
Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

I want to eat it, I do it, and the ingredients are very simple, that is, tired, because of myself and noodles.

By hi quiet

Pork belly 50g

Wet shiitake mushrooms 3 beaten

One tablespoon of oyster sauce

Salt to taste

Thirteen spices A small spoonful

Flour Can be bought directly from the skin of the dumplings

A little cold water

1 egg

Half an onion

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

1: Finely chop shiitake mushrooms and onions, and put two peppers if you like spicy ones

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

2, the pot of oil to fry the onion without moisture If you add meat, separate the pork belly fat and lean, first fry the fat meat to fry the oil, then fry the lean meat, stir-fry the incense and then put the onion to fry like this

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

3: Add shiitake peppers and stir-fry, put a tablespoon of oil, a small spoon of salt, a small spoon of thirteen spices. Add some water to make it feel like soup, and the bibimbap will be mixed.

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

4: Soak glutinous rice overnight in advance and steam overnight in water

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

5: Mix the sauce and steamed glutinous rice evenly, you can rub it into a large ball in advance. Mixed rice can be eaten directly, you can try the taste, do not put some spices outside.

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

6, yourself and flour, an egg, water

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

7, pack a package pinch a pinch.

Tell you 3 tips, you can also make a plate of authentic fresh mushroom roast at home

8, do a good job, like frozen dumplings frozen in the refrigerator, to eat when you take it out and steam. The dough skin cannot be too thin, and the glutinous rice cannot be steamed too soft and thin, otherwise the steamer will collapse as soon as it is steamed.

The taste is very good, and the seasoning can be put a little heavier, because the glutinous rice has no taste.

1. Supplement protein

Pork provides humans with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids. Pork provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption, and can improve iron deficiency anemia.

2. Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood

Pork tastes sweet and salty, flat in nature, into the spleen, stomach, kidney meridians; Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and moisten the dry; Indications for the treatment of fever and injury, thirst quenching, weak kidney, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, yin, dryness, liver yin, moisturizing skin, two stools and quenching thirst.

3. Moisturizing

Pork boiled soup can be urgently replenished due to insufficient liquid caused by irritability, dry cough, constipation and dystocia.

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