo Rugui's 14th Division was tasked with going to the area of Nanbeitangkou in Nanjing to block the Japanese attack, the brigade commander of the 42nd Brigade of the 14th Division at that time retreated, and Guo Rugui personally asked Huo Yongzhang, the commander of the 14th Division, to serve as the commander of the 42nd Brigade.

Guo Rugui's spirit of volunteering made Huo Yuzhang very moved, and then Guo Rugui led the 42nd Brigade to hold the Tangkou position and repulse dozens of crazy attacks by the Japanese army, during which Guo Rugui personally came to the front of the position to command the battle in order to boost the morale of the whole army, not to avoid artillery fire, regardless of his own safety, Guo Rugui shouted in several key battles: "I have written a suicide note, I have decided not to take a step back in this battle, I will definitely coexist with everyone!" ”

In the end, Guo Rugui led the 42nd Brigade to withstand the attack of the Japanese army several times larger than himself for seven days and seven nights, and Guo Rugui's outstanding performance attracted the attention of one person, that is, Chen Cheng, who was then the chief of the general staff of the Kuomintang army, and everyone knew that Chiang Kai-shek had four most trusted people in his life, namely Hu Zongnan, Chen Cheng, Tang Enbo, and Gu Zhutong.

Among them, Chen Cheng and Gu Zhu were the same faction, Hu Zongnan and Tang Enbo were each of the other two factions, Guo Rugui became famous in the First World War, and successfully became the general of Chen Cheng and Gu Zhutong, thus opening up his own promotion road in the Kuomintang, which was a great good thing for Guo Rugui, and it was precisely because of Chen Cheng's appreciation that Guo Rugui was able to enter the core position of the Kuomintang army, access the top military secrets within them, and lay a good foundation for providing key information to the People's Liberation Army in the future Liberation War.

If the Battle of Songhu was Guo Rugui's work, then the Battle of Wuhan and the Battle of Changsha are Guo Rugui's famous masterpieces, first of all, let's talk about the Battle of Wuhan.

Guo Rujing lurked inside the enemy for 20 years, and Du Yuming only knew his identity when he was dying, which was too powerful

A photograph of Guo Ruzhen when he was young

In June 1938, the Japanese Kou gathered 350,000 troops to attack Wuhan and other places, the Nationalist army gathered 1.1 million people to take the initiative to defend, to block the Japanese attack on Wuhan and other places, the initial battle plan was formulated by German military advisers, the Germans believed that it was necessary to establish a key defensive line in the three towns of Wuhan, relying on the favorable terrain of the three towns of Wuhan, along the river to block the Japanese attack on the inner line.

After this battle plan was formulated, it was opposed by Guo Rugui, who believed that such a column would inevitably repeat the mistakes of the Nanjing defense war, and Guo Rugui proposed to Chen Cheng: "If we rely on the three towns of Wuhan to establish key defensive positions, then one of these three towns will be broken by the enemy, and the other two will inevitably collapse completely. We must resolutely not fight this defensive war on the inner line of Wuhan, but should be transferred to the outer line of Wuhan, using the mountains and commanding heights to condescend to resist the enemy's attack! ”

Guo Rugui's opinion was taken seriously by Chen Cheng and Gu Zhutong, who very much agreed with Guo Rugui's proposal, so they ordered the abandonment of the battle plan formulated by the Germans and let Guo Rugui take the lead in formulating the battle plan for the Battle of Wuhan.

Chiang Kai-shek asked Chen Cheng, "Whose hand did this picture come from?" ”

Chen Cheng took the opportunity to recommend Guo Rugui to Chiang Kai-shek, and from this moment on, Guo Rugui's name left a deep impression on Chiang Kai-shek's heart, and the Wuhan Huiguo Nationalist Army turned to external combat and fought a bloody battle with the Japanese army for more than 40 days, this battle, as Guo Rugui predicted, must be able to annihilate more of the Japanese army's living forces outside Wuhan, and the losses of the Nationalist army were indeed greatly reduced compared with the previous two battles.

The Battle of Wuhan achieved good results, and Guo Rugui completely became Chen Cheng's confidant and also became a general of Chiang Kai-shek's concubine, and Chiang Kai-shek even praised Guo Rugui as "the most knowledgeable young general in the party-state!" ”

At this time, Guo Rugui was promoted to chief of staff of the 20th Group Army, and at the same time concurrently served as the commander of the Provisional Fifth Division of the Nationalist Army, in December 1941, the Third Battle of Changsha began, Guo Rugui led his troops to participate in the war, as soon as Guo Rugui arrived in Changsha, Xue Yue immediately met with him in person, Xue Yue asked Guo Rugui: "My 'Heavenly Furnace Tactics' word played a great role in the first two major wars, do you think there is anything else that needs to be supplemented in this method of warfare?" ”

Guo Rugui took out a few pieces of paper from his arms, the contents of which were exactly the improvement plan written by Guo Rugui on the way to the heavenly furnace, Xue Yue clapped his hands after reading it, and the third time the Changsha Huiguo Army won more with less, and once again fought a big victory.

In the Battle of Western Henan in 1943, the Japanese army emulated Hitler's "blitzkrieg" in this battle, and unscrupulously advanced in the northern and southern regions of Changde in a rapid manner, when senior generals within the Kuomintang believed that the ultimate goal of the Japanese army was to capture the military town of Changde, especially the Japanese army wanted to seize the granary of Changde.

Therefore, when the Battle of Western Henan was at its most intense, many people suggested that the defenders of Jiangnan should be called back and launch a defense of Changde, at which time Guo Rujie said to Chen Cheng: "I think the ultimate goal of the Japanese army is not to seize the granary of Changde, but to return to Jiangnan and annihilate the living forces of the nationalist army!" ”

Guo Rugui's words were opposed by many people, including a veteran chief of staff who said: "Now that the Japanese Kou have taken Huarong and Anxiang north of Changde, is its intention to capture Changde not obvious enough?" ”

Guo Rugui replied, "I never said that the Japanese Kou would not attack and occupy Changde, but its real purpose was not only to capture Changde, at present most of the Japanese Kou's men and horses are lined up on the north bank of the Yangtze River. In addition, before the Battle of Dongting Lake, the enemy engaged in blitzkrieg, will the Japanese army use such a favorable tactic only once? I am sure that the Japanese army north of the Yangtze River will secretly march into Jiangnan! ”

When Chen Cheng was suspicious of the letter, the intelligence from the front was exactly the opposite of what Guo Rugui said, and everyone laughed at Guo Rugui's whimsy, and only a day later, the troops of the Nationalist army in Jiangnan sent an important piece of information, saying that more than 20,000 people of the Japanese 13th Corps had secretly crossed the river.

At this time, Chen Chengcai believed that Guo Rugui's judgment was correct, Chen Cheng ordered Guo Rugui to immediately come up with a detailed battle plan, Guo Rugui put the battle plan prepared in advance in front of Chen Cheng on the spot, Chen Cheng's eyes were full of surprise, he was surprised that Guo Rugui's talent had reached this point, Chen Cheng immediately adjusted the deployment according to Guo Rugui's battle plan, and finally won the victory in the Battle of Western Henan.

Throughout the war of resistance against Japanese Aggression, Guo Rugui not only won the trust of Chen Cheng, but also won the favor of Chiang Kai-shek, who once openly said: "A young general like Guo Rugui will become the cornerstone of the party-state in the future!" ”

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Guo Rugui concluded from the outset that Chiang Kai-shek was bound to launch a civil war and embark on the road of "dictatorship."At this time, Guo Rugui actively contacted the party organization, hoping to serve the party in the subsequent war.

Dong Biwu reported the contact between Guo Rugui to Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, and Chairman Mao said, "Guo Rugui! Famous generals also! He has been lurking inside the enemy for many years, and at a critical time, he may be able to influence the fate of the big battle! ”

Chairman Mao's predictions were all fulfilled later!

Guo Rujing lurked inside the enemy for 20 years, and Du Yuming only knew his identity when he was dying, which was too powerful

Photo of Du Yuming

In 1945, Guo Rugui was promoted three times, first to the director of the Fifth War Department of the Kuomintang, and then to the director of the Third War Department, since then Guo Rugui can directly participate in the core military secrets within the Kuomintang, and there are many major battles of the Kuomintang's battle plans are from Guo Rugui's hands, Guo Rugui has just formulated the battle plan, he immediately sent someone to inform Ren Lianru of the battle plan, and then he reported to Premier Zhou.

That is to say, many of the Kuomintang's battle plans have not yet been issued to the troops under the end, and Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou have already learned that Guo Rujie's contribution to the liberation war is absolutely enormous.

Before the Battle of Menglianggu, Su Yu's Huaye first took Tai'an and other places, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Kuomintang troops in Shandong to immediately gather troops and prepare to encircle Chen Yi and Su Yu's large army, Chiang Kai-shek had just formulated a detailed battle plan, Guo Rugui copied a copy of it to Ren Lianru, and Ren Lianru sent this battle plan to Chairman Mao and Su Yu as quickly as possible.

Guo Ruzhi also specially reminded: "In this battle, the reorganized 74th Division of zhang Lingfu, the ace of the Kuomintang, will be the absolute main force, and our army must pay attention to Zhang Lingfu as a person!" ”

Su Yu was a rare military genius, su Yu changed his tactics twice in the Battle of Menglianggu, and finally the surprise soldiers completely annihilated Zhang Lingfu's reorganized 74th Division, but this brilliant record definitely had a credit to Guo Rugui.

Guo Rugui risked his life many times to send important military information to Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, and over time, Guo Rugui aroused the suspicion of Du Yuming, who repeatedly suspected guo Rugui as a member of our army, but Du Yuming could never find evidence.

Although Du Yuming himself was a person whom Chiang Kai-shek trusted, Guo Rujie was also a figure trusted and relied on by Chiang Kai-shek, so Du Yuming's suspicions were considered by many to be a factional struggle between him and Guo Rujie.

Before the Battle of Huaihai began in 1948, He Yingqin and Bai Chongxi proposed that the key to this battle was "to defend the river and defend Huai", or to connect Xuzhou and Bengbu to form a situation in which heavy armies marched hand in hand, seeking opportunities for decisive battles.

Guo Rugui realized that if Chiang Kai-shek really concentrated his troops in the Lianghuai area to fight for defense, our army would suffer heavy casualties even if it won, so Guo Rugui strongly suggested that Chiang Kai-shek fight on the outskirts of Xuzhou, which was contrary to the battle plan of Bai Chongxi and others, and at this time Du Yuming was even more suspicious of Guo Rugui's true identity.

At the end of the second phase of the Huaihai Campaign, Du Yuming was transferred to the Huaihai battlefield, and he secretly suggested to Chiang Kai-shek: "We can mobilize the main force to the Bengbu area and directly abandon the operation in Xuzhou, so that we can quickly concentrate our superior forces in the Bengbu area and reduce the movement between troops!" ”

Chiang Kai-shek initially approved Du Yuming's proposal, but on the way to Du Yuming's office, Chiang Kai-shek changed the battle plan three times, and finally decided to fight on the outskirts of Xuzhou, so that many regiments of the Kuomintang army had to rush to Xuzhou, which was farther away.

The person who prompted Chiang Kai-shek to make such a decision was Guo Rugui, who cleverly thought: "The advantage of our army lies in mobile warfare, and as long as the Kuomintang army can increase its long-distance movement, it will be able to create fighters for our army!" ”

Later, Su Yu's performance did cause the remaining three main forces of the Kuomintang's "five main forces" to be completely destroyed in the Battle of Huaihai, laying the foundation for the war situation north of the Yangtze River in one fell swoop.

Many people know that this Chen Cheng gave our army a "divine assist" in the Battle of Huaihai, and it was Chen Cheng who suggested to Chiang Kai-shek to fight on the outskirts of Xuzhou, which caused Du Yuming's original deployment to be completely disrupted, and it was Guo Rugui who persuaded Chen Cheng to persuade Chiang Kai-shek.

In the Battle of Huaihai, Guo Rujie's achievements in the invisible battlefield that people could not see! Later, when Du Yuming wrote the "Summary of the Battle of Huaihai", he wrote in the article: "Here, I feel uneasy and uneasy, feel that I have fallen for Chiang Kai-shek, and think that Chiang Kai-shek and Gu Zhutong are completely at the mercy of Guo Rujie, a little ghost (because he is a graduate of the fifth term of the military academy, he is short, so I call him a little ghost), which caused this bad situation. I would like to ask Guo Rugui why he did not withdraw to the vicinity of Bengbu according to the original plan, and while hesitating, when he saw Gu Zhu and his colleagues agree to Guo Rugui's report on this plan, he felt that it would be useless to argue, and if a person was alone and quarreled, he would lose Chiang Kai-shek's favor. ”

That is to say, at this time, Du Yuming was already very sure that Guo Rugui was a member of our army, but he really could not find any evidence.

After the Battle of Huaihai, Guo Rugui submitted his resignation to Chiang Kai-shek, and at the same time he contacted Dong Biwu to express his desire to return to the party organization and serve the people's army, at this time Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou jointly wrote a letter to Guo Rugui, saying: "At this time, it is really a waste of a great opportunity for you to return to the party organization, and we think that you can win a unit and lead the troops to revolt at the right time in the future war situation, so that you can build another miracle!" ”

Guo Rujing lurked inside the enemy for 20 years, and Du Yuming only knew his identity when he was dying, which was too powerful

Photographs of Guo Rujie in his later years

Guo Rugui deeply felt that Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou's suggestions were very reasonable, so he pretended that Chen Cheng said: "If the Huaihai Campaign fails, I am also responsible, I want to be ashamed of the snow, I withdraw my resignation, let me go directly to the front line to lead the troops!" ”

Chen Cheng and Gu Zhutong always had a crush on Guo Rujie, and Gu Zhutong had always been the commander of the Kuomintang Army, and with Gu Zhutong's help, Guo Ruzhi served as the commander of the 72nd Army of the Kuomintang Army.

After Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping led the Erye army to liberate Chongqing without bloodshed, Chiang Kai-shek fled to Chengdu, leaving the important city of Chengdu in the southwest without liberation, and Guo Rugui was promoted by Chiang Kai-shek at this time and was appointed commander of the 22nd Corps.

After Hu Zongnan fled Chengdu, Guo Rugui realized that the opportunity had come, and he ascended to the top and called out, prompting the five regiments of the Kuomintang to revolt and making great contributions to the liberation of Chengdu.

Du Yuming was captured by our army during the Battle of Huaihai until 1959, when Du Yuming was the first batch of amnesty war criminals to complete his reform, and soon after, Du Yuming was also elected as a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a deputy to the National People's Congress.

At that time, everyone in the world knew that Guo Rugui was a hero of the uprising, but they did not know that Guo Rugui was an important figure lurking inside the enemy of our party, and when Du Yuming was released in 1959, first Chen Geng went to reminisce with his old classmate, and then Guo Ruming also went to see Du Yuming, the two looked at each other and smiled, and talked all night long, at that time Du Yuming always wanted to ask whether Guo Rugui had always been a communist, but Du Yuming never asked the exit.

In 1981, when Du Yuming was seriously ill in Beijing, Guo Rugui went to visit Du Yuming, and Du Yuming took Guo Ruming's hand and asked before his death: "I have always had a question in my heart, I can't do it now, I don't want to bring this question into the coffin, I want to know if you were a Communist Party at that time?" ”

Guo Rujing smiled and said a word in Du Yuming's ear and admitted his identity, and Du Yuming said, "I just know!" I knew it! You're awesome! ”

Guo Rujing lurked inside the enemy for 20 years, and Du Yuming only knew his identity when he was dying, which was too powerful

Photo of Chairman Mao receiving Guo Rujie (first from right).

Guo Rugui said nothing about his own merits and experiences after the liberation of the country, and in guo rugui's later years, he decided to write out his own personal experience, so a nearly 400,000-word "Memoirs of Guo Rugui" came out, which shocked the world at one place, and at this time the world knew that Guo Rugui joined the Communist Party in 1928 and lurked inside the enemy for 20 years!

In 1997, Guo Rugui's 90th birthday, the children rushed back to wish Guo Rugui a happy birthday, after the birthday feast, his eldest daughter wanted to go to the station to leave by car, Guo Rugui has always loved his children, he wanted to personally send his daughter to the station, on the way back Guo Rugui's car suffered a car accident, and the old man Guo Rugui, who wrote a legend all his life, unfortunately passed away.

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