
He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

author:One history per day

Cha Quansheng, born in Jing County, Anhui Province, a famous electrochemist, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in April 1925, graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Wuhan University in 1950, was originally a professor and doctoral supervisor of Wuhan University, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died of illness on August 1, 2019, and was known as "the first person to recommend the restoration of the college entrance examination".

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

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When it comes to the college entrance examination, everyone is no stranger. This system was born in 1952, but was unfortunately abolished during the Cultural Revolution, and after a decade of turmoil, it was revived by Deng Xiaoping's decision to take the college entrance examination.

The 1977 college entrance examination is the most special college entrance examination so far, because it has created many "the best of the college entrance examination":

1. It is the only time so far that the college entrance examination has been conducted in winter;

2. It is the college entrance examination with the largest number of applicants so far, with about 20 million people taking the preliminary examination (about 10.71 million people participating in the college entrance examination in 2020);

3. It is the shortest time for candidates to prepare for the examination, and the time from the notice of resumption of the college entrance examination to the initial examination is only 1 month, and there is no reference book and review materials;

4. It is the lowest admission rate of the college entrance examination so far, only 4.8%.

It is precisely because it is so special that it seems to be particularly unforgettable and precious today.

In a social environment where civil strife was still serious at that time, this was a groundbreaking educational reform and a heavy blow from Deng Xiaoping to rectify the chaos.

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

▲ From August 4 to 8, 1977, Deng Xiaoping (front row, eighth from right) held a symposium on science and education work, and the eighth from the left in the third row was to investigate the completeness.

In July 1977, after the third comeback, Deng Xiaoping took the initiative to take up the burden of science and technology and education, and unlike the previous leaders who paid attention to politics, Deng Xiaoping was eager to develop science and technology, and if he wanted to develop science and technology, he must rely on education and rely on high-quality talents, so the reform of the education industry is imperative.

"Compared with developed countries, our science and technology and education are a full 20 years behind. There are 1.2 million scientific researchers in the United States, 900,000 in the Soviet Union, and only more than 200,000 in us, including the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. ”

--Deng Xiaoping, May 1977.

Deng Xiaoping's first major move after taking charge of science and education work was the August 1977 symposium on science and education work.

This was an ad hoc meeting, the participants did not know in advance, they did not know who to meet with, how long, what content, do not know why they went to the meeting, some people even because they could not get the letter of introduction temporarily and could not buy a plane ticket, and finally had to ask the city government to do so.

A total of 33 people attended the meeting at that time, all of whom were the top experts and scholars in China's science and technology and education circles at that time, namely:

Wu Wenjun, Ma Dayu, Hao Bolin, Qian Renyuan, Yan Dongsheng, Zhang Wenyou, Huang Bingwei, Wang Shouwu, Gao Qingshi, Xu Kongshi, Zou Chenglu, Zhang Wenyu, Tong Dizhou, Ye Duzheng, Wang You, and Wang Daheng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a total of 16 people; Jin Shanbao of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, counting 1 person; Zhou Peiyuan and Shen Keqi of Peking University, a total of 2 people; He Dongchang and Pan Jiluan of Tsinghua University, a total of 2 people; Su Buqing of Fudan University, counting 1 person; Tang Aoqing of Jilin University, counting 1 person; and Wuhan University's Cha Quansheng, counting 1 person Huang Jiasi of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, counting 1 person; Wu Jianzhong of Shanghai Jiaotong University, counting 1 person; Yang Shixian of Nankai University, counting 1 person; Shi Shaoxi of Tianjin University, counting 1 person; Miao Yongkuan of Nanjing University, counting 1 person; Cheng Qijin of Xi'an Jiaotong University, counting 1 person; Shen Qiyi of North China Agricultural University, counting 1 person; Zong Yongsheng of Zhongshan Medical College, counting 1 person; Wen Yuankai of the University of Science and Technology of China, counting 1 person.

In this list, Cha Quansheng came on behalf of Wuhan University, and he was also unaware of it in advance, but was only told to go to Beijing for a meeting.

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

In the mid-1970s, Che Quan sex discussed indirect ammonia-air fuel cell experiments with students in the laboratory.

On the evening of August 1, 1977, Zha Quansheng flew to Beijing, and after that, he and the other participants were arranged to stay in the best hotel in Beijing at that time, the Beijing Hotel.

When he found that Wu Wenjun, Zou Chenglu, and other famous scientists and responsible persons of science and education attended the meeting, he initially felt the high standard and extraordinary standard of the meeting.

However, because before that, the "shadow" left by the Cultural Revolution on these intellectuals was too deep, they were attacked by the Gang of Four as "stinky old nine", and were criticized for not being considered laborers, so even when the Gang of Four had been overthrown, they still had palpitations, few words, and very restrained.

Of course, Deng Xiaoping was well aware of this, so in order to break the fear in everyone's heart, he later personally went into battle to give everyone a "reassuring pill."

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

On August 8, 1977, Deng Xiaoping (center) spoke at a symposium on science and education work.

Early in the morning of August 4, 1977, in the cool breeze, Deng Xiaoping, then 61, walked into the Great Hall of the People with great vigor, and as soon as he sat down, he spoke a unique Sichuan Mandarin, smiled and said to everyone:

"Please come here just to hear your opinions. The topic is how to make scientific research faster and better... What you want to say or say, you can speak long or short, you can speak once or twice, you can say it ten times, and you can interject. Be free, you can say anything. There are no sticks here, and sticks must be destroyed. Three companies, steel companies, hat companies, and shoe companies, were lost. ”

Seeing that Deng Xiaoping was so amiable, without the "official tone" and "clichés" common to leaders' speeches, and that they were all very "grounded" in their hearts, everyone began to slowly let go of their inner fears and gradually spoke freely.

Two days before the meeting, they painfully exposed and criticized how serious the persecution of intellectuals by the "Gang of Four" was, and the real and bloody cases made everyone present move and cry.

During this process, Deng Xiaoping rarely interjected, he just sat quietly on the sofa, listening carefully to everyone's speeches, and from time to time recording something in his notebook.

Because the hearing in the left ear is not good, he often needs his daughter Deng Nan to repeat it in his ear to hear clearly, but from his face, everyone can't see any impatience, and always maintain calm and calm, maybe this is the courage of great people.

The conference lasted for five days, and on the third day, August 6, the theme of the meeting gradually shifted from criticism of the "Gang of Four" to the reform of the current education system.

According to a survey of 11 colleges and universities in Beijing in May 1972, the educational level of students before enrollment was: 20% of the students were above junior high school, 60% of the junior high school, and 20% of the students equivalent to the primary school level. Bringing these different levels of students together in a single classroom for university education has created great difficulties for educational organizations.

In this regard, the person in charge of the meeting on behalf of Tsinghua University had no choice but to speak, and now the cultural quality of tsinghua's new students is indeed too poor, and many students only have the primary school level and have to make up for the middle school curriculum.

The worried remarks made everyone present sigh helplessly, and Deng Xiaoping was also very angry in his heart, and he sternly answered: Then simply call it "Tsinghua Middle School", "Tsinghua Primary School", and what university!

It was like unveiling the last fig leaf, and everyone could no longer hide their anger, and they couldn't wait to say those heartfelt words to Deng Xiaoping.

Until this moment, under the influence of the atmosphere of the meeting, The silent Cha Quansheng also felt like he had a scale in his heart, and he understood what he should say, so he stood up violently and said to Deng Xiaoping with enthusiasm:

"Enrollment is the first pass to ensure the quality of university education, and its role is like the inspection of raw materials in factories, unqualified raw materials, it is impossible to produce qualified products." The quality of the current new students is not guaranteed, partly because the quality of education in primary and secondary schools is not high, and the main contradiction is the enrollment system. It is not that universities do not have qualified talents to recruit, but the current system cannot recruit qualified talents..."

In a word, the reform of the university recruitment system is already imminent.

"Professor Cha, you say, you go on." Sitting on the couch, Deng Xiaoping became deeply interested in Cha Quansheng's words, took a deep breath of his cigarette, leaned out half of his body, and said: "You all pay attention to his opinion, this advice is very important!" ”

In fact, the fierce attack of the current university recruitment system by Cha Quan is what everyone has always wanted to say but dare not say in their hearts, and they understand that the words of Cha Quan Are like opening a bow without turning back, and a big thing that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time is about to happen.

He first bitterly complained about several shortcomings of the current system, and then suggested to Deng Xiaoping that this year's college enrollment should not be delegated to the grass-roots level, and that the provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions should organize their own examinations and selection. This is also to restore the college entrance examination system of ten years ago.

Later, he also suggested to Deng Xiaoping that not only fresh high school graduates could apply for the exam, but those who had not attended high school but actually had a high level of Chinese could also apply for the exam...

As soon as the words were uttered, the seats were shocked.

Although everyone is aware that the admissions system needs to be reformed, no one has ever imagined that the reform will start from that year, and it is already August, and it is simply too late. The search for perfection is indeed dare to think and dare to say.

"What do you think about this?" Deng Xiaoping listened to the questioning around the four seats, and some of them nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, he turned his head and asked Liu Xiyao, then minister of education, that it was probably too late to change this year.

Then check the whole sex quickly interjected, it is too late, this year's enrollment would rather be two months late, otherwise more than 200,000 unqualified recruits, the waste can be even greater.

In this regard, Education Minister Liu Xiyao also responded to Deng Xiaoping and said that it was still too late to postpone enrollment for half a year.

After listening, Deng Xiaoping slowly moved his body, silently smoked a cigarette, did not say a word, and the scene of the meeting was suddenly quiet, and everyone looked at Deng Xiaoping nervously, as if waiting for a verdict.

A few minutes later, Deng Xiaoping looked up and straightened his chest, clapped his hands on the spot, and said: "Since everyone asks for it, then change it, and this year we will resume the college entrance examination!" ”

Although they had made psychological preparations in advance, when they heard Deng Xiaoping say these words, everyone was still in tears with excitement, and the audience resounded with endless warm applause, which was both a touch and an expectation for the future.

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

On October 3, 1977, Deng Xiaoping gave instructions on Liu Xiyao's request for instructions.

In less than two days, the whole city of Beijing heard about this explosive news, and a Xinhua reporter once found Zha Quansheng and said, "Teacher Cha, do you know that you threw a bombshell yesterday?" ”

Cha Quansheng later responded, "Not because I am particularly creative, but I have the opportunity to tell a few truths." And I dare to say it, mainly because I think it may solve the problem." When he said this, his tone seemed very ordinary.

Two months later, on October 12, Deng Xiaoping instructed the formulation of the "Opinions on the Enrollment of Colleges and Universities in 1977", which stipulated that the recommendation system should be abolished, cultural examinations should be resumed, and admissions should be selected on the basis of merit.

The exam hall, which has been closed for 11 years, is once again open, and an era of changing one's destiny through fair competition has finally returned!

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

▲1977 Hubei Province and Hunan Province College Entrance Examination Admission Ticket.

In the winter of 1977, more than 20 million people took the preliminary examination, and about 5.7 million people took the final examination, including 16-year-old high school graduates, 30-year-old youth, and even many parents and children walked into the examination room together.

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

Young people who took the entrance examination for higher education in Beijing in 1977 are answering the questions seriously.

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

▲ At the college entrance examination registration point in 1977, it is often seen that older examinees drag their children and daughters to register

In the face of this sudden surge of a large number of candidates, a little-known detail was added that China, which was suffering from the planned economy at that time, did not have enough paper to print examination papers, and in desperation, the Party Central Committee decided to urgently borrow paper from the fifth volume of the "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" to finally solve the urgent need at that time.

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

▲In 1977, the scene of reading the papers after the resumption of college entrance examination enrollment.

He was the first person to announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, and the fate of 20 million people has since been reversed

▲ In the spring of 1978, Peking University ushered in the first batch of new students admitted after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

In 1977, the college entrance examination was resumed, and after this battle, the fate of countless people has changed dramatically since then...

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